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[SOLVED] Player changes name to mine and starts spamming. What do I do?

freefang, that's what I meant in my post. But it's hard to implement, it has to be tied with the client ID system somehow, to assure uniqueness of the string. Maybe a tripcode sort of system might be easier, but that's less human-friendly.

Ah, sorry my bad. Must have read over it.

(07-09-2012, 07:31 AM)freefang Wrote: How about a sever side option to add the player ID before/after the nic? In case of two identical/similar names in one match this could make everyone aware who the actual spammer would be (and if it's the right person who is about to be kicked).
The magnificent serveradmins of the DCC-servers have already spotted this problem and created an internal fix:
As you most likely know the serverchat on DCC-servers is forwarded to an IRC-Channel. Recently our marvellous admins made the server forward the #$ of each player as he connects.
Thank you, dear Mr Fuf, you are vastly improving Operator's tools, with your unmistakable way of trolling! <3

Wait wait wait. I just now realized that we're talking about "player ID"s in different senses. There's the XonStat player ID (keypair fingerprint), and the player slot (#1, #2 ... #$maxplayers).

I think killgenerals is playing about the player slot. I've been talking about the player fingerprint and tying a short human-readable unique string to them. As for freefang, I really don't know anymore.

Putting the player slot number next to the nick in the chatlog is, as far as I know, very possible.

I know what you were talking about. But the Player-ID is a rather long strong, barely memorizable. What's the point in forwarding that?

I was merely suggesting an easy-to-use alternative.

The DCC-solution is way better, since it gives you the major-information you need in order to act on the first glance. Especially since "status" often prints out weirdly disfigured nicks, so it can be hard to distinguish. For instance: our [CON]-nicks are usually displayed completely black, except for the first three signs.

The #$ is only posted in the irc and only on connection, btw.

Read my message again. "I've been talking about the player fingerprint and tying a short human-readable unique string to them.". Example: you associate the unique "killgenerals" username to your client keypair, and this shows somewhere ingame next to your ingame nickname. That way, anyone can copy your nickname, but nobody can steal your human-readable "killgenerals" username.

But I don't think this is feasible at all with the current auth system.

What you are talking about here is using the uniquely assigned player slot to identify clients in the current session. Rage_ATWM had something else in mind: a way to identify a player uniquely any time. Player slots change when the client disconnects and reconnects.

I'll add that you should use the "status 1" or "status 2" commands instead of just "status". status is quake-compatible, its output can't change because that breaks parseability. status 1 and 2 show the nicknames as they are.

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