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Mapping contests participation

Guys! I need a help from Xonotic developers. And I need it within 7 days. If any game developer is reading this thread: Please Respond!

I try to have Scholarship for the best students at my University. Artistic contests also count so it would be great if game developers (at least two) would sign under the clarification I have prepared.

This is a clarification that I participated in three Level designing contests:

This is preview :

[Image: preview_clarification.jpg]

And PDF download:

The way I think this could work is one developer signing and posting download with his signature on this thread so another could pick it up and sign as well.

Please, help.


I'll try to get this back to you as soon as I can. I have a scanner at work that can pump out a PDF!
asyyy^ | are you releated to chuck norris?

Thanks, Antibody! It means great deal to me!

In your inbox now. Cheers!
asyyy^ | are you releated to chuck norris?

Thanks! You okey me posting this signed .pdf here so at least one other developer could sign as well? Maybe your signature is enough but I was counting on at least two though.

Even if they laugh it out at the University (nobody knows about level design there, I guess there will be like: Wtf, dude, are you kidding me? This is god damn faculty of civil engineering not some gamers committee! Get out, others are w8ing, stop wasting my time...) it is worth a shot, even for sake of having something to hang above the chimney.

BTW: Sorry for bringing such thread on this forum. When It's over feel free to remove it.

Although I'm not a developer I can sign it as well! I have a very pretty signature, it's like a jobhunt- buff.

I would be honored, Smilecythe! I will send it to you via PM, thank you!

Yay! If it works I make a map straight away! Thanks a lot Anti and Smilecythe, See you around!

Damn it. I am writing this message from my University. I got 10th in overall rankings for the best students however they decided that gaming related contests aren't serious and rejected my petition for scholarship. I'd better grow up.

Thank you guys anyway. It was very nice of you to take your time and sign the clarification. I have it on the shelf above my desk and .... now after the boring lecture I will go home, eat as much as possible and sleep whole day.

It kinda worked the other way I wanted. Life?

Don't let that get you down, Justin. You've created things that people are using and enjoying every day. At the same time, you're pushing the limits of your knowledge of design and construction. That's a win/win in my book any day of the week! Stay positive!
asyyy^ | are you releated to chuck norris?

Totally agree to what Antibody said there. You made something that is appreciated by a lot of people, something you can be proud of yourself and probably learned a lot in the process. You didn't do that for the scholarship in the first place, did you. Keep up the attitude that you approached this project with for other things you want to reach in your life! :thumbsup:
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Justin, I'm sorry that your university does not recognize your brilliant contribution. More and more higher ed institutes are launching programs to prepare their students for the game industry. I honestly think whoever made that decision is very out of touch with the reality, and whoever has that prejudice against gaming in education is simply ignorant.

Hey mate, don't give up, you do a realy great stuff, which was appreciated by peoples from different cultures and different age groups, so i think you on the right way mate. Games become art of 21th century, but not everyone understand this, so they must "grow up" not you Smile
<machine> dude, i know i suck Smile
<OHSNAP! Mossepo> but you dont like finko-suck, u have potential to be good
Diomedes: Finko: You are the most intelligent guy in this community.

Shows the stupidity of schools, the system is ancient. How some freaking philosophical crap is qualified, but not gaming-related thing, which definitely IS a big thing in the world nowadays. Especially the complexity of mapping and whatnot. WHAT is serious then, i ask? You dont need to grow up, the system needs to update itself. Teachers are probably born in 50's and cannot understand a rats ass about things you do and instantly judges it as "not serious". Its entertainment, movies, gaming, theatre, music. The ones who make it, create it, can be artist of their own area Smile

Its the system that is ancient, not you need to "grow up". Grow up from what?! Big Grin

Anyway respect for your talent, if the ancient education system would allow some credit for you about it, it would be very justified Smile

Thank you guys. I love idea that "games become art of 21th century" (Finko mentioned that). I have never done anything that was so rewarding as Level Design. You meet amazing community, create content together and have lots of fun while doing so! I kind of always wanted to believe that good gameplay can also look good. I want more! I hope you don't mind that I am making maps for UT4 now. If you need maps and organize contests you can count on me.

Honestly I don't care that much about what they think about my game involvement. I was just angry and sad that they didn't give my scholarship just because word "games" was mentioned in the petition. I was also asked for "original document" because 'this must be the copy as the signatures are printed'....I said that I would have to travel around the world to get the original version and had to talk with them for a while for them to understand...

I am happy though, because the idea was nice even though it didn't go as I planned.

Honestly I am touched by your reaction. Knowledge that there are people who appreciate your work is an incredible thing.

Lol, them considering this document as totally not serious and doubting its not fakrness
[Image: 0_e8735_c58a251e_orig]

Big Grin 
(12-03-2015, 07:41 AM)Justin Wrote: Damn it. I am writing this message from my University. I got 10th in overall rankings for the best students however they decided that gaming related contests aren't serious and rejected my petition for scholarship. I'd better grow up.
First off, very sorry to hear that.

And those ppl saying that are retards plain and simple. Game art turns enormous sums each year, likely more so than all first time art sales do. Those trying to quantify what art, and even more so serious art is, in definitive terms quickly digs themselves into a deep hole asked to then explain how a canvas with one sloppy brushstroke can be worth anything or why a 1-1 copy of sth generally regarded as a masterpiece should be worth less than the original.

Quote:Thank you guys anyway. It was very nice of you to take your time and sign the clarification. I have it on the shelf above my desk and .... now after the boring lecture I will go home, eat as much as possible and sleep whole day.

It kinda worked the other way I wanted. Life?
Sorry i was not in time to sign the clarification, i would have loved to. Keep in mind that there's plenty of game art schools / courses out there and you clearly have a lot of talent for it. if this is the thing you want to do, any previous content created should serve well as proof of talent.

On a bright side Justin.. I wouldn't get the label of artist in your school either Big Grin

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