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[SOLVED] How do you change directory.

Well I don't know where to look. But I have moved my Xonotic folder. Now it comes up with a message saying that it cannot find data files and to add -basedir game/files

Or something like that. It ha happened to me on Nexuiz and Darkplaces for Quake 1

Can anybody point me in the right direction

The Xonotic binary (the executable file, .exe if you're on Windows) expects to see the "data" directory in the same directory as the binary. (That is because most file managers launch a binary with the "working directory" set to the binary's directory.)

What did you move exactly? Also, how do you start Xonotic?

Just move the entire thing, not just "data", and you should be fine.

(06-29-2013, 02:44 AM)Mr. Bougo Wrote: The Xonotic binary (the executable file, .exe if you're on Windows) expects to see the "data" directory in the same directory as the binary. (That is because most file managers launch a binary with the "working directory" set to the binary's directory.)

What did you move exactly? Also, how do you start Xonotic?

Just move the entire thing, not just "data", and you should be fine.
The Xonotic folder was on my desktop then I moved it into another folder called 'games' on my desktop. I moved all of it. I start using 'xonotic-x64' I do have a 64bit processor.

Is the xonotic-x64 still in the same directory as "data"? How do you launch the game? Are you using a shortcut?

What's your OS anyway? In Linux you should be using It auto-detects your architecture.

(06-29-2013, 08:24 PM)Mr. Bougo Wrote: Is the xonotic-x64 still in the same directory as "data"? How do you launch the game? Are you using a shortcut?

What's your OS anyway? In Linux you should be using It auto-detects your architecture.
Yes it is in the directory (see image below). My OS is Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit (Image way too big to post inside img, /img Tongue )
Here is my Xonotic folder, I don't launch from a shortcut, If I did that would probably be the first thing I investigate.

Last time I used the SDL version it launched but there was no graphics, So it just displayed my desktop

Can you launch the game with the -developer command line option, then open the console and do
condump whatever.log
(filename doesn't matter). Look for that log file inside your data directory (where config.cfg is) and post it in a pastebin (maybe review it first if you want to hide any user names).

See the following post for how to pass command line parameters simply:
Although that might fix your problem altogether if it somehow sorts out that working directory problem.

Just before I do I noticed something interesting in the console.
Invalid response from keygen server
Now back to the main topic of this problem.
I'm having a bit of trouble understanding how to launch the game with -developer command line option
But I can open the console while in the game. but it is telling me to
You may want to consider adding -basedir /path/to/game to your launch commandline
It doesn't take an idiot to know that what the game is telling me to something similar to what your telling me to.
I'm going to try and add it to the command line thing. I had to do it in Quake for +mlook
Wait no I won't. With quake I use a file called 'autoexec.cfg' this seems different.

Anyway thanks for your efforts this far, The problem is I do not know how to launch with the commands Sad

(06-30-2013, 06:24 AM)satuim Wrote: Just before I do I noticed something interesting in the console.
Invalid response from keygen server
That's also interesting. Is that all there is to the error?

(06-30-2013, 06:24 AM)satuim Wrote: It doesn't take an idiot to know that what the game is telling me to something similar to what your telling me to.
I'm going to try and add it to the command line thing. I had to do it in Quake for +mlook

No. The game is telling you to set a basedir but it should have done it already. Something is working wrong, and setting the basedir would only work around the problem until next time, instead of actually finding it and fixing it. Please don't set the basedir manually.

Can you tell me what you don't understand in my post to start with -developer? Have you been able to create the shortcut as instructed? To edit it? To launch it? Please be more explicit about what you don't understand.

(06-30-2013, 07:29 AM)Mr. Bougo Wrote: That's also interesting. Is that all there is to the error?
Sadly yes.

Quote:Can you tell me what you don't understand in my post to start with -developer? Have you been able to create the shortcut as instructed? To edit it? To launch it? Please be more explicit about what you don't understand.
You didn't tell me how to make the shortcut in the first place. And pretty much everything.

(06-30-2013, 04:45 PM)satuim Wrote: You didn't tell me how to make the shortcut in the first place. And pretty much everything.

What? Did you notice the link in my post?


Your data loads just fine, setting basedir would not change a thing.

Now if you'll read the actual error in the console, you'll notice that it says your campaign file is broken.

Open the console and do this:
This will tell you the current campaign name (default is "xonoticbeta"). Tell me what you get.
which maps/campaign${g_campaign_name}.txt
Again, tell me what you get.

First off I would like to tell you that my game stopped working when I viewed the Single-Player screen. The last words I saw was List by Mirio or something like that.
OK did the first command:
"g_campaign_name" is "nexuiz25" ["xonoticbeta"]
As for the second one:
maps/campaignnexuiz25.txt is in package data20091001.pk3

I can't help but feel I screwed something up with the nexuiz maps. Should I delete that txt file?
It is really like a parrot telling it's owner everything it saw, really.

You should not the put the data.pk3 from Nexuiz into the data folder of Xonotic! Obviously it won't work out.

>>> Different games?

You wouldn't put FIFA content in Battlefield either right? Tongue

You can make the maps work by creating pk3s, however there are a) some remakes and b) some will be ugly in Xonotic (size and stuff).

I didn't Mirio the pk3 from Nexuiz is separate. Its a txt from Nexuiz that has the campaign. Thats what I'm thinking anyway

Besides both games uses the same engine (Dark Places)
FIFA and BF does not

Update: I can run the game but I removed the pk3 with all the maps. So it is a problem within Nexuiz files

(07-01-2013, 05:58 AM)satuim Wrote: Update: I can run the game but I removed the pk3 with all the maps. So it is a problem within Nexuiz files

Yeah.. like I tried to point out. Different games.

The data.pk3 contains the hole game basically, was not there this situation already? jeez

(07-01-2013, 04:21 AM)satuim Wrote:
maps/campaignnexuiz25.txt is in package data20091001.pk3

Yep, you have the Nexuiz data pk3 in your data directory. Don't do that, it breaks stuff. Currently you're trying to play a weird hybrid of Xonotic and Nexuiz with a mix of files from both of them. There's no wonder it doesn't work.

(07-01-2013, 02:10 PM)Mr. Bougo Wrote:
(07-01-2013, 04:21 AM)satuim Wrote:
maps/campaignnexuiz25.txt is in package data20091001.pk3

Yep, you have the Nexuiz data pk3 in your data directory. Don't do that, it breaks stuff. Currently you're trying to play a weird hybrid of Xonotic and Nexuiz with a mix of files from both of them. There's no wonder it doesn't work.
But I have removed everything but the maps.

You clearly haven't. It says so in your command output.

EDIT: Ah, you probably mean the maps directory. Well, that contains the nexuiz campaign, which isn't compatible with Xonotic. You have it set as your campaign, which means the nexuiz pk3 tainted your Xonotic configuration. You might want to reset that config just to be sure you didn't break anything else.

Get rid of that campaign txt file and fix your configuration.

I have Removed the Nexuiz campaign files and all is well. Marking a resolved.

I'd like you to fix your configuration too, so that I don't have to ask you to reset it the next time you ask for support.

(07-02-2013, 05:24 AM)Mr. Bougo Wrote: I'd like you to fix your configuration too, so that I don't have to ask you to reset it the next time you ask for support.
Did Nexuiz damage my config?
Anyway to reset it do I have to delete it. Also is it in the same directory that I got the log from?

Yes, it did damage your config, I said that in a post above. You had the campaign set to Nexuiz', which is why your menu VM crashed.

The config file is config.cfg. It contains your binds and everything else, so make a backup and move it away.

(07-03-2013, 03:12 AM)Mr. Bougo Wrote: Yes, it did damage your config, I said that in a post above. You had the campaign set to Nexuiz', which is why your menu VM crashed.

The config file is config.cfg. It contains your binds and everything else, so make a backup and move it away.

Have done and reset my resolution

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