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[NEED HELP] How to actually get vanilla darkplaces to work? - Printable Version

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+--- Thread: [NEED HELP] How to actually get vanilla darkplaces to work? (/showthread.php?tid=1897)

How to actually get vanilla darkplaces to work? - Minkovsky - 06-11-2011

I've downloaded DP off the official site, put ID1 and dpmod in there, as well as some working directories for some experiments. I then tried to run Quake 1 with it.

Nope. dp-glx quake doesn't work. Neither did dp-glx -basedir id1. Same old menu. Dpmod also failed. The structure of the directory is:
|-(rest of files from archive)

I'm using the no-pak version of Quake. But I think dpmod should respond.

How do I get it to work?

RE: How to actually get vanilla darkplaces to work? - divVerent - 06-13-2011

-game dpmod -quake

RE: How to actually get vanilla darkplaces to work? - Minkovsky - 06-13-2011

Right. Seems that I can run the starting demo now, but without the HUD. That's some progress. Now, how do I run other games supported by DP, assuming they're in the directory.