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Space Death_b2

A mighty good job! I really like how this map is progressing.

BTW: didn't you publish v50r1 a while ago?
My contributions to Xonotic: talking in the forum, talking some more, talking a bit in the irc, talking in the forum again, XSkie

couple things

(note this is just based off your screenshots i haven't tested your newest version yet)

1 -- you DO NOT need any separate file/script wierdness to make sparks ... they are handle with a simple point particles entity ... just look at the drain map file ...

2 -- If this is "space" death ... then why is it a cloudy sunset sky

3 -- comments on 4 screens

3.1 -- I likre the dramatic lighting ... although the repeating panels throws me off a little ... but seeing as you offsetted them its not much of an issue

3.2 -- GAAAA ... NEVER use textures from the map set ... (talking about the TRAIN B sign here ) those textures are for thier respective maps only ... if space elevator were ever removed from the xonotic release that texture would show up as missing on your map! .. If you want to keep it copy the texture and shader for your map's use

otherwise -- looks fine ... dont know about the drain textures on the floor and ceiling ...

3.3 again with the floor and cieling textures ... walls are nice though

3.4 same comments as first one as first one

also ... how many sparks were you going to put into the map? ...

(07-30-2012, 11:30 PM)hutty Wrote: (note this is just based off your screenshots i haven't tested your newest version yet)

If this is "space" death ... then why is it a cloudy sunset sky ?

also ... how many sparks were you going to put into the map? ...

if space elevator were ever removed from the xonotic release that texture would show up as missing on your map!

1. Basicly because it is a space base on a different planet (guess I don't know other name for it) that has similar conditions to ours. Besides: Sun does not shine only for earth. Wink
2. I was thinking about 3 or 4 panels with sparks. why you asking? Currently I am testing if they work and also trying to create shader.Dodgy
3. I don't think that space elevator could possibly be removed but you might be right, I will add it to the pk3 file, thanks!Shy

Cyber Killer: Are you sure? :Confused


Its not that hutty 'may be right': Wrote:Map-specific textures

Textures only used by one map may be in a map-specific directory textures/map_mapname. In Radiant, this will show up as a "map" folder with one subfolder for each map that has such a directory.

Other maps may not use these!

Okey, that means I am not allowed to use them? So ehy the hell they are still there? For fun?

They are in there because the map in question needs them. What map_* textures are in there depends on what maps are in your current data/. That can and will change, and when it does the map that does use something of the removed map/s will get broken. So no, its not for fun - its to make sure your map keeps working. That's why the hell its like this.

(07-31-2012, 08:26 AM)Justin Wrote: Cyber Killer: Are you sure? :Confused

Pretty sure, yea...
from Thursday, 12th July, 2012, 19:13

from Sunday, 15th July, 2012, 19:51

in both you post v50r1 and as everybody knows this tends to get messy when the public servers use maps ;-)
My contributions to Xonotic: talking in the forum, talking some more, talking a bit in the irc, talking in the forum again, XSkie

actually the custom shaders you are making for your map should be in map_spacedeath or something on that line ... unfortunately there are very few mappers who actually follow this standard

also don't count on space-elevator always being there ... about half of the maps in nexuiz pre - 1.0 never made it to nexuiz 2 ... same goes for all xonotic maps (hutty stares down courtfun)

Cyber Killer: I think Justin edited all his posts to make them link to the new version.

Justin: you don't have to do that, just update the first post and post an update in the thread. That's how everybody does it. Also, it won't make your changelogs confusing as hell.

ok, people. I ve read all posts in this thread once again and since I have more time for this map (because SpiderCTF is almost finished so far) Im focused on it and make last details and layout changes.

There is is: Offical TDM version. Might add more thing later, but I think thats it. Have fun, good luck!

Sparks problem fixed, some lava platforms added, more deatils, stardust on tele out.

Working map link:
[Image: 230.jpg]

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