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[SUGGESTION] Weapons function

(04-05-2010, 02:45 PM)theShadow Wrote: you demand that one weapon stay the same because it's balanced. well here's an idea. how about we think about how we can change the OTHER weapons so THEY are balanced too. even if it means changing the balanced weapon.

if you want everything to stay the same as nexuiz, then go play nexuiz.

Yes, because I oppose radically changing each weapon, I'm clearly an undesirable motherfucker and should go back to where I came from.

(04-05-2010, 04:28 PM)Lee_Stricklin Wrote: Here are the ideas I like. The rest of them (especially weapon merging) seem crazy in my opinion and could ruin gameplay.

Guns have different armor pierce profiles (rather then current flat-rate)
More self-damage

Grenade launcher:
Less radius on primary, slower refire on secondary, longer lifetime on secondary.
Medium dmg & ap

Nex gun:
Slower primary refire, less force, more damage, more ammo use.
Secondary half damage but double and inverted force.
Medium dmg, high ap

I like those, particularly the nex compromise, but not the mortar changes. If it ain't broke, don't fix it.

Why not also introduce a helmet? Similar to UT3, that if you take a headshot then the helmet goes first then a second headshot would be the usual 1 kit kill? Unless all bullets are going to be uber 'goes through anything' rounds Wink

Sounds too artificial for me.. would also require every model to wear a sort of helmet. I'd say its better to keep things straight.
Real signature is still in production!

Agreed, having models wear helmets would be too difficult.

*Goes back to his think tank*

i would increase the negative velocity of the crylink to make it useful for chasing flag carriers, and change it's secondary to something like that funny green sticky siege like RBI mode (can't recall how way back that was).
Mortar is fine to me, both primary and secondary
electro i would increase primary fire and combo effect
hagar-> don't need it if HLAC remains, change it to smthg like the Duke nuke'm proximity detonators (with a laser for a trigger) (that would change 1-1 gameplay an awfull lot i guess) or a quakeish lg .
Nex, whatever, tzork's idea sounds good, preferably own ammotype.
Machinegun-> i agree with Fruityx making it a starting weapon, and adding 2.5.2 vanilla sg as pick up.
laser (primary same, secondary whatever, no idea).
Fireball, its fiiinneee, not a weapon to really break balance with it's huge ammo consumption.
camping rifle-> make it someting like more charge leads to more % of its damage to go into health than armor, retain headshot but 30% higher dmg.
rl is fine...


I don't know if giving the nex it's own ammo type is a good idea. It would basically require not just redoing but rethinking a lot of maps.

I disagree with the merging the laser and the shotty. I love my laser/shotty combo and I don't want to see it go. Besides, I like the laser being it's own gun.

My ideas:

Don't merge it with Shotgun, leave the first fireing mode as it is, add chargable second fire mode - laser would become more useful for jumping and defence. Think of that:

With charging mode, one could learn to jump at higher velocity, it would require skill to jump exactly as high as you want. It could be charging in some steps, to make it more precise:

[1] [2] [3] [4] [5]
o----------------> the longer you charge (keep LMB down) the higher this goes.

[1] - half of basic shot power of the primary mode (no charging, useful for small jumps wilth low health)
[2] - 1.25 of basic power
[3] - 1.5
[4] - 1.75
[5] - 2.0 (for extreme jumps or launching your enemies into the the (Evil/Soylent) Space definietly Big Grin)

that nuber multiplies damage and pushing force released on projectile hit. There would be some flashing indicators on the gun that shows you it's charging progress. Just five diodes that light up one by one (or some indicators by the crosshair, like with CR's ammo; maybe both?)
Some overheat may happen if secondary uses high power - more delay after more charged shot would be a fair thing, lights on gun going back down would show you when the gun is ready to shoot again (certianly same action for crosshair indicators). Defensive and trickjump weapon.

Machine Gun and Camping Rifle:
Or MG and CR.
Don't merge theese, add the need for reloading, MG spammming is so annoying. I think they should be devided like this:

MG - the machine pistol - light weight, fast, not too accurate on series - give it a lighter look too, less "blocky" and "solid" model please Smile It looks to havy. No sniper-scope. Good for close and medium range. A defensive weapon. Maybe introduce some special ammo types? A flashbang ammo for making enemy unable to locate you? Series of loud explosions that do little damage, but makes anyone near deaf and blind for a while? A defensive and support gun.

CR - machine gun, a rifle that can shoot some series but primarly can deliver a precise and fatal bullet through one's head. Good for medium and far range. Much slower than MG but much more deadly if carried by skilled hands. Offensive/Support weapon. Would also be nice if special ammo idea comes to life - an radio location shots - you shoot the bullet at enemy, it gots stuck in his armor/clothing/body, and you see him just like the tag "RED BASE" of "FLAG CARRIER" (also on map) until he or you die and respawn. That would be nice in CTF or Onslaught. If you hit a wall - nothing happens.

The special ammo idea is a nice tactic twist I think. Remember that it can be optional - a mutator, some special gametypes with "tactic-" prefix on name Smile maybe some special maps for this. Or just make all weapons and maps work with that: add spawnpoints for special ammo or code it spawning randomly instead of regular one sometimes (anyone played UT-Chaos Mod?) but make it optional just like jetpack.
I'm making Liblast - a FOSS online FPS game made with Godot 4 and a 100% open-source toolchain

(04-10-2010, 09:35 AM)unfa Wrote: Laser:
Don't merge it with Shotgun, leave the first fireing mode as it is, add chargable second fire mode - laser would become more useful for jumping and defence.

That sounds good - but accumulated power should increase proportionally or, better yet, like a capacitor charging:

[1] - 0.5
[2] - 1
[3] - 1.4
[4] - 1.7
[5] - 1.9
[6] - 2

Plus I'd like to see a 7th step: laser is fired even if button is not released no matter what.

Nice idea, accumulating the power of the laser...
But wont that make the function a bit too complicated? (especially for beginners...?)

I'd be into keeping it easier to use by making energy levels increasing linearly, but stretch the time logarythmically.

0.0 --- 0.4 --- 0.8 --- 1.2 --- 1.6 --- 2.0 --- 2.4 --- 2.8 --- 3.2 --- 3.6 --- 4.0 seconds

Like this. Certianly that needs balancing by testing it Smile

[1] - 0.50
[2] - 1.25
[3] - 1.50
[4] - 1.75
[5] - 2.00
[6] - 2.25 (?) can't hold it longer

Also - we don't need a duplicated 1.00 energy shot - it is already the purpose of the primary fire mode.

As for the "laser fires no matter what" - the seventh step - I would make it the sixth. The main condenser reaches it's maximum capacity and discharges immidietly.

Aiming this would be a hard thing, 'cos you would need to predict a long time before you shoot Smile
I'm making Liblast - a FOSS online FPS game made with Godot 4 and a 100% open-source toolchain

This was a concept I had been thinking about for the nex, however apparently it has already been tried with the nex and no one liked it. but I'm all for trying it again.

@debugger: I don't see why we should have to dumb down this game when there are other games that are MUCH more complicated then this one for beginners.

just saying.
Master of mysterious geometries

Imgur Gallery

I like the condenser idea. It's sound and logical, and balances itself.

(04-11-2010, 01:45 PM)Roanoke Wrote: I like the condenser idea. It's sound and logical, and balances itself.

Sound especially. Anyone here has ever used a flash lamp? A sound that it produces while charging could be an inspiration Smile

It would also make easier to use the Laser "by ear".
I'm making Liblast - a FOSS online FPS game made with Godot 4 and a 100% open-source toolchain

maybe make the laser not discharge automatically on the 'final' step, but start hurting the player slightly (+ some visual & sound effects). then if kept held for say 1 sec or so despite this; make it blow up

How about only dealing damage to the player after holding it for 1sec after max charge?

good ideas overhere!!!
[Image: 788.png]

So laser's secondary fire mode mechanism concept:

If RMB just clicked: fire little projectile that is half that powerful as the primary projectile (usefulk for small jumps and activating shootable switches without warning enemy, beacuse it's almost completly quiet)

If RMB held down, it charges with some graphical and sound effects that will make it easy to recognise, in what state of charging it is, making it possible to lauch a projectile of maximum 2x damage and force of primary projectile. 2x is the top limit of it's capacity, if held longer it starts to heat up, it light some warnings and give a little damage to the player (say: 3 per second) it can be held like that for some time (say: 4 seconds) and after that it dicharges and shots immidieatly to protect the weapon from self-destruction.
So laser's secondary fire mode mechanism concept:

If RMB just clicked: fire little projectile that is half that powerful as the primary projectile (usefulk for small jumps and activating shootable switches without warning enemy, beacuse it's almost completly quiet)

If RMB held down, it charges with some graphical and sound effects that will make it easy to recognise, in what state of charging it is, making it possible to lauch a projectile of maximum 2x damage and force of primary projectile. 2x is the top limit of it's capacity, if held longer it starts to heat up, it light some warnings and give a little damage to the player (say: 3 per second) it can be held like that for some time (say: 4 seconds) and after that it dicharges and shots immidieatly to protect the weapon from self-destruction.
I'm making Liblast - a FOSS online FPS game made with Godot 4 and a 100% open-source toolchain

such a great idea, he had to say it twice Wink
Master of mysterious geometries

Imgur Gallery

Currently the nexuiz guns are rather gd. The damage is quite well balanced. Im well aware that you guys probably want to try and distance urself from nexuiz. I will through my support behind keeping the guns quite the same. Certainly in favour of changing sounds and textures. Is there any chance of bringing back the "awesome did yoda show u that"? Also i would like to raise the issue of the machine gun being very over powered. Possibly machine gun could be (if u decide to keep it how it is) 2 damage for regular fire and 5 damage for alt fire. Because the mg is starting to over power the game. I would also like the crylink to be made a little more powerful.

I quite like Unfa's idea, I think a reload for laser would be's not so much for the firing but as a tool I mean, the more charged the more damage it should do if it hits someone, and to yourself if you use it.

Just my 2cents!
I forgot to add that I am all for new weapon changes if i'm being honest, I thought that's what Samual was wanting to happen anyway back for nexuiz 2.6.
[Image: 542.png]

#deathmatchers @

OK, so I have not read every single post completely, but here are some thoughts of mine:
- laser being differently powerful depending on how long you push the button: yeah why not. This would also massively affect CTF games where speed is important Tongue
- In Nexuiz 2.5.x (and before), due to ammo being shared, I was very seldomly getting into situations where I did not have enough ammo in order to use my weapon. So the idea of adding more ammo types would help here. the only problem lies with the mapper's ability to decide how to distribute ammo on the map
- changing weapons or not, well, is a difficult thing to do. I like what Fruitiex said about weapons, that they should not be powerful in both close and long-range combat. I still think someone should pickup the idea of creating a list of items that show what makes weapons strong and what make them weak (basically do what I outlined it here in the alienTRAP developer forum). Then, ideas could be found how to change weapons. For example for the nexgun, there are many things you could do to make it less useful for short-range, such as adding a humming sound which tells the position of the opponent, have the weapon-damage being stronger the further away the opponent is, or to require the player to hold the nexgun longer (e.g. when switching to it the damage it would do (range independent), if fired immediately, would be 50, and per second of holding the weapon the damage would increase by 50, with a limit of 130 or so; possible even with a loading humming sound... all this would rule out too strong nexgun-shots in combos that did not start with nexgun itself)

The only thing I am strongly against is making weapons too complicated, as in "pre-heating" (where the weapon does not fire immediately when you press the button) and such things. Weapons should be simple to use and not too unintuitive for new players. Or alternatively you would have to put a very elaborate tutorial that all players have to play at the beginning of the game (like in QuakeLive) that will explain what weapons can do and what they are good for.

I must say i like some of what marine is saying. I do agree that we must still keep it simple. Adding charging weapons and over heating and such will detract from the speed of nexuiz. Sure it would be nice that camping would be handled abit by the over heating. But i still believe that atm the weapon balances anyway are quite gd, BAR THE MG which is way to over powered and crylink which has been made useless.

I will raise the point that it may get a bit confusing adding more types of ammo. Mainly because there will be less ammo on the map because of this, well probably. So i think currently there are enough types. I also think that if the crylink damage was increased it would stop people just picking it up simply for the ammo.

Crylink does not need its damage increased. It was one of the best balanced weapons in Nexuiz 2.5, mostly due to the fact that it's so underused by most players. As for me, crylink (especially the secondary, which unfortunately has been completely crippled in the development version) has consistently been very effective as long as I don't miss my shots.

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