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[DM|Duel] Luminar

Hello there again!

Here comes my submission for the Duel Map Competition 2015: Luminar
Download Luminar

Its a medium sized duel/DM map which has multiple vertical levels to jump around on. The map contains all weapons and would best suit 2-5 players.

I wanted the upper levels to have a blue/grey-ish tint; the bottom level of the map is coloured a bit yellow-ish on the other hand (so you can distinct easily). In addition, you might want to notice the 'timecrack' skybox.
As I adapted some textures and added the skybox, the file size is about 15mb.

I was able to do a final compilation of the map, the download link now contains the final version! Wink

Some specs:
1x 100A, 1x 100H, 1x 50A, 2x 25A, 10 spawns;
1 teleport, 1 lift, 2 jumppads; and a few trickjumps here and there

Finally, some screenshots:

[Image: nguNyhfl.jpg]

[Image: qme7JtZl.jpg]

[Image: Meftle5l.jpg]

[Image: 9cJwisZl.jpg]

[Image: knZgyLrl.jpg]

[Image: 91mcEQBl.jpg]

[Image: mATi4f5l.jpg]

Have fun Smile

Looks very squary, but in a nice way!

Nice work, look forward to seeing matches played on it!

Also, nice work avoiding a name clash:
[Image: 230.jpg]

I'm getting this:

server EDICT 850:
absmin         '-1 -1 -1'
absmax         '1 1 1'
movetype       7
solid          4
classname      plat
sounds         2
noise          plats/medplat1.wav
noise1         plats/medplat2.wav
server OBJECT ERROR in objerror:
InitMovingBrushTrigger: no brushes found!
Tip: read above for entity information

Cool map, reminds me of In the arms of lilith from Q2W.

  • Height of the sky might be bit too low, sometimes I hit the clipping and it makes movement awkward
  • This jumppad is a bit strange, since you run forward on the stair but forced backwards? Maybe just make this boost upwards.
  • Logos looks a bit out of place, they stand out too much with the black background.
  • Maybe its intentional, but its easy to hit these ledges and fall down into the acid
  • This ammo might be bit too close to electro, not sure how powerful electro is on this map but it might get OP, or if nex or crylink is powerful this spot will essentially have 2 ammos for them (electro works like ammo too).
  • MG is not well placed IMO, it MIGHT be powerful considering all vertical space, but having it in such a off-place spot feels a bit strange considering it's pretty underpowered (unless in the hands of Draelor ofc Wink). I kinda like that spot though, just not for that particular item.

Overall I love the style and it's certainly a very unique map that will stand out in its architecture!

Thanks for the replies so far!

Some ammo placements could be changed indeed; I will consider this in a future version of the map. However, they didnt occur to be too strong in the few test matches I had so far.

@ BuddyFriendGuy:
Thats an odd error, I wonder why you get that? Can anyone reproduce this?

BTW, I wasnt aware of another map being called laminar - lucky miss! Tongue

(08-01-2015, 09:19 AM)Debugger Wrote: @ BuddyFriendGuy:
Thats an odd error, I wonder why you get that? Can anyone reproduce this?

I got it from hosting it in my server, which uses the git version. I wonder whether the map uses some texture that doesn't exist any more.

Great creative effort...
• It's suprising how you pull it off using a mix of so many different textures that result in a fresh theme without disturbing in any way.
• Gameplay in duel is great; so many angles, point of views ans see throughs, opening up and closing down with each step you take;
the one who see one first can plan and work towards an ambush.

OP link appears to be stuck in maintenace (assuming dead), here's a mirror:
[Image: 230.jpg]

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