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[SOLVED] Change items models - Printable Version

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Change items models - Andrii - 09-26-2014

How to change items models (healths ,armors) with the models form nexuiz classic? I tried many times, but nothing work.

RE: Change items models - end user - 09-26-2014

(09-26-2014, 07:08 AM)Andrii Wrote: How to change items models (healths ,armors) with the models form nexuiz classic? I tried many times, but nothing work.

Have you tried creating a server package with all those items?

RE: Change items models - Andrii - 09-26-2014

i tried to change the pk3 files

RE: Change items models - Mr. Bougo - 09-26-2014

Are you trying to do this on a server or on the client?

I should warn you that, if you get caught using replacements for effects, textures and/or models in online games, you may very well be considered a cheater.

RE: Change items models - Andrii - 09-26-2014

I tried to do this on client.

I saw zeroql play with different sounds, weapon models ecc, so i I thought that it's legal.

RE: Change items models - Mr. Bougo - 09-26-2014

Many would consider it bad, because you can get an unfair advantage from it. YMMV, but I thought it was fair to let you know.

RE: Change items models - asyyy - 09-27-2014

I don't think that anyone would consider replacing item models cheating, as you are free to do so already using the simple items mechanism.

RE: Change items models - Mr. Bougo - 09-27-2014

What if I were to change weapon models to fullbright to make enemies more visible then?

RE: Change items models - asyyy - 09-27-2014

(09-27-2014, 10:52 AM)Mr. Bougo Wrote: What if I were to change weapon models to fullbright to make enemies more visible then?

Not an issue either since we have fullbright player models everywhere imo. The only way I could think of that might give you an advantage is by making the weapon models longer so you can spot the enemy easier in maps that have a lot of corners and such (and that could be spotted and treated the same way as wallhacks, by reviewing demos). But beside of that I personally don't care if my opponent uses the default set of models or ponies with nexuiz guns or whatever as it does not give any objective advantage.

RE: Change items models - Mr. Bougo - 09-27-2014

You have fullbright player models if those models are in use, either through enforced playermodels (but then you have to make yourself fullbright to others, that's part of the deal) or through the choice of the players. Replacing models with fullbright is bypassing this tradeoff of enforced fullbright altogether, I don't see how this could be considered anything but cheating.

RE: Change items models - asyyy - 09-27-2014

Your point is valid, but in practice that is not really an issue as you can level the playing field with build-in mechanisms by making the opponent appear fullbright too. And I think for most people the definition of cheating is to gain an advantage by using a tool or modification that is not available to your opponents. If I use r_shownormals 3 for example, and my opponent uses a stock config, then I have an advantage too, but it is not unfair as he can level the playing field if he wants to. If you allow customization of the visuals, then you will always have that kind of situations where you are forced to use certain settings if you don't want to end up with an disadvantage.

RE: Change items models - Mr. Bougo - 09-27-2014

My point is that you can indeed usually make your opponent look fullbright using ingame settings, but that requires you to make yourself fullbright too. This was meant to prevent abuse. If you use custom models, you can bypass this mechanism, and that constitutes cheating IMHO. I suppose that's why custom packages were forbidden by the rules of the Nexuiz ladder, if you remember that.

As for r_showsurfaces 3 (I hope you don't mean shownormals!), I don't know what to think about it. It seems fairly accepted.

Perhaps a tourney organizer should weigh in Smile

RE: Change items models - machine! - 09-28-2014

Maybe we should recors 6 matches from two opponents on same map, first 3 matches both are allowed to have custom configs and the last 3 one needs to have vanilla config so we can see how these minor changes affects the performance. Tongue (FWIW I don't use any custom content since I know many consider it cheating, but a lot of people do use custom sounds and custom simple items and I doubt they have any relevant advantage over other players)

RE: Change items models - Andrii - 09-28-2014

I just like more old nexiuz models. I'ts not for get advantage.

RE: Change items models - Mr. Bougo - 09-28-2014

I guess Nexuiz models won't give you a big advantage, but I thought I'd let you know that some people may not tolerate any change at all. It may very well be against the rules of tourneys or public servers, so be careful. That's all I meant to say.

RE: Change items models - Andrii - 09-28-2014

I guess that models won't give me advantage at all, it's just for aesthetics, nothing else.

RE: Change items models - Mr. Bougo - 09-28-2014

Sure, you already said that, and I don't disagree. But it's simpler to forbid all model and texture mods than look on a case-by-case basis. Just don't participate in tourneys without making sure it's okay first.

RE: Change items models - Andrii - 09-28-2014

So can you tel me how to change them?

RE: Change items models - Mr. Bougo - 09-28-2014

Yeah, that questions stays open. I don't know precisely how compatible the models are. You'll basically need to copy the relevant files from Nexuiz in the relevant place in your xonotic personal data directory.

Hypothetical example: say you want to replace the file models/weapons/blabla in Xonotic with the file models/weapons/foobar from Nexuiz, what you would do is go into your personal data directory (where config.cfg is located), and create a directory called zzz_nexuizweapons.pk3dir, then inside there create the directory models/weapons, and copy the Nexuiz file in there with the right name.

As for the specifics of what file goes where, I don't know about that.

RE: Change items models - Andrii - 09-28-2014
