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Favourite Gamemode? - Printable Version

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Favourite Gamemode? - Mirio - 01-01-2011

I just want to know which are the favourite gamemodes of the forums user, also when I consider future tourneys.

Deathmatch (DM): Simple free for all deathmatch.

Team Deathmatch (TDM): Obviously 2 teams fighting like hell!

Capture The Flag (CTF): 2 Teams, goal if to steal the other teams flag and bring it home to the own flag.

Last Man Standing (LMS): DM, everyone starts with the same amount of lives, if you run out of them you are out and have to spectate - "Last man standing" wins.

Arena: Short DM duels, while the winner always stays.

Clan Arena (CA): Basically 'Team Last Man Standing' ; once you die you have to spectate. 1 Team wins if the other team is 100% dead.

Key Hunt (KH): 2-3 Teams , every team starts with 1 Key - goal is to get all keys to score.

Domination (DOM): Several controlpoints placed around the map, walk over them to control them - each 5 seconds you get points.

Assault (AS): 1 Team has to attack and destroy objects and the other team has to defend their objects. Once the last main object is destroyed teams will switch their roles (-> Attackers have to defend now).

Infection: Formely known as "Tag". DM, everyone starts with his own color, if you 'frag' someone he gets your color. 1 round runs until everyone got the same color.

Freezetag: TDM, if you 'frag' someone he will be frozen in an ice cube. You can revive your teammates by standing close to them for some time. Goal is to freeze the other team.

Keepaway: DM. There is a Ball and you have to pick it up - otherwise your frags won't count (-> frags only count while holding the Ball). Also you get faster and stronger with the Ball.

Onslaught (ONS): 2 Teams,DM. You have to control controlpoints to destroy the other teams generator and to win.

Race: Simple time trial. You just run around a map.

Race CTS: 'Complete The Stage', a bit harder and you 'only' have to reach the finish. Physics are a little bit different here.

Nexball: 2 Teams, like football/soccer, you just try to push the Ball into the enemys goal.

Multiple choice, because I guess everyone got more favourite gamemodes.
Also you can test all modes at the "[NL] balance server".
And yes, I left stuff like "1v1 DM" or Minsta out on purpose. Tongue

RE: Favourite Gamemode? - kuniu the frogg - 01-01-2011

when i'm playing Xonotic, most of the time on balance test server, peoplevery very often vote for freezetag. They're playing freezetag all the time!! So many gamemodes out there and when i'm online they're playing only freezetag. Don't get me wrong, freezetag is really cool (it will have my vote in this pool for sure), but i would like to try some other stuff too and that's why i'm not going to vote now. Not yet.

RE: Favourite Gamemode? - nowego4 - 01-01-2011

Can't play Infection locally on GIT yet, I'll have to try it on [NL] server later and then vote.

RE: Favourite Gamemode? - Akari - 01-01-2011

CTF and Freezetag, combined with minsta+hook.

RE: Favourite Gamemode? - Samual - 01-01-2011

Usually I have Keepaway up on my server, but currently only CTF.

Although I suppose i'm biased since I coded Keepaway, I would say: CTF, Assault, Freezetag, Keepaway, and Keyhunt are my favorite game modes of Xonotic. Keyhunt really could use more play, it's actually really fun. Oh and I played Domination recently on Xonotic, that was pretty fun too.

RE: Favourite Gamemode? - Debugger - 01-01-2011

I totally agree with kuniu. Freezetag seems to be very popular.
I want to play other gamemodes more often, too^^
Nevertheless, freezetag got one of my votes Wink

RE: Favourite Gamemode? - freefang - 01-01-2011

Assault, Freezetag, Onslaught.

(Ctf would be up there as well if it was asked for Nexuiz, but for me most fun was chasing others or outrun/outmaneuver them. The movement just feels too rigid to do this nicely atm.)

RE: Favourite Gamemode? - Cortez666 - 01-01-2011

Mutually inexclusive polls are stupid

RE: Favourite Gamemode? - Spaceman - 01-01-2011

KeyHunt with lots of bots.

RE: Favourite Gamemode? - ThePWTULN - 01-02-2011

TDM, freezetag and CTS for me Smile

Looks like freezetag is a big hit!

RE: Favourite Gamemode? - ... - 01-02-2011


ive never played freezetag before :O

RE: Favourite Gamemode? - Apr0ph1z - 01-02-2011

Dm and Freezetag <3

RE: Favourite Gamemode? - Paake - 01-03-2011

I've always liked the good old CTF, but yeah, freezetag is literally cool.

RE: Favourite Gamemode? - kojn^ - 01-03-2011

TDM, DM, CTF, Assault and freezetag for me, freezetag get's played way too much at the moment and it get's a little bit boring after about 30 minutes, assault is pure awesome though can't wait for more new/awesome maps, same with DOM.

RE: Favourite Gamemode? - nowego4 - 01-03-2011

Domination FTW! Big Grin
Right now there's no dedicated server for it, and the votable ones are always full :'•(
vcall usa domination server

RE: Favourite Gamemode? - greasem0nkey - 01-03-2011

Freezetag is a fun team game(even though it's being overplayed). I also would love to see more maps made for assault. Perhaps a mapping contest could be started for it?

RE: Favourite Gamemode? - Samual - 01-03-2011

It's almost sad that I was the only vote for keepaway Tongue

Has no one played it yet or do you just not like it?!?! Sad

RE: Favourite Gamemode? - kojn^ - 01-03-2011

I think more maps will come in time, let's not forget were only at 0.1!

Also, we need DOM SPECIFIC map's please Smile how many DOM points should be on a map, 3 seem's like a good number, especially if you play 4v4/5v5 team-games in it.

RE: Favourite Gamemode? - nowego4 - 01-03-2011

Nexuiz maps had a lot of domination points, if they're in a loop you can just keep going around and around Tongue

Dieselpower was this way. I liked it.

I don't think DOM specific maps are necessary, the goal is to keep it like DM only orientate it around certain points and add speed. Although I'm certainly not going to be angry is someone makes one.

4v4 and 5v5 would be fun, but domination usually has more teams, like 3 or 4.

I liked it, but it's not a favorite. It would go along side DM.

RE: Favourite Gamemode? - kojn^ - 01-03-2011

I do think they are neccessary personally, DOM should have some strategy behind it, I guess i'm thinking from my UT background in playing DOMination in UT99/ut2003.

Well, I would like to see some specific maps for it though and not too many dom points.

Anyway nice thread Smile

RE: Favourite Gamemode? - tZork - 01-04-2011

I played some dom @ FruitieX's server a few days ago and to my great surprise (cant remember ever playing dom and liking it in nexuiz) had a rather GG. Best map in the rotation for it was stormkeep, iirc it had 3 or 4 dom points. It'd be interesting indeed to see some dedicated DOM maps.

RE: Favourite Gamemode? - PinkRobot - 01-04-2011

I guess FreezeTag is so popular because A. It's genuinely a lot of fun and B. It's new. Everyone should cherish its current popularity, as too many promising gamemodes never picked up any real steam and pretty much died out in Nexuiz. Although KeyHunt was damn popular for a long time and then all of a sudden the servers were empty... so it seems I am just rambling again.

Anyway, my solution for the balance issue was to stop using weapons to hurt other players altogether. Yes, it took 4 years and 3 months but now I am finally a true PB! So I voted for Race CTS and Nexball :-)

RE: Favourite Gamemode? - jacob - 01-04-2011

i dont think many people like testing out other stuff when things like freezetag are so fun and new, i like race cts freezetag and DM CTF, i remember race cts were a great game mode on nexuiz, and on xonotic aswell, hopefully people will start to test out other game modes, and i have to say getting a kill with a shotgun slap feels epic

RE: Favourite Gamemode? - Spaceman - 01-05-2011

(01-04-2011, 07:58 AM)PinkRobot Wrote: ...Although KeyHunt was damn popular for a long time and then all of a sudden the servers were empty...

Was this when The Nex became popular?

RE: Favourite Gamemode? - mepper[NoSkillsOnlyLuck] - 01-05-2011


Combined with Most Weapons and Jetpack, in the map ons-reborn.