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[SOLVED] add map to campaignxonoticbeta.txt

I wanted to add a map as the first campaign for the single player so I added its .pk3 package to the data folder and put its parameters at the first of campaignxonoticbeta.txt but nothing changed on the single player menu.
So I tried the same thing with an existing map: I put at the beginning "tdm","afterslime","5","2",,"5",,"Team Deathmatch: Afterslime","Next we'll try some 3v3 Team Deathmatch on Afterslime. You'll have to do your best for five minutes, because the team with the highest score will be the winning team!"
but nothing changed as well. I have always on the single player menu: "Deathmatch: Docking Station G-23 ...."
I have also this on the console: WARNING: no tooltip set for g_campaign_skill
VM_fgets: invalid file handle -1 used in menu
maybe it's because of this the changement didn't happen
please help! What can be the problem?

Changing the maporder with levels that are already there (like you tried) works for me.

Did you extract the file? If yes: Did you put it pack into the pk3 and overwrite the old file?

Or.. maybe you did not save it?

what file? the new map?.. I can't even change the map order of the existing ones, is there anything to do a part from changing the order in the txt file?

You can change the map order in the txt file and then you have to save the file and it has to be in the pk3 of course. It should work.

I've done it but it doesn't work .. I have even deleting the line of the G-23 int the txt and removed the whole G-23 map and it is still the same.

(07-15-2012, 07:13 PM)Mirio Wrote: You can change the map order in the txt file and then you have to save the file and it has to be in the pk3 of course. It should work.

WRONG! Don't encourage people to alter the original pk3. If they break things, it makes things impossible to troubleshoot! Soukaina, if that's possible for you, revert the data pk3 to its original state. Exctact the file from your Xonotic download. I don't want to run into you later with unexplainable problems caused by a modified pk3 Wink

Leaving the file outside of the pk3 and with the right path overrides the pk3's file. (Read this maybe. I need to write long-winded explanations in the wiki and link to that instead.)

You need to put your modified campaignxonoticbeta.txt in a directory called maps, and put that in your data directory. Your data directory is ~/.xonotic/data/ if you have a *NIX operating system, or something like My Documents\My Saved Games\Xonotic\data in Windows.

Then, in the xonotic console (shift escape in the menu or ingame), type this command:
which maps/campaignxonoticbeta.txt
If it tells you that file is from the pk3, it means you didn't put the modified file in the right place. If it tells you it's in My Saved Games\blahblahblah, then it means it has loaded the modified file, not the original. You should then see the modified campaign.

I did not mean to modify it inside anyway, just that the txt has to be at it's origin place again.

If you fuck up your game you can just update it with the updater and you get the old files back anyway (and you should back it up usually).

Thanks a lot! it finally worked.. I had to change the txt in .xonotic/../maps


Btw: You can to "Multiplayer" -> "Create" and start an offline game with any gamemode, map, botskill etc. you want - much easier.
If you want to play some custom maps you put the from your dlcache (~\Xonotic\data\dlcache) into the data (~Xonotic\data) folder and they will be in the menu. Same for maps which you download from this forum for example.

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