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physicsLeeStricklin-ModdedFruit.cfg - Printable Version

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physicsLeeStricklin-ModdedFruit.cfg - Lee_Stricklin - 09-13-2010

EDIT Sunday May 1 2k11 4:32 PM
On hold until this game stabilizes a bit more, you can still get an idea of what I'm aiming for by screwing around with the old file that's uploaded.

EDIT Thursday April 16 11:12am

Now that an excellent balance has FINALLY became official (excellent work guys), the only area I see where some tweaks can be made is in the physics department as the current ones in my opinion are bit restrictive in movement and a tad too slow for my tastes. With that said I will still be tweaking my own modified physics to be used with balanceSamual.cfg either as an alternative or default set. In it's current state, they are fun to play with (even in singleplayer, as bots seem to know how to fight with them), but have a few bugs in them that I need to get rid of. In case there's still some interest in it though, I will leave my old configs uploaded.

Movement possibilities that are heavy in this config
Faster pace
Emphasis on both ground and aerial combat which in a way reminds me of StarSiege: Tribes
Running more useful than bunnyhopping in a firefight
Jumping to dodge while running
Bunnyhopping reserved for traveling most of the time
More air control
Easier to pick up

This is intended to challenge balanceFruit.cfg for becoming the default physics and balance of Xonotic beta. Please post any feedback you have here on this thread.


exec balanceLeeStricklinPreview.cfg
exec physicsLeeStricklin-ModdedFruit.cfg

.zip   balanceLeeStricklinPreview.cfg.zip (Size: 5.56 KB / Downloads: 2)

.zip   physicsLeeStricklin-ModdedFruit.cfg.zip (Size: 702 bytes / Downloads: 3)


exec balanceLeeStricklinLatest.cfg
exec physicsLeeStricklin-ModdedFruit.cfg

.zip   balanceLeeStricklinLatest.cfg.zip (Size: 5.58 KB / Downloads: 1)

.zip   physicsLeeStricklin-ModdedFruit.cfg.zip (Size: 702 bytes / Downloads: 3)

RE: balanceLeeStricklin.cfg and physicsLeeStricklin.cfg - kojn^ - 09-13-2010

I will give this a go later tonight.

RE: balanceLeeStricklin.cfg and physicsLeeStricklin.cfg - rainerzufalldererste - 09-13-2010

After everyone wanted his own Singleplayer Thread now evryone wants his own balance and physics Tongue
I'll hopefully test them... and give you feedback Wink

RE: balanceLeeStricklin.cfg and physicsLeeStricklin.cfg - Mr. Bougo - 09-14-2010

I suggest you use git, either the official repo or github/gitosis. Version control makes things way more convenient than the huge bunch of attachments sharing a common name will be.

RE: balanceLeeStricklin.cfg and physicsLeeStricklin.cfg - FruitieX - 09-14-2010

Instead of no stickyness, maybe electro blobs should me made sticky? Either should be sticky, to eliminate overlapping functionality. I'm not too fond of reintroducing the Nexuiz electro primary, because it's too similar to the rocketlauncher in it's functionality.

Inventory caps are good to prevent stacking.

Also, the more we shuffle the defaults around, the further the beta release will be postponed.

Lee_Stricklin Wrote:ELIMINATE weapon redundancy
I fail to see how this balance does this better than the Nexuiz balance, really.

RE: balanceLeeStricklin.cfg and physicsLeeStricklin.cfg - Mr. Bougo - 09-14-2010

http://dev.xonotic.org/projects/xonotic/wiki/Repository_Access and http://dev.xonotic.org/projects/xonotic/wiki/Git
And stick around on irc, #xonotic on freenode.

RE: balanceLeeStricklin.cfg and physicsLeeStricklin.cfg - Halogene - 09-15-2010

Will try to give this a look. Am a bit short on time, lately (= approx. last 4 years).

RE: balanceLeeStricklin.cfg and physicsLeeStricklin.cfg - Roanoke - 09-16-2010

I'll look at them (when you use git) but fruitphys is tough to beat imo.

RE: balanceLeeStricklin.cfg and physicsLeeStricklin.cfg - Bundy - 09-17-2010

Settings tested from: EDIT Sep 16, 8:01 PM:

Movement: Jumping around feels like playing on the moon. Also I often lose control when I have some speed and use strafe to turn (it keeps on jumping in that direction, so I have to try to correct this with strafing in the other direction). But I only tested them for like 10 minutes. Just to say it: I am normally very comfortable with the movement in a game after some minutes, which I am not with your settings (bad thing for players from other games). You actually run a lot faster with your settings when you use strafekeys all the time, which isnt a problem, but you mentioned in another post that this shouldnt be the case ( iirc at rainerzufalls physics).

Weapons: Rocketlauncher is a lot of fun with this settings. I also like that the random spread of hagar primary fire is removed. About the Electro, yeah its the same as in nexuiz which I liked a lot. But I also like the new one .. so dunno Big Grin I think these settings are overall the spammy nexuiz settings which are a lot of fun. The question is if these attract new players. I liked em in the past. I didnt watch at any numbers nor played against a oppenent with em, so I cant say anything about the balance.

Health/Armor: On one hand I always loved the old nexuiz system, as it is unique. On the other hand it can be abused in some bad ways which makes you way to tanky. Also the megahealth gets kinda useless, it is _just_ a big healthpack. Btw. I think the health rotten you use there is way to low.

Overall: As written, some weapon changes are definitive a lot of fun. I tried a lot of crazy stuff with the rockets Big Grin and I also think that your hagar primary is way more useful then the "real" one. But I prefer fruitiex movement/physic settings over yours without a doubt.

RE: balanceLeeStricklin.cfg and physicsLeeStricklin.cfg - kojn^ - 09-17-2010

Just tried:

Physics, feels like I am sliding (same as in nexuiz, when i want to try and turn, frutiex would know what I mean, indeed it does feel like your on the moon Big Grin

I managed to figure them out, It felt like Q3 strafing..Vanilla Quake 3 style, but more weird, I had problems at time's trying to go in a straight line just with the foward key after I had come out of a directional movement.

Also prefer the current xonotic movement over this one.

As for weapons, seem you didn't change a ton of stuff so far, as for damage etc I won't comment as it's obviously not going to be near ready.

Crylink, seems like you've gone back to nexuiz way..super fast speed, super fast ROF (felt pretty powerful when I was standing against a wall firing), very spammy I don't see much skill involved in using it but anyway, I guess you went back to nexuiz's way mainly.

MG - seemed more like how it was in nexuiz

laser - this felt weaker then in the fruitbalance?

Rocket Launcher..definitely a lot of fun indeed with it's speed/versatility anyway, push wise not a fan. Best change of them all for weapons.

Electro - same as nexuiz basically?

Mortar - same as nexuiz basically?

Overall, I still prefer balancefruit over what I tried in here because this just seemed (so far, I know it's not complete) just to go back to the weapons in nexuiz in functionality, crylink didn't feel particularly great just because of how fast you currently have it's velocity and ROF, it's insane!!

I also think balancefruit mixes up the speed of projectiles more and functionality seem's better IMO.

So far in your balance everyjust seems to fire really fast, will this change or is this meant to be like that?

As this is something your making I won't say change this and change that in functionality like by completing changing how the weapon works, because I know you want to make it more to how nexuiz was. However

I'd like to see some more diversity into weapon balance, maybe not have everything fire so fast, make the fast firing stuff weaker and some stuff slower but stronger for example.

RE: balanceLeeStricklin.cfg and physicsLeeStricklin.cfg - Mr. Bougo - 09-22-2010

The color problem is probably just swapped R and B channels. There should be a way to re-swap them in your vid editor.

RE: balanceLeeStricklin.cfg and physicsLeeStricklin.cfg - Halogene - 11-03-2010

I will try to test these settings and provide some feedback.

RE: balanceLeeStricklin.cfg and physicsLeeStricklin.cfg - FruitieX - 01-05-2011


RE: balanceLeeStricklin.cfg and physicsLeeStricklin.cfg - Lee_Stricklin - 01-05-2011

hehehe yeah five or six topics did get a bit ridiculous. At least this one is sticky now Smile

RE: balanceLeeStricklin.cfg and physicsLeeStricklin.cfg - FraNcoTirAdoR - 01-06-2011

Thx god... Tongue I will balance Lee balanced frutie config, and will pass it back to frutie, so he can rebalance his own balanced balanced balance file. Jeez, this word is getting to my head Big Grin
Afaik hagar spread was much bigger in nexuiz than in xonotic, and the reason why nex is weaker is because of the frigging impressive antilag, its much easier to hit someone. Image what would happen on open maps like greatwall later, once they get ported.

RE: balanceLeeStricklin.cfg and physicsLeeStricklin.cfg - Halogene - 01-06-2011

I think this question has already been answered somewhere, but can you actually vote for this balance on servers? I think it's no use really to test it locally against bots.

RE: balanceLeeStricklin.cfg and physicsLeeStricklin.cfg - Lee_Stricklin - 02-14-2011

Changes to electro in progress. I figured out where I messed up at in the combo delay and am balancing the weapon for faster combo detonations.

(01-06-2011, 08:53 AM)Halogene Wrote: I think this question has already been answered somewhere, but can you actually vote for this balance on servers? I think it's no use really to test it locally against bots.

Most of my testing has been against bots, however I know what to look for and what to test for. The few times I actually have gotten players to screw with it locally the testing has been pretty positive. After finding out a thing or two I also decided to modify the balance and physics in a way that hides a few of the game's weak points such as bot ai and the goofy animations. Under this config, the bots can actually put up a fight against you, especially if you crank the difficulty up then you may find yourself questioning whether they're bot or human. Discovering a way to tweak the balance to make the bots work better has made tweaking a lot easier. I actually just posted a topic about how balance/physics configs can effect bots a certain way.


RE: balanceLeeStricklin.cfg and physicsLeeStricklin.cfg - Lee_Stricklin - 02-26-2011

Major changes made to the balance and a minor tweak made to the physics.

RE: balanceLeeStricklin.cfg and physicsLeeStricklin.cfg - Lee_Stricklin - 04-14-2011


Weapon balance status: Abandoned, Samual's balance kicks the shit out of the direction I was going (well done guys *thumbs up*)
Physics status: Buggy, will be trying to fix this since I think they will work well as an alternative to the defaults. I exec'd the current file with Samual's balance and was actually surprised as to how well it worked with it.