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[DM] Lseven (first Xonotic map)

Hi everyone,

I've been messing around with Netradiant, and after a couple of scratch maps and a lot of tutorials I've made a map.

the idea behind the layout is that most of the good weapons are on the outer rim, but the health and armor is around and on the central sctucture, so there's a fight to be 'king of the hil' of the middle but also to dominate the outer rim. I've added waypoints and tested it with bots, and it works pretty well, but I'm looking forward to feedback from humans.


I still haven't added a skybox, since I haven't found one that really fits yet (I don't want this to be another space map). I was thinking of just having it be pitch-black and having pipes and maxhinery loom out of the darkness, but Netradiant takes forever to build. I had the idea of making a skybox where the moon is visible through a hole in the silhouette of lots of pipes, gears, etc.. we'll see if I have the commitment to get it done.

Attached Files
.pk3   Lseven.pk3 (Size: 1.42 MB / Downloads: 21)

Not bad, but I suggest you block access to go behind the outer walls (there are platforms where you can go hide to)

Demo to show what I mean:

Attached Files
.zip (Size: 427.32 KB / Downloads: 3)

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