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Telefragging - Printable Version

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Telefragging - divVerent - 08-27-2010

Do you like telefragging? Do you like getting telefragged?

Telefragging is killing another player by teleporting directly on the place where he is currently standing, because he was unlucky enough to stand at the teleporter destination right when you teleported.

Some like it, some hate it. Some lost clan matches because of it, but some got the flag carrier by telefragging in the last second.

Basically: should we keep the telefrag feature? Is telefrag a spawn of Good or of Evil?

RE: Telefragging - ernov - 08-27-2010

Bad thing is that democracy ;-) (just kidding)

Thx for the poll, divVerent, and the discussion on IRC. It gave me some new points of view but still I'm defending my own.
As you know from IRC: I dislike telefragging very much. Why? You can't avoid that. It's certain death on Nexuiz. And being telefragged by teammate is really annoying. Why teammate, why enemymate? Why at all? I don't understand as this "feature" doesn't allow you to control gameplay - teleport targets are mostly where you can't see them from the place where you are, so teleporting is a lottery to frag someone, so - it doesn't serve a purpose. And I think in the games like Nexuiz there is already big amount of lottery, that adding more isn't getting things interesting. I never saw a player giving thx for telefragging him or saying "gg" after that. Things that are on purpose are more interesting.
Well, telefrag isn't that harmful on DM, where you can be happy of every frag, but still, this can't be controlled. It even shouldn't be controlled as gameplay is to fast to think of going through teleport or not.

So, I think telefrag is serving no purpose at all. Please remove it.

RE: Telefragging - Roanoke - 08-27-2010

Voted to prevent teamfragging. Telefragging keeps the gameplay fast, in a sense - you can't stop and smell the roses.

RE: Telefragging - SillyWriter - 08-27-2010

Telefragging is great, but I think there should be a way for each server to create a setting specifying whether or not it should be allowed to happen. Some like it and some don't.. I hate it in CTF when a teammate telefrags me, but also I try to not be the dumbass camping right at my teleport area.
I voted for option 3 because it IS a lottery, as ernov said... but since it can't be controlled/used tactically, I don't think it should affect you or your team in a negative way.

RE: Telefragging - clanclanclan - 08-27-2010

I like telefragging for that little bit of variation it adds to gameplay, but I think the telefragging teamfrag settings should be inherited from the normal teamfrag settings (ie. if teamfrags are effectively disabled, so too is team-telefragging, but if teamfrags are enabled with, say, 50% of the damage, teammates should lose 50% health from a telefrag. And if it's a 100%, well, yeah).

I've used telefrags quite effectively at times on Hydronex, Facing Worlds and Gasolinepowered (not to mention Final Rage Big Grin). It's handy to be able to keep walking backwards through the teleporter to evade and occasionally kill enemies Cool

RE: Telefragging - AnArKiSt - 08-27-2010

I like telefragging, adds a suspenseful feeling when you pass over a portal destination. It also can be used tactically, as posters above myself have mentioned.

I have unintentionally telefragged my own FC a few times, and that's never a good thing. For that reason I vote to keep telefrags, but only against enemies.

RE: Telefragging - MintOX - 08-27-2010

Telefragging is JUST like abortion. You are killing something before it has a chance to gauge the reality that surrounds it. Telefraggers are nothing more than baby killers. BABY KILLERS!

RE: Telefragging - AnArKiSt - 08-28-2010

Life sucks.

Abortion doctors do those babies a good service. So do telefraggers to their victims.

RE: Telefragging - kuniu the frogg - 08-28-2010

i wouldn't compare telefragging to abortion, but, as opposed to abortion, i would keep telegragging. And also with possibility to kill your teammates. I agree with clanclanclan, about "that little bit of variation it adds to gameplay".

and don't mix abortion with this game please... Smile

RE: Telefragging - PinkRobot - 08-28-2010

People lose matches by falling down, being hit by a stray rocket from a teammate, by a monster coming up from the void, etc. What makes telefragging so different?

RE: Telefragging - naryl - 08-28-2010

My vote: Keep telefragging but make friendlyfire setting affect it.

RE: Telefragging - clanclanclan - 08-28-2010

kuniu the frogg Wrote:and don't mix abortion with this game please...


That discussion can only end badly :S

RE: Telefragging - FruitieX - 08-28-2010

(08-28-2010, 02:56 AM)naryl Wrote: My vote: Keep telefragging but make friendlyfire setting affect it.

+1 voted for this too.
Also I think teles should have a minimum speed cap on the player so you can't hold backwards in a two-way tele and repeatedly teleport back and forth, this is very frustrating.

Edit: Hmm, though this means you'll occasionally end up inside your teammate. What could be interesting is a setting where teammates don't collide with each other, as in Team Fortress 2 for example. Also, if friendly fire is off then teammates' weapons shouldn't have any effect on other teammates in terms of force and such.

RE: Telefragging - Mr. Bougo - 08-28-2010

I'm all for telefragging, and it's always fun to get telefragged by a teammate by accident! It's rare enough, I see no reason to prevent it...

(08-28-2010, 04:06 AM)FruitieX Wrote: Edit: Hmm, though this means you'll occasionally end up inside your teammate. What could be interesting is a setting where teammates don't collide with each other, as in Team Fortress 2 for example. Also, if friendly fire is off then teammates' weapons shouldn't have any effect on other teammates in terms of force and such.

That would encourage thoughtless attacks and weapon spam D:

RE: Telefragging - kojn^ - 08-28-2010

+1 for telefragging, but perhaps not your own team-mates Smile

RE: Telefragging - vede - 08-28-2010

When I am telefragged, I just get frustrated and disappointed.

As a result, when I telefrag someone, I feel like a dick.

When I telefrag a teammate, I feel even worse.

I don't like telefragging.

RE: Telefragging - unfa - 08-31-2010

When I telefrag someone I fell lucky.
When I get telefragged I feel like laughing.
When I telefrag a teammate... well... I have never did so...
When I die in a stupid way I just go go go...

I have a suggestion about telefragging: maybe when friendly fire is off, telefragging a teammate should result in him flying forward at high speed instead of loosing health? I mean: spawning one player inside another just can't be happening. Someting has to prevent it from occuring. Maybe nice linear velocity?

RE: Telefragging - nowego4 - 08-31-2010

I voted for telefragging enemies but not friendlies.

So when a teammate comes through, maybe it should pop the idler strait up?

RE: Telefragging - Bundy - 09-07-2010

Telefragging an enemy is luck or skill. Telefragging a teammate is bad communication.

I Heart telefragging ... ok not always, but I dont want to miss it

RE: Telefragging - rainerzufalldererste - 09-07-2010

@bundy: yeah... it's written on your sign:
bundy's sign Wrote:SHOOT ME

You like it to get shot! Wink
...if they pay for it Tongue

RE: Telefragging - Dokujisan - 09-08-2010

I've never liked the idea of telefragging. I've expressed that dislike before on the AT forum with nexuiz.

I think telefragging originally existed because it was easier for the programmers to pull off. Then everyone just got used to that idea. I think it would be best to come up with alternatives.

I always wished there was an option to have someone get bumped out of the way (as if they were lasered) instead of killed from someone teleporting into the same spot.

RE: Telefragging - Mr. Bougo - 09-08-2010

Telefragging makes complete sense, even if you're not considering the code aspects. Much more sense than shifting the position of the person who's getting another person materialized inside of them.

RE: Telefragging - naryl - 09-08-2010

(09-08-2010, 08:03 AM)Mr. Bougo Wrote: Telefragging makes complete sense, even if you're not considering the code aspects. Much more sense than shifting the position of the person who's getting another person materialized inside of them.

Trying to justify a piece of *realism* in Xonotic again? Wink

RE: Telefragging - Rage_ATWM - 09-09-2010

I voted against.

Telefragging is highly random, so hardly justifiable.
Some of you seem to like this randomness. Why not.
But I just don't. Smile

Agree with Dokujisan: it must be possible to find alternatives with reasonnable development efforts.

RE: Telefragging - Mr. Bougo - 09-09-2010

(09-08-2010, 12:54 PM)naryl Wrote:
(09-08-2010, 08:03 AM)Mr. Bougo Wrote: Telefragging makes complete sense, even if you're not considering the code aspects. Much more sense than shifting the position of the person who's getting another person materialized inside of them.

Trying to justify a piece of *realism* in Xonotic again? Wink

Hey, it's not all black or white! Xonotic has gravity, and... uh... also gravity... and... dammit.

Seriously though: to me, intersecting players intuitively leads to death.