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A breakdown of two major balances (Fruitiex and LeeStricklin)

@ master[mind]

That's one of the major things I dislike about Fruitiex's setup. I like the weapons balanced, but I like them to be specialized with only a few overlapping functions. In his balance your pretty well equipped no matter what, while under mine you have to pick the right situation to use most weapons or haul-ass out of a fight your not equipped for. For example the grenade launcher is best used to flush someone out of a room while an electro is best used to either escape or prevent an opponent from escaping. The nex is for extreme ranges and almost suicide to use at close range, while a shotgun melee at point blank or a few shotgun blasts will handle your close range combat. My balance also offers some interesting combos you probably won't see in Fruitiex's, for example you can push someone into the air with the laser and blast them to oblivion with the HLAC and just for good measure I left in the classic nex/mortar combo which is much harder to pull off because if you instantly switch after firing the mortar, your nex still won't be ready to fire. Dodging, mobility, and maneuverability also play a bigger role in my file making you choose the right type of movements for a given situation. Running and using jump to dodge as opposed to bunnyhopping and orbiting a player is more effective for fighting under my config, while I reserved bunnyhopping mostly to traveling and escaping fights.

Oh wait.

I feel some remorse at the loss of the nex/mortar combo. I also am not a big fan of the reduced nex damage at close range, makes no sense weapon wise, and it was annoying when I used it. I guess my point is that niether balance is exactly what I want, but I also don't know exactly what I want, it's just that none of the choices have hit the sweetspot yet. Maybe I'll take a hack at a balance, but I doubt it. I'm not pro, so my...choices won't satisfy any of the veterans here. I'd be just as happy if we kept the exact weapon balance from 2.4.2, but the movement in FruitieX's physics file.

I still plan to work on my balance file and right now I've begun tweaking a balanceFruit file (actually the current balanceXonotic file) to work with the tweaks I've made to the physics. After it's all said and done I'll have a file that's geared more towards bullet hell and another that is geared towards more Fruitiex-style, but with a few questionable changes taken out. I'll be uploading the modified balanceFruit file when I'm satisfied with it's direction.

Oh wait.

All discussion continues here:
[Image: 561.png]
"One should strive to achieve; not sit in bitter regret."

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