Git version server crashing - end user - 05-10-2013
Couple of things.
I didn't copy the console errors but twice the xonotic server crashed and had to be restarted.
Where is the server.log file located? I uncommented that line and named the file xonotic-server.log but its not being created. Is it suppose to be in the Xonotic dir or in my home dir?
RE: Git version server crashing - end user - 05-11-2013
Ok redid the git setup and now the server.log file is there. Don't know what happened will report back if it crashes again.
Ok so it played for a while and I believe its crashing on capturecity_xon map
Here part of the log file
Code: ^7Server spawned.
^7LHNET_Write: sendto returned error: Network is unreachable
^7Calling SV_ChangeTeam
^7Player^7 has changed from ^1Red Team^7^7 to ^4Blue Team^7
^7Calling SV_ChangeTeam
^7^7Player^4 connected
^7relink: 0 bots seen.
^7Player connected
^7^7Player^4 is now spectating
^7^7Player^4 is now playing
^7^7DeadDred^4 connected
^7relink: 0 bots seen.
^7DeadDred connected
^7^7DeadDred^4 is now spectating
^7^7DeadDred^4 is now playing
^7^1NOTE^7 to Player^7 - the server is running ^3Xonotic git (beta)^7, you have ^3Xonotic 0.6.0^1
^7^1NOTE^7 to DeadDred^7 - the server is running ^3Xonotic git (beta)^7, you have ^3Xonotic 0.6.0^1
^7^7DeadDred^7 got the ^1RED^7 flag
^7^7DeadDred^7 captured the ^1RED^7 flag
^7Spawning vehicle: Raptor
^7Spawning vehicle: Raptor
^7Spawning vehicle: Wakizashi
^7Spawning vehicle: Spiderbot
^7Spawning vehicle: Spiderbot
^7Spawning vehicle: Raptor
^7Spawning vehicle: Spiderbot
^7Spawning vehicle: Spiderbot
^7Spawning vehicle: Raptor
^7Spawning vehicle: Spiderbot
^7^7DeadDred^1 got caught in the blast when ^7Player^1's Raptor exploded, ending their 2 frag spree
^7^7Player^1 picked up a Superweapon
^7^7Player^7 got the ^4BLUE^7 flag
^7Spawning vehicle: Raptor
^7Spawning vehicle: Wakizashi
^7^7DeadDred^7 got the ^1RED^7 flag
^7LHNET_Write: sendto returned error: Network is unreachable
^7^7DeadDred^1 was cluster bombed by ^7Player^1's Raptor, ending their 2 frag spree
^7^7DeadDred^7 lost the ^1RED^7 flag
^7^7Player^7 returned the ^1RED^7 flag
^7^7Player^7 captured the ^4BLUE^7 flag
^7^7DeadDred^7 got the ^1RED^7 flag
^7^7DeadDred^7 captured the ^1RED^7 flag
^7^7DeadDred^1 shot themself to hell with their Laser, losing their 2 frag spree
^7^7Player^7 got the ^4BLUE^7 flag
^7Spawning vehicle: Raptor
^7^7Player^7 captured the ^4BLUE^7 flag
^7LHNET_Write: sendto returned error: Network is unreachable
^7^7DeadDred^7 got the ^1RED^7 flag
^7^7DeadDred^7 captured the ^1RED^7 flag
^7EntityFrame5_WriteFrame: packetlog overflow for a client, resetting
^7Spawning vehicle: Raptor
^7Spawning vehicle: Raptor
^7^7DeadDred^7 got the ^1RED^7 flag
^7Spawning vehicle: Raptor
^7Unstuck player entity 1213 (classname "vehicle_spiderbot") with offset 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000.
^7Spawning vehicle: Raptor
^7Spawning vehicle: Spiderbot
^7LHNET_Write: sendto returned error: Network is unreachable
^7Spawning vehicle: Raptor
^7Spawning vehicle: Spiderbot
^7Spawning vehicle: Spiderbot
^7Spawning vehicle: Raptor
^7Unstuck player entity 1225 (classname "vehicle_spiderbot") with offset 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000.
^7Unstuck player entity 1225 (classname "vehicle_spiderbot") with offset 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000.
^7Client connected
^7sending csqc info to client ("csprogs.dat" with size 1742877 and crc 53198)
^7^7Player^1 was blasted to bits by ^7DeadDred^1's Spiderbot, ending their 2 frag spree
^7Calling SV_ChangeTeam
^7LHNET_Write: sendto returned error: Network is unreachable
^7Spawning vehicle: Wakizashi
^7Client "маx супер" connection timed out
^7Client "маx супер" dropped
^7LHNET_Write: sendto returned error: Network is unreachable
^7Unstuck player entity 1229 (classname "vehicle_spiderbot") with offset 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000.
^7Spawning vehicle: Raptor
^7^7Player^7 got the ^4BLUE^7 flag
^7Spawning vehicle: Spiderbot
^7Client connected
^7Authenticated connection to has been established: client is RlBCwmfJ6H/u7QlxPcG99iZLnhCvRJSnFhOpxFuhHoM=@Xon//Ks, I am 5M9Arq0@Xon//Ks
^7sending csqc info to client ("csprogs.dat" with size 1742877 and crc 53198)
^7Calling SV_ChangeTeam
^7Downloading csprogs.dat to SoldierLT
^7Unstuck player entity 1225 (classname "vehicle_spiderbot") with offset 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000.
^7Download of csprogs.dat by SoldierLT has finished
^7Unstuck player entity 1225 (classname "vehicle_spiderbot") with offset 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000.
^7^7SoldierLT^4 connected
^7relink: 0 bots seen.
^7SoldierLT connected
^7^7SoldierLT^4 is now spectating
^7^7SoldierLT^4 is now playing
^7LHNET_Write: sendto returned error: Network is unreachable
^7Spawning vehicle: Wakizashi
^7^1NOTE^7 to SoldierLT^7 - the server is running ^3Xonotic git (beta)^7, you have ^3Xonotic 0.6.0^1
^7Spawning vehicle: Raptor
^7Unstuck player entity 1225 (classname "vehicle_spiderbot") with offset 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000.
^7A hit from a projectile happened with no hit contents! DEBUG THIS, this should never happen for projectiles! Profectile will self-destruct. (edict: 1410, classname: spiderbot_rocket, origin: '-2487.0 -231.0 574.2')
^7Odd... did not hit...?
^7Odd... did not hit...?
^7A hit from a projectile happened with no hit contents! DEBUG THIS, this should never happen for projectiles! Profectile will self-destruct. (edict: 1369, classname: spiderbot_rocket, origin: '-2756.1 -304.1 496.8')
^7Odd... did not hit...?
^7Spawning vehicle: Spiderbot
^7Odd... did not hit...?
^7Unstuck player entity 1225 (classname "vehicle_spiderbot") with offset 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000.
^7Unstuck player entity 1225 (classname "vehicle_spiderbot") with offset 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000.
^7Unstuck player entity 1225 (classname "vehicle_spiderbot") with offset 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000.
^7^7DeadDred^1 got shredded by ^7Player^1's Spiderbot, ending their 2 frag spree
^7^7DeadDred^7 lost the ^1RED^7 flag
^7^7Player^7 returned the ^1RED^7 flag
^7Unstuck player entity 1225 (classname "vehicle_spiderbot") with offset 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000.
^7Unstuck player entity 1225 (classname "vehicle_spiderbot") with offset 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000.
^7^7DeadDred^7 got the ^1RED^7 flag
^7LHNET_Write: sendto returned error: Network is unreachable
^7^7SoldierLT^1 got caught in the blast of a Raptor explosion, losing their 2 frag spree
^7^7DeadDred^1 was pummeled by ^7Player^1's Hagar rockets, ending their 2 frag spree
^7^7DeadDred^7 lost the ^1RED^7 flag
^7Spawning vehicle: Spiderbot
^7^7Player^7 returned the ^1RED^7 flag
^7^7Player^1 picked up a Superweapon
^7^7DeadDred^7 got the ^1RED^7 flag
^7Spawning vehicle: Raptor
^7^7Player^1 was riddled full of holes by ^7DeadDred^1's Machine Gun, ending their 2 frag spree
^7^7Player^7 lost the ^4BLUE^7 flag
^7^7DeadDred^7 returned the ^4BLUE^7 flag
^7^7DeadDred^7 captured the ^1RED^7 flag
^7^7DeadDred^1 got too close to ^7Player^1's Electro plasma, ending their 2 frag spree
^7^7SoldierLT^7 got the ^4BLUE^7 flag
^7LHNET_Write: sendto returned error: Network is unreachable
^7Spawning vehicle: Wakizashi
^7^7DeadDred^7 got the ^1RED^7 flag
^7^7SoldierLT^1 was blasted to bits by ^7DeadDred^1's Spiderbot, ending their 2 frag spree
^7^7SoldierLT^7 lost the ^4BLUE^7 flag
^7^7SoldierLT^7 got the ^4BLUE^7 flag
^7pickup_dropped_score is 1
^7Spawning vehicle: Wakizashi
^7Spawning vehicle: Raptor
^7Spawning vehicle: Spiderbot
^7Client connected
^7Authenticated connection to has been established: client is f2WJcnzO5EXrbW89YRwayvfQairgntMvhRq93j5XCB4=@Xon//Ks, I am 5M9Arq0@Xon//Ks
^7sending csqc info to client ("csprogs.dat" with size 1742877 and crc 53198)
^7Calling SV_ChangeTeam
^7Downloading csprogs.dat to ^x02C^7
^7^7Player^1 was blasted to bits by ^7DeadDred^1's Spiderbot, ending their 2 frag spree
^7LHNET_Write: sendto returned error: Network is unreachable
^7Download of csprogs.dat by ^x02C^7 has finished
^7^7SoldierLT^1 got caught in the blast of a Raptor explosion, losing their 2 frag spree
^7--- CUT HERE ---
^7WARNING: Adding score to unknown player!
^7VM_remove: tried to remove the null entity or a reserved entity!
^7s69246: miscfunctions.qc:1543: ^6FIELD_S GLOBAL27864, classname (=.classname), GLOBAL27846
^7s69247: miscfunctions.qc:1543: ^2EQ_S GLOBAL27846, GLOBAL20561, GLOBAL27846
^7s69248: miscfunctions.qc:1543: ^5IFNOT GLOBAL27846, statement 69251
^7s69249: miscfunctions.qc:1544: STORE_S GLOBAL20562, GLOBAL4
^7s69250: miscfunctions.qc:1544: ^3CALL1 error (=error())
^7s69251: miscfunctions.qc:1545: STORE_ENT GLOBAL27864, GLOBAL4
^7s69252: miscfunctions.qc:1545: ^3CALL1 builtin_remove (=builtin_remove())
^7miscfunctions.qc:1545 : remove_unsafely : statement 6
^7../common/util.qc:2525 : backtrace : statement 19
^7 scores.qc:341 : PlayerScore_Add : statement 44
^7 scores.qc:355 : PlayerTeamScore_Add : statement 3
^7mutators/gamemode_ctf.qc:1785 : HOOKFUNCTION_ctf_PlayerDies : statement 15
^7mutators/base.qc:89 : CallbackChain_Call : statement 6
^7cl_player.qc:582 : PlayerDamage : statement 303
^7 g_damage.qc:800 : Damage : statement 137
^7 g_damage.qc:1027 : RadiusDamage : statement 297
^7 raptor.qc:693 : raptor_blowup : statement 14
^7--- CUT UNTIL HERE ---
^7======server ERROR in TeamScore_AddToTeam:
^7Adding score to invalid team!
^7server EDICT 3:
^7modelindex 64
^7absmin '431 1719 2855.03125'
^7absmax '465 1753 2926.03125'
^7movetype 3
^7solid 3
^7origin '448 1736 2880.03125'
^7oldorigin '544.085388 1828.50122 2930.95264'
^7velocity '-0.624067545 -70.4235306 769.867737'
^7classname player
^7model models/player/megaerebus.iqm
^7mins '-16 -16 -24'
^7maxs '16 16 45'
^7size '32 32 69'
^7weapon 14
^7ammo_shells 14
^7ammo_nails 320
^7ammo_rockets 160
^7ammo_cells 180
^7items 428032
^7takedamage 2
^7chain entity 2
^7view_ofs '0 0 35'
^7button2 1
^7v_angle '3.46861744 -310.89856 0'
^7netname SoldierLT
^7flags 4104
^7colormap 3
^7team 5
^7watertype -1
^7dmg_take 90.0672226
^7dmg_save 1
^7dmg_inflictor entity 1245
^7alpha 1
^7clientcolors 68
^7ping 99.9755859
^7movement '0 0 56.6666107'
^7clientstatus 0
^7dphitcontentsmask 289
^7playermodel models/player/megaerebus.iqm
^7playerskin 0
^7cursor_trace_start '501.839172 1704.2749 2913.27417'
^7cursor_trace_endpos '-2714.63184 -3839.96851 1900.83203'
^7crypto_keyfp Xon//KssdlzGkFKdnnN4sgg8H+koTbBn5JTi37BAW1Q=
^7crypto_mykeyfp Xon//KssdlzGkFKdnnN4sgg8H+koTbBn5JTi37BAW1Q=
^7crypto_idfp RlBCwmfJ6H/u7QlxPcG99iZLnhCvRJSnFhOpxFuhHoM=
^7crypto_signmethod HMAC-SHA256
^7WarpZone_findradius_nearest '448 1736 2915.03125'
^7WarpZone_findradius_findorigin '448 1736 2915.03125'
^7WarpZone_findradius_findradius 266
^7_WS_weapons 8743
^7anim_time 912.599243
^7anim_lower_action -1
^7anim_lower_time 996.065796
^7anim_upper_action 2
^7anim_upper_time 999.732483
^7anim_implicit_state 1
^7anim_implicit_time 999.299133
^7anim_lower_implicit_action -1
^7anim_lower_implicit_time 988.099182
^7totalfrags -2
^7event_damage PlayerDamage()
^7speed 360
^7pain_finished 1000.23248
^7statdraintime 917.599243
^7cnt 10
^7play_time 741.540283
^7fade_rate 1
^7anim_idle '7 1 0.121951222'
^7damageforcescale 2
^7dmg 2
^7air_finished 1009.63251
^7iscreature 1
^7damagedbycontents 1
^7teleportable 1
^7oldvelocity '-0.624067545 -70.4235306 769.867737'
^7pauseregen_finished 1004.73248
^7pauserothealth_finished 973.932495
^7pauserotarmor_finished 977.199158
^7pauserotfuel_finished 922.599243
^7weaponentity entity 1285
^7exteriorweaponentity entity 1360
^7weaponentity_glowmod '2 0 0'
^7switchweapon 14
^7switchingweapon 14
^7weaponname hlac
^7autoswitch 1
^7weapon_nextthink 1000950.25
^7weapon_think w_ready()
^7version 600
^7nextstep 988.40332
^7spectatortime 623.432861
^7jointime 623.432861
^7spawnshieldtime 913.599243
^7flagcarried entity 952
^7playerid 3
^7spawnorigin '-3712 2688 89'
^7death_origin '448 1736 2880.03125'
^7cvar_cl_handicap 1
^7cvar_cl_clippedspectating 1
^7cvar_cl_autoscreenshot 1
^7cvar_g_xonoticversion 0.6.0
^7cvar_cl_weaponpriority 12 8 17 4 3 9 16 6 10 7 5 2 14 15 1 11 18 13
^7cvar_cl_weaponpriorities 10 4 9 18 17
^7cvar_cl_weaponpriorities[1] 12 8 7 14 6 1
^7cvar_cl_weaponpriorities[2] 12 8 16
^7cvar_cl_weaponpriorities[3] 12 8 16 3 2
^7cvar_cl_weaponpriorities[4] 4 5 14 9 7 18 2
^7cvar_cl_weaponpriorities[5] 1 13 11
^7cvar_cl_gunalign 3
^7weaponorder_byimpulse 11 13 17 10 9 18 12 8 16 7 14 6 4 5 3 2 15 1
^7cvar_cl_allow_uid2name 1
^7cvar_cl_allow_uidtracking 1
^7jumppadcount 5
^7jumppadsused entity 705
^7jumppadsused[1] entity 709
^7jumppadsused[2] entity 703
^7respawn_countdown -1
^7attack_finished_for 945.199219
^7attack_finished_for[1] 921.232544
^7parm_idlesince 997.632507
^7SendFlags 4096
^7SendEntity CSQCModel_Send()
^7playersound_death sound/player/soldier/player/death 3
^7playersound_drown sound/player/soldier/player/drown 0
^7playersound_fall sound/player/soldier/player/fall 0
^7playersound_falling sound/player/soldier/player/falling 0
^7playersound_gasp sound/player/soldier/player/gasp 0
^7playersound_jump sound/player/soldier/player/jump 0
^7playersound_pain100 sound/player/soldier/player/pain100 0
^7playersound_pain25 sound/player/soldier/player/pain25 0
^7playersound_pain50 sound/player/soldier/player/pain50 0
^7playersound_pain75 sound/player/soldier/player/pain75 0
^7playersound_attack sound/player/soldier/coms/attack 0
^7playersound_attackinfive sound/player/soldier/coms/attackinfive 0
^7playersound_coverme sound/player/soldier/coms/coverme 0
^7playersound_defend sound/player/soldier/coms/defend 0
^7playersound_freelance sound/player/soldier/coms/freelance 2
^7playersound_incoming sound/player/soldier/coms/incoming 0
^7playersound_meet sound/player/soldier/coms/meet 0
^7playersound_needhelp sound/player/soldier/coms/needhelp 2
^7playersound_seenflag sound/player/soldier/coms/seenflag 0
^7playersound_taunt sound/player/soldier/coms/taunt 3
^7playersound_teamshoot sound/player/soldier/coms/teamshoot 3
^7cvar_cl_voice_directional 1
^7cvar_cl_voice_directional_taunt_attenuation 0.5
^7pressedkeys 16
^7stat_game_starttime 16
^7stat_sv_airaccel_qw -0.800000012
^7stat_sv_airstrafeaccel_qw -0.949999988
^7stat_sv_airspeedlimit_nonqw 800
^7stat_sv_maxspeed 360
^7wasplayer 1
^7prevorigin '448 1736 2912.03125'
^7stat_shotorg 4482144
^7hitplotfh -1
^7last_pickup 986.932495
^7typehit_time 802.732666
^7current_ammo .ammo_cells
^7weapon_load[1] -1
^7weapon_load[3] 60
^7weapon_load[16] 80
^7nex_charge 0.5
^7clientdata entity 1329
^7selectweapon 14
^7ballistics_density 0.5
^7wps_flagcarrier entity 1371
^7wps_enemyflagcarrier entity 1346
^7wps_helpme_time 999.732483
^7throw_antispam 912.565918
^7vehicle_health 100
^7vehicle_energy 50.8332596
^7vehicle_shield 100
^7vehicle_reload2 41.3330078
^7allowed_timeouts 2
^7cmd_floodtime 623.732849
^7cmd_floodcount 1
^7csqcmodel_modelindex 64
^7csqcmodel_colormap 3
^7csqcmodel_anim_time 912.599243
^7csqcmodel_anim_upper_action 2
^7csqcmodel_anim_upper_time 986.232483
^7race_movetime 213.286133
^7race_movetime_frac 0.286126614
^7race_movetime_count 213
^7nextplayer entity 2
^7bot_attack 1
^7lastteleporttime 964.96582
^7teamkill_complain 807.732666
^7teamkill_soundsource entity 1
^7pusher entity 2
^7fire_endtime -1
^7restart_jump -1
^7lastflags 4104
^7lastground 988.099182
^7wasFlying 1
^7spectatorspeed 1.5
^7multijump_count -2
^7v_angle_old '33.1347656 -149.661255 0'
^7lastclassname player
^7specialcommand_pos 1
^7latency_sum 3269.65332
^7latency_cnt 34
^7latency_time 997.082825
^7weapon_frametime 0.0333333015
^7prevstrengthsoundattempt 944.499207
^7hasweapon_complain_spam 950.065857
^7reload_time 2
^7reload_sound weapons/reload.wav
^7shotgun_primarytime 921.782532
^7electro_secondarytime 912.599243
^7rl_release 1
^7hook_refire 912.599243
^7rifle_accumulator 912.599243
^7fireball_primarytime 912.599243
^7entcs entity 1338
^7accuracy entity 1330
^7modelindex_for_playersound 64
^7netname_previous SoldierLT
^7model_randomizer 0.715130091
^7antilag_origins '448 1736 2880.03125'
^7antilag_origins[1] '448 1736 2880.03125'
^7antilag_origins[2] '448 1736 2880.03125'
^7antilag_origins[3] '448 1736 2880.03125'
^7antilag_origins[4] '448 1736 2880.03125'
^7antilag_origins[5] '448 1736 2880.03125'
^7antilag_origins[6] '448 1736 2880.03125'
^7antilag_origins[7] '448 1736 2880.03125'
^7antilag_origins[8] '448 1736 2880.03125'
^7antilag_origins[9] '448 1736 2880.03125'
^7antilag_origins[10] '448 1736 2880.03125'
^7antilag_origins[11] '448 1736 2880.03125'
^7antilag_origins[12] '448 1736 2880.03125'
^7antilag_origins[13] '448 1736 2880.03125'
^7antilag_origins[14] '448 1736 2880.03125'
^7antilag_origins[15] '448 1736 2880.03125'
^7antilag_origins[16] '448 1736 2880.03125'
^7antilag_origins[17] '448 1736 2880.03125'
^7antilag_origins[18] '448 1736 2880.03125'
^7antilag_origins[19] '448 1736 2880.03125'
^7antilag_origins[20] '448 1736 2880.03125'
^7antilag_origins[21] '448 1736 2880.03125'
^7antilag_origins[22] '448 1736 2880.03125'
^7antilag_origins[23] '448 1736 2880.03125'
^7antilag_origins[24] '448 1736 2880.03125'
^7antilag_origins[25] '448 1736 2880.03125'
^7antilag_origins[26] '448 1736 2880.03125'
^7antilag_origins[27] '448 1736 2880.03125'
^7antilag_origins[28] '448 1736 2880.03125'
^7antilag_origins[29] '448 1736 2880.03125'
^7antilag_origins[30] '448 1736 2880.03125'
^7antilag_origins[31] '448 1736 2880.03125'
^7antilag_origins[32] '448 1736 2880.03125'
^7antilag_origins[33] '448 1736 2880.03125'
^7antilag_origins[34] '448 1736 2880.03125'
^7antilag_origins[35] '448 1736 2880.03125'
^7antilag_origins[36] '448 1736 2880.03125'
^7antilag_origins[37] '448 1736 2880.03125'
^7antilag_origins[38] '448 1736 2880.03125'
^7antilag_origins[39] '448 1736 2880.03125'
^7antilag_origins[40] '448 1736 2880.03125'
^7antilag_origins[41] '448 1736 2880.03125'
^7antilag_origins[42] '448 1736 2880.03125'
^7antilag_origins[43] '448 1736 2880.03125'
^7antilag_origins[44] '448 1736 2880.03125'
^7antilag_origins[45] '448 1736 2880.03125'
^7antilag_origins[46] '448 1736 2880.03125'
^7antilag_origins[47] '448 1736 2880.03125'
^7antilag_origins[48] '448 1736 2880.03125'
^7antilag_origins[49] '448 1736 2880.03125'
^7antilag_origins[50] '448 1736 2880.03125'
^7antilag_origins[51] '448 1736 2880.03125'
^7antilag_origins[52] '448 1736 2880.03125'
^7antilag_origins[53] '448 1736 2880.03125'
^7antilag_origins[54] '448 1736 2880.03125'
^7antilag_origins[55] '448 1736 2880.03125'
^7antilag_origins[56] '448 1736 2880.03125'
^7antilag_origins[57] '448 1736 2880.03125'
^7antilag_origins[58] '448 1736 2880.03125'
^7antilag_origins[59] '448 1736 2880.03125'
^7antilag_origins[60] '448 1736 2880.03125'
^7antilag_origins[61] '448 1736 2880.03125'
^7antilag_origins[62] '448 1736 2880.03125'
^7antilag_origins[63] '448 1736 2880.03125'
^7antilag_times -2342
^7antilag_times[1] -2342
^7antilag_times[2] -2342
^7antilag_times[3] -2342
^7antilag_times[4] -2342
^7antilag_times[5] -2342
^7antilag_times[6] -2342
^7antilag_times[7] -2342
^7antilag_times[8] -2342
^7antilag_times[9] -2342
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^7antilag_times[63] -2342
^7antilag_index 63
^7antilag_saved_origin '448 1736 2913.92017'
^7ban_checked 1
^7AuxiliaryXhair entity 1365
^7AuxiliaryXhair[1] entity 1331
^7scorekeeper entity 1328
^7csqcmodel_nextforcedupdate 999.950562
^7anticheat_jointime 623.399536
^7anticheat_div0_evade_v_angle '33.1347656 -149.661255 0'
^7anticheat_div0_evade_forward_initial '-0.72271055 -0.422973782 -0.546610177'
^7anticheat_div0_evade_count 6952
^7anticheat_div0_evade_accumulator 0.00126353302
^7anticheat_div0_strafebot_old_count 6952
^7anticheat_div0_strafebot_forward_prev '-0.72271055 -0.422973782 -0.546610177'
^7anticheat_div0_strafebot_new_count 6951
^7anticheat_div0_strafebot_new_accumulator 0.704924405
^7anticheat_speedhack_offset -784.333374
^7anticheat_speedhack_movetime 213.286133
^7anticheat_speedhack_movetime_count 213
^7anticheat_speedhack_movetime_frac 0.286126614
^7anticheat_speedhack_count 6951
^7anticheat_speedhack_accumulator 2.88917795e-06
^7playerstats_id RlBCwmfJ6H/u7QlxPcG99iZLnhCvRJSnFhOpxFuhHoM=
^7anim_die1 '0 1 0.833333313'
^7anim_die2 '1 1 1.25'
^7anim_draw '2 1 2'
^7anim_duckwalk '4 1 1.60000002'
^7anim_duckjump '5 1 0.93749994'
^7anim_duckidle '6 1 0.666666687'
^7anim_jump '8 1 0.15625'
^7anim_pain1 '9 1 1.60000002'
^7anim_pain2 '10 1 2'
^7anim_shoot '11 1 0.00100000005'
^7anim_taunt '12 1 0.714285731'
^7anim_run '13 1 1.44999993'
^7anim_runbackwards '14 1 1.44999993'
^7anim_strafeleft '15 1 1.44999993'
^7anim_straferight '16 1 1.44999993'
^7anim_forwardright '19 1 1.44999993'
^7anim_forwardleft '20 1 1.44999993'
^7anim_backright '21 1 1.44999993'
^7anim_backleft '22 1 1.44999993'
^7anim_melee '23 1 0.00100000005'
^7anim_duckwalkbackwards '24 1 1.60000002'
^7anim_duckwalkstrafeleft '25 1 1.60000002'
^7anim_duckwalkstraferight '26 1 1.60000002'
^7anim_duckwalkforwardright '27 1 1.60000002'
^7anim_duckwalkforwardleft '28 1 1.60000002'
^7anim_duckwalkbackright '29 1 1.60000002'
^7anim_duckwalkbackleft '30 1 1.60000002'
^7animdecide_modelindex 64
^7Host_Error: server: Program error in function TeamScore_AddToTeam:
^7Adding score to invalid team!
^7Tip: read above for entity information
^7QuakeC crash report for server:
^7s63956: scores.qc:102: STORE_F GLOBAL27846, GLOBAL27847
^7s63957: scores.qc:102: ^5IFNOT GLOBAL27846, statement 63992
^7s63958: scores.qc:102: ^2AND GLOBAL27847, GLOBAL27847, GLOBAL27846
^7s63959: scores.qc:102: ^5IFNOT GLOBAL27846, statement 63964
^7s63960: scores.qc:104: ^5IFNOT gameover (=0), statement 63962
^7s63961: scores.qc:105: ^5RETURN GLOBAL17224
^7s63962: scores.qc:106: STORE_S GLOBAL23461, GLOBAL4
^7s63963: scores.qc:106: ^3CALL1 error (=error())
^7 scores.qc:106 : TeamScore_AddToTeam : statement 11
^7 scores.qc:123 : TeamScore_Add : statement 3
^7 scores.qc:357 : PlayerTeamScore_Add : statement 9
^7mutators/gamemode_ctf.qc:1785 : HOOKFUNCTION_ctf_PlayerDies : statement 15
^7mutators/base.qc:89 : CallbackChain_Call : statement 6
^7cl_player.qc:582 : PlayerDamage : statement 303
^7 g_damage.qc:800 : Damage : statement 137
^7 g_damage.qc:1027 : RadiusDamage : statement 297
^7 raptor.qc:693 : raptor_blowup : statement 14
^7LHNET_Write: sendto returned error: Network is unreachable
^7LHNET_Write: sendto returned error: Network is unreachable
^7Client "Player" dropped
^7^7Player^4 disconnected
^7relink: 0 bots seen.
^7Client "DeadDred" dropped
^7^7DeadDred^4 disconnected
^7^7DeadDred^7 lost the ^1RED^7 flag
^7relink: 0 bots seen.
^7Client "SoldierLT" dropped
^7^7SoldierLT^4 disconnected
^7^7SoldierLT^7 lost the ^4BLUE^7 flag
^7relink: 0 bots seen.
^7Client "^x02C^7" dropped
^7Quake Error: Host_Error: server: Program error in function TeamScore_AddToTeam:
^7Adding score to invalid team!
^7Tip: read above for entity information
====== Log stopped (Sat May 11 10:15:07 2013) ======
RE: Git version server crashing - Mario - 05-11-2013
This is caused by CTF not checking if the attacker was a player before giving score to them in the PlayerDies mutator hook.
I found this yesterday & notified the devs, it will probably be fixed soon.
RE: Git version server crashing - end user - 05-11-2013
(05-11-2013, 05:36 AM)Mario Wrote: This is caused by CTF not checking if the attacker was a player before giving score to them in the PlayerDies mutator hook.
I found this yesterday & notified the devs, it will probably be fixed soon.
Thanks its happening with Autobuild too.
RE: Git version server crashing - Mr. Bougo - 05-11-2013
(05-11-2013, 10:39 AM)end user Wrote: Thanks its happening with Autobuild too.
Well, autobuild is at most one day late compared to git, so that's no surprise.
RE: Git version server crashing - end user - 05-18-2013
Well I'm still having crashing problems with git.
I'm not sure if I did the update correctly
./all update
./all compile dedicated
then run ./all run dedicated
I attached the log file.
RE: Git version server crashing - Mario - 05-18-2013
This issue has been fixed today in Git, try updating again.
RE: Git version server crashing - end user - 05-19-2013
Good news everyone no crash yet with the new update.