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[SUGGESTION] Music louder than everything else - Printable Version

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Music louder than everything else - unfa - 09-14-2010

Hi there!

While playing Nexuiz most of the times I set the music fader higher than master bus fader.

'cuz I love music in Nexuiz (with some minor exceptions)

Now: in Xonotic (If this havent change since I was playing it last time) music fader is under the master bus, so I can't make it louder without setting everything else (one by one Dodgy) lower.

I don't know what was the reason for this change as It seems to me less functional as it was in Nexuiz. Downgrade I would say.

So please, let me know If you care at all, do you like or dislike this change (I'am intentionally not saying "improvement"). And if there is any Dev around, maybe you can tell my what was the reason? Smile

Don't feel attacked by me, it's just a thing that I care about.

RE: Music louder than everything else - ThePWTULN - 09-14-2010

I voted for the 3rd option, only because I don't listen to the in-game music while I play Tongue

I find that it sometimes gets in the way of sounds that might give me useful information (e.g. where my opponent is relative to me)

RE: Music louder than everything else - Mr. Bougo - 09-15-2010

It's just a matter of defaults, right? People in Nexuiz might have been annoyed because to get more global volume they had to set every single channel to the max, one by one. Same problem in Nexuiz, thus.

RE: Music louder than everything else - divVerent - 09-15-2010

The main reason for this was that because of music triggers, the music can ALSO be controlled by "volume", as it plays on an entity channel too. The goal was to make any music controlled by the same slider, no matter if a music trigger or not.

If you have a better solution, suggest it.

RE: Music louder than everything else - unfa - 09-15-2010

(09-15-2010, 03:00 AM)divVerent Wrote: The main reason for this was that because of music triggers, the music can ALSO be controlled by "volume", as it plays on an entity channel too. The goal was to make any music controlled by the same slider, no matter if a music trigger or not.

If you have a better solution, suggest it.

Hmmm, could you explain what are the music triggers and do we use them in multiplayer games at all? Are those to be used only in story mode where music tracks and volume is changing during the gameplay?

I have no objections to make music relative to global volume level, if there just was an option to give it a gain. Look at this:
mute   -50 -30 -10  0 +5 +10 [dB]
[ ]    [------------0------] MAIN

[ ]    [------------|---0--] music
[X]    [------------0------] pain
[ ]    [------------0------] stuff
[ ]    [------------0------] ambient
IIRC now the maximum fader value is 0dB. Having also some room for positive values (gain) would solve the problem, beacuse it would be possible to make music louder without touching anything else AND it would be possible to change volume of ALL sounds with one fader (main).
Also a mute option not affecting fader's position would be nice.

How about that?
(09-14-2010, 03:54 PM)ThePWTULN Wrote: I voted for the 3rd option, only because I don't listen to the in-game music while I play Tongue

I find that it sometimes gets in the way of sounds that might give me useful information (e.g. where my opponent is relative to me)

I initially wanted to label the third option with "I'am deaf, you stupid 61+c|-|!" but I changed my mind Wink

RE: Music louder than everything else - Mr. Bougo - 09-15-2010

We'll certainly get people complaining about saturating sounds if we add gain :/

RE: Music louder than everything else - Lee_Stricklin - 09-15-2010

A comparison of the two mixers.

[Image: my6ru7ca55aoprlqr7.png]

RE: Music louder than everything else - unfa - 09-15-2010

(09-15-2010, 05:38 AM)Mr. Bougo Wrote: We'll certainly get people complaining about saturating sounds if we add gain :/

Whatdayamean by "saturating sounds"? Distortions resulting from something being too loud?

RE: Music louder than everything else - divVerent - 09-22-2010

The cvars simply do not allow oversaturating, they are capped to 1 by the engine (and if they were not, you'd easily cause clipping).

I simply cannot fix it without removing the music trigger feature. Therefore, I won't.

An example of the music trigger feature is on the augenkrebs map http://rm.endoftheinternet.org/~xonotic/augenkrebs_alpha7.pk3

RE: Music louder than everything else - divVerent - 09-23-2010

The engine now allows the cvars to be > 1, although still clamped to 10 to prevent too much harm by someone screwing up the cvar values e.g. via stuffcmd and it then being hard to get back to normal volumes. So music now can be up to 10dB above mastervolume. Is that enough?

(Currently only in master, not in div0-stable yet)

I still see no reason to put this capability in the menu, but you are then free to change the cvars as you wish.

RE: Music louder than everything else - phim - 09-23-2010

How about automatically choosing music to be playing (from the setting) in a map that has no music; or changing the music currently playing? Some music I don't like much, but I like others much better; it also annoying if the map is silent if you want music.

RE: Music louder than everything else - unfa - 09-27-2010

(09-23-2010, 12:20 AM)divVerent Wrote: (...) music now can be up to 10dB above mastervolume. Is that enough?

+10 dB should be enough for me. Thank you so much Smile What do I have to type in to change the proper cvar?

RE: Music louder than everything else - Mr. Bougo - 09-28-2010

The channels are not explicitly named sadly. You can find out what cvars the menu controls set by setting the developer and developer_extra cvars to 1 and changing the values from the menu.