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[SUGGESTION] Got some gripes about the physics (Oh god not this $#!+ again) in the autobuild

The physics in the current autobuild (as of June 10) feel a bit off. What is really dragging them down this time is that they are WAY TOO FREAKING HEAVY (just as bad as UT3) and the run speed is TOO DAMN SLOW. The run speed really makes it too hard to stay mobile on maps such as Stormkeep causing the game to simply boil down to trading kills while the jumping height makes it a pain to dodge anything or get some air. I suggest slightly upping the jump height and raising the running speed. The current tweaks in the physics make it way too easy kill somebody and shift the game away from fighting to speed maintenance, something I hated in Warsow. As far as weapon balance is concerned, it's excellent the way it is, though I'd like to see the rifle get an actual secondary (even if it's the panic fire that it had in Nexuiz) and I'm not sure about the hagar (though I'm not sure how to improve it right now).

Oh wait.

i blame the sound of the shoes , sounds like size 9000 army boots , hehehhe Smile

I like them better than the 0.1 physics.

(06-10-2011, 01:26 PM)nowego4 Wrote: I like them better than the 0.1 physics.

Agreed, though the run speed is still comparable to what I'd expect in a CoD game (actually it probably is just as slow... set the FOV to 75 and you'll see, CoD uses around that FOV). Upping that to be closer to what it was in Nexuiz 2.5.2 (which was 24-25 MPH) would get rid of a lot of annoyance with the movement.

Oh wait.





Wow chooksta, that thread is damn old....I was 13 when I made that thread :x

Anyway, trying to stay on topic: I think the new physics are better than the old 0.1 preview physics. I feel they could be a little bit faster as well, but I think it's a step in the right direction.

The current speed on ground is the base speed from most quake games, the reason they feel slower is because player is taller hence pov is higher, so the scale of everything is different (that's why q3 maps need to be scaled up when converted for this game).

I could agree that maxspeed on ground could be raised, but hope you realize that raising it would mean weapon balance would need to be reworked AGAIN to balance for the fact that'll be too easy to dodge for most weapon's radius. Because, sorry, but dodging is very much possible already.

I completely disagree about jump height, I am not an astronaut thank you very much.

how much time did you spend with it lee, playing with other ppl? (no pun or irritate, just for comparison)

(06-10-2011, 05:53 PM)tZork Wrote: how much time did you spend with it lee, playing with other ppl? (no pun or irritate, just for comparison)

I've jumped in a few servers online when actual players were on them, I'm not trying to bash the physics (as they are a major step up from the old ones, including 2.5's). In my opinion they can be improved by giving them faster running speed. I usually do free runs or bot matches of random maps everyday though, often times for a few hours. Something just seemed a bit off when I came back to the game after giving it a break for a few days.

(06-10-2011, 05:11 PM)nifrek Wrote: I could agree that maxspeed on ground could be raised, but hope you realize that raising it would mean weapon balance would need to be reworked AGAIN to balance for the fact that'll be too easy to dodge for most weapon's radius. Because, sorry, but dodging is very much possible already.

I completely disagree about jump height, I am not an astronaut thank you very much.

Not really, hell the current balance (including the laser settings) seemed fine when running under the mess that is the last release of physicsLeeStricklin-ModdedFruit.cfg. Also the jump height wouldn't be raised much, I just find faster physics feel better with bigger jump heights.

Oh wait.

Dodging is very easy and possible with the physics already..and I actually mean dodging as in being able to dodge projectiles, not just strafing side to side...maybe I should make a quick video clip to show just how quickly you can do it by combining the strafe keys and the jump key..just ask Samual about the time he was trying to hit me on Final_rage at the quad!

Oh yeah, the physics are already fast enough as it is, time to leave them alone now.
[Image: 542.png]

#deathmatchers @


I know how to trick jump, the problem I have with the physics is that you become immobilized if you stop bunny hopping and trick jumping for a second. Upping the run speed would get rid of that and bunny hopping EVERY INCH OF A MAP is annoying as hell in some tight maps including parts of Stormkeep.

Oh wait.

No it's not. Physics are fine. Done Smile
[Image: 542.png]

#deathmatchers @


*nowego goes and plays Warsow

Seriously, it's good to try. I won't switch because of the incredibly crappy performance and the stunning and all that, but the physics felt strangely familiar. I guess they have dash key and we have laser. They have wall jump... we have laser.

(06-12-2011, 02:28 PM)nowego4 Wrote: *nowego goes and plays Warsow

Seriously, it's good to try. I won't switch because of the incredibly crappy performance and the stunning and all that, but the physics felt strangely familiar. I guess they have dash key and we have laser. They have wall jump... we have laser.

That's what I find most annoying about it. The speed maintenance aspect of Warsow doesn't really feel right in this game. Not saying players shouldn't be rewarded for maintaining their movement, but like I said you become immobilized if you ever try to run instead of bunny hop.

Oh wait.

Personally, I'd be fine with 400 walking speed, but I think 360 is a tick better.

But really - all difference there is between xonotic and nexuiz walking speed is ten percent. If you want more, jump... Nexuiz: 22.7mph, Xonotic: 20.5mph, real world: 7mph.
BRLOGENSHFEGLE (core dumped)

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(06-13-2011, 07:18 AM)divVerent Wrote: Nexuiz: 22.7mph, Xonotic: 20.5mph, real world: 7mph.

That's a big difference. Big Grin

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