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[SUGGESTION] Map naming convention - Printable Version

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Map naming convention - Roanoke - 03-27-2010

To encourage consistency, let's have a map naming convention.
<mapname>_v<version>r<revision>_<- separated gamemodes>
In use:
such map names could even be autogenerated in part (the last part is recorded in a file, no?). Also, automatching and easier categorization of maps. Here's a regex:
I think that's the optimal way to do it, though I may be wrong. Also, the last part will have to be updated depending on gamemode naming conventions (I abbreviated assault as "as").

What do you think?

RE: Map naming convention - DiaboliK - 03-27-2010

map names would be so long with that convention.

It just doesn't make sense to put the gamemode there. just having mapname_vr is fine
EDIT: also i believe there is reason it is done v1r2, so that the code can read the most recent map.pk3 without a problem.

RE: Map naming convention - Will - 03-28-2010

I don't know much about Quake mapping, but I'd wonder if you couldn't store all of that info in metadata and give a name for the player?

mapname_v1-1-2_ctf_dm_race.mapfiletype (I don't know what it is)

Metadata: (adjust for schema)
MAPNAME="Map Name";

On screen:
Map Name
For CTF, DM, Race

RE: Map naming convention - esteel - 03-28-2010

Too long map names due to gamemodes.. also the gamemodes ARE already specified inside the .mapinfo files. The server will only "use" it for the current mode if the map can handle it.
The version number however should be in the mapname as the automatic download CAN'T use the info from the mapinfo file.. So its already quite ok how things are done right now..

RE: Map naming convention - Roanoke - 03-28-2010

Yes, but the way things are done now lacks a common syntax. The naming is segmented. I see how gamemodes might make it longer, so we should scratch that. But a unified syntax for name and version would not be hard to do and would make voting maps easier ("is it fighter_bay? or is it fighter-bay? or maybe fighterbay?").

RE: Map naming convention - DiaboliK - 03-28-2010

There is a unified syntax for naming maps. If mappers don't follow it then its their own fault. If for instance I have fighterbay_v1r3 and fighterbay_v1r5 on my server and I vcall chmap fighterbay, it will automatically take me to the latest revision (fighterbay_v1r5). You can't really control how other mappers name their maps
EDIT: _ should be used for spaces but like I said mappers don't really follow a convention.

RE: Map naming convention - Alien - 03-28-2010

The convention is:

[mapname]_[version][revision].pk3 with correct .mapinfo inside. Gamemodes are listed inside .mapinfo so that we don't need to download any more files in addition to pk3. When maps are moved out of dlcache, they are classified according to their inside .mapinfo files.

You can use whatever naming scheme you like, but your map won't be accepted until you've fixed it. I don't remember mapinfo syntax right now, but somebody could post it here anyway.

RE: Map naming convention - esteel - 03-28-2010

there is also "lsmaps" iirc which shows a list of maps on the server.. and i think the reworked voting system actually can SHOW the maps grapihcally

RE: Map naming convention - Alien - 03-28-2010

In addition: http://alienTRAP.org/forum/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=2363&sid=4f8a9e06ada52255e98bdfa744ec6beb#p27330

RE: Map naming convention - Sepelio - 03-28-2010

At the moment I use mapname_vxry and it seems to work out well enough. Adding the game modes on the end would just be silly since the map will appear in game for the game modes and in the mapinfo.

RE: Map naming convention - EvilSpaceHamster - 03-28-2010

map naming convention? sure thats a good idea, anything that encourages professionalism and good practice is generally good, however this is not the optimum solution.

RE: Map naming convention - Alien - 03-30-2010

But please avoid using _ inside the name part.