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XQC #80 (2v2 CTF/Insta+Hook)

I'm happy to announce Regulars 2v2 CTF Instagib cup.

Quick facts:
  • 2v2 Capture The Flag (Insta+Hook)
  • Modus: Double Elimination bracket
  • Date/time: May 28 at 18:00 of CEST
  • Timelimit: 15 minutes
  • Fraglimit: 10, no leadlimit
  • Map Picking: Drop-Drop-Drop-Drop-Pick-Pick at bo3, Pick-Pick-Drop-Drop-Pick-Pick at bo5 (semifinals and finals) and Pick-Pick-Pick-Pick-Pick-Pick at bo7 (grand final)
  • Admins: Regulars

Map pool will be formed by registered teams.
Settings will be almost same as on regulars server with one possible exception of g_breakablehook. I'm currently not sure about this.

To register join our IRC channel (#xonotic.cup) (IRC, QuakeNet) and use :register command.

Here's example:
@slava   | :register 73 Regulars team
+cup-bot | Team Regulars team successfully created
+cup-bot | Members: [力] twoism and [力] shadowbeast

Also, you can visit cup's webpage.

After long consultations we decided to use 0.8.1 on cup, this means no g_breakablehook. Git was causing bad fps to some players.

Teams (11)

Absolutely Xtreme: [Image: 136.gif] AlexC + [Image: 64.gif] Lightbringer
BOT #1: [Image: 55.gif] Mirio + [Image: 55.gif] GATTS
eLeMenT1: [Image: 97.gif] kwakkie + [Image: 51.gif] icair
Satan's Neighbours: [Image: 55.gif] Islinn + [Image: 55.gif] Taleb
The Regulars Inquisition: [Image: 121.gif] twoism + [Image: 136.gif] Zero
[力]: [Image: 55.gif] qb!t + [Image: 112.gif] akd
A Pair of Evil Ants: [Image: 118.gif] Beebz + [Image: 55.gif] Freddy
L8Rs: [Image: 107.gif] Dr.X + [Image: 112.gif] loony
Heretix: [Image: 97.gif] PiLLow + [Image: 55.gif] SilenceKiller
BOT #2: [Image: 121.gif] Grunt + [Image: 55.gif] packer
Regulars Devils: [Image: 137.gif] Slava + [Image: 52.gif] neol1nk

Map Voting (closed)
Zero: lostspace2, nexdance, evilspace_deepsky, gib_warehouse, powerstation, dissocia, dreamscape
Beebz: lostspace2, dissocia, nexdance, powerstation, trance, evilspace_deepsky, dreamscape
Islinn: lostspace2, gib_warehouse, dreamscape, stone_castle_ctf, warehouse_xon, nexdance, dissocia
Taleb: lostspace2, gib_warehouse, dreamscape, stone_castle_ctf, warehouse_xon, nexdance, dissocia
Akd: lostspace2, dissocia, nexdance, powerstation, stone_castle_ctf, evilspace_deepsky, dreamscape
Qbit: warehouse_xon, evilspace_deepsky, dreamscape, nexdance, lostspace2, stone_castle_ctf, gib_warehouse
Mirio: evilspace_deepsky, powerstation, warehouse_xon, dissocia, trance, recratemini, implosion
GATTS: evilspace_deepsky, powerstation, warehouse_xon, dissocia, trance, recratemini, implosion
twoism: evilspace_deepsky, dreamscape, nexdance, trance, stone_castle_ctf, warehouse_xon, gib_warehouse
icair: warehouse_xon, evilspace_deepsky, dreamscape, nexdance, lostspace2, dissocia, gib_warehouse
Freddy: recratemini, evilspace_deepsky, dreamscape, trance, gib_warehouse, stone_castle_ctf, dissocia
SilenceKiller: warehouse_xon, evilspace_deepsky, dreamscape, nexdance, lostspace2, stone_castle_ctf, gib_warehouse
Lightbringer: lostspace2, powerstation, dissocia, dreamscape, nexdance, implosion, recratemini

Map Voting Results
dreamscape: 11
dissocia: 10
nexdance: 10
evilspace_deepsky: 10
lostspace2: 9
gib_warehouse: 8
warehouse_xon: 8
stone_castle_ctf: 7
powerstation: 6

Map Pool
dreamscape, dissocia, nexdance, evilspace_deepsky, lostspace2, gib_warehouse, warehouse_xon


Servers will be public and visible during cup. Also you can use domain name.
  • [力] TheRegulars ☠ Cup Server #1 ( stats
  • [力] TheRegulars ☠ Cup Server #2 ( stats
  • [力] TheRegulars ☠ Cup Server #3 ( stats
  • [力] TheRegulars ☠ Cup Server #4 ( stats
  • [力] TheRegulars ☠ Cup Server #5 ( stats

It also good idea to add following config to your alises:
alias cup1 "connect"
alias cup2 "connect"
alias cup3 "connect"
alias cup4 "connect"
alias cup5 "connect"


Cool stuff. Good luck with this.

You should have 7 (or any uneven number) maps in the pool to make it a fair pick/drop.

For map picking this means:

Bo3: 2x pick 4x drop
Bo5: 4x pick 2x drop

The remaining map is the decider. The pick/drop order is up to you.

Bo3 examples:
- pick pick drop drop drop drop
- drop drop drop drop pick pick
- pick pick drop drop pick pick
- drop drop pick pick drop drop

I assume that fraglimit is 10? And do you use leadlimit?

Also you can use #xonotic.cup if you want to. I can give you OP status. Smile Just let me know.
If you need some advices in tournament administration I can help you any time.

Good initiative Slava! Nice to see other game modes than 1v1.
[Image: 65153.png]

If you don't have a team what then? :p

Yoooooooo, team "Satan's Neighbours" signing up, consisting of 665 Taleb and 667 Islinn.

See you in hell, suckers. Wink
[Image: 9214.png]

(05-15-2016, 04:17 PM)pillow.kudasai Wrote: If you don't have a team what then? :p

You could join to #xonotic.cup irc channel and ask, maybe you could find teammate there. Also you can try this on #theregulars channel as well.

If you will not find teammate until cup, you could join to #xonotic.cup one hour before cup. We will make random teams from those players who wants participate but have no teams.

(05-17-2016, 12:09 PM)Islinn Wrote: Yoooooooo, team "Satan's Neighbours" signing up, consisting of 665 Taleb and 667 Islinn.

See you in hell, suckers. Wink


(05-19-2016, 07:54 AM)dekrY Wrote:
(05-17-2016, 12:09 PM)Islinn Wrote: Yoooooooo, team "Satan's Neighbours" signing up, consisting of 665 Taleb and 667 Islinn.

See you in hell, suckers. Wink

"Scrotum's Neighbours" would have been a lot cooler. Their names could then have been Penislinn and Taintleb.

(05-19-2016, 10:19 AM)Smilecythe Wrote:
(05-19-2016, 07:54 AM)dekrY Wrote:
(05-17-2016, 12:09 PM)Islinn Wrote: Yoooooooo, team "Satan's Neighbours" signing up, consisting of 665 Taleb and 667 Islinn.

See you in hell, suckers. Wink

"Scrotum's Neighbours" would have been a lot cooler. Their names could then have been Penislinn and Taintleb.

I am finding another pattern here Mr. Smile Smile Islam and Taliban Big Grin

(05-19-2016, 11:02 AM)dekrY Wrote:
(05-19-2016, 10:19 AM)Smilecythe Wrote:
(05-19-2016, 07:54 AM)dekrY Wrote:
(05-17-2016, 12:09 PM)Islinn Wrote: Yoooooooo, team "Satan's Neighbours" signing up, consisting of 665 Taleb and 667 Islinn.

See you in hell, suckers. Wink

"Scrotum's Neighbours" would have been a lot cooler. Their names could then have been Penislinn and Taintleb.

I am finding another pattern here Mr. Smile Smile Islam and Taliban Big Grin

Original as fuck.... not.

I think matuka and vaan came first with that and it got boring real quick Big Grin
[Image: 9214.png]

If someone wants to test settings, you can do this at this weekend, just connect to server. This server is public, so you can find it in server list too. Server also available via another domain: but due bug in game engine, game can't connect to it via this domain Confused. Server is available from 1 pm of CEST to 2 am of CEST during this weekend (it is hourly rent server and I prefer not to pay for night time).

Also note: I banned couple subnets, so if you are not lucky you may have problems with access to server (banned ips still can see server in list). In that case just ping me on IRC and I will add your ip to whitelist.

Also since this Saturday we are starting map voting.
Here's map voting list:

lostspace2, powerstation, dissocia, evilspace_deepsky, gib_warehouse, dreamscape, stone_castle_ctf, warehouse_xon, nexdance, trance, implosion, recratemini

Only 7 maps from that list will be used in cup. All players that registered may participate in map voting (this means that 2 players from one team). To vote just highlight someone from regulars on IRC and send him 7 maps that you would like to see on cup. Map voting isn't anonymous, all votes will be published on forum. This will allow you check that you vote was counted and validate result.

Update: Also you can publish your map voting on forum in this topic.

I updated first post. I added information about servers and bracket.

Huge thanks to Slava and the other admins for delaying the whole tournament so much! Didn't expect I was able to play at all Big Grin Even though it became too fkn late for me I think qbit, akd, Islinn and me provided a good show Smile

You guys made a great tournament!! Thx for the good time!

Besides being overpowered, there were some nice close games!

Well done Nimbus and Islinn! U guys are abnormal.

[Image: 39855.png]

Thanks for the games guys and thanks for hosting Smile Can't wait for the demo's! ggs

Wait... So what is happening to the tourney now?

In any case I really enjoyed playing, thank you for hosting! Smile
[Image: 9214.png]

Thanks Slava and other admins for doing this tournament! Was really fun! And thx for everyone who played also! GGs and wp

As I promised, I'm publishing demos from cup. Here's torrent with demos. Folder with demos begins with challonge game id (bracket number) and then folows w for winner bracket and l for loser.
Here's an example:

Also, it possible to rename this archive, set pk3 extension and move to game's data folder. In that case, it will be possible to play demo without decompressing archive (it will require less space). But this will require from you to start demo from console and type full path to demo without autocomplete (autocomplete will not work in that case).

(05-29-2016, 05:15 PM)Islinn Wrote: Wait... So what is happening to the tourney now?
Currently I see two options: finalists can play games that left in next Saturday or they can replay all Grand Final. This decision is up to finalists.

(05-30-2016, 04:24 PM)Sl@va Wrote: As I promised, I'm publishing demos from cup. Here's torrent with demos. Folder with demos begins with challonge game id (bracket number) and then folows w for winner bracket and l for loser.
Here's an example:

Also, it possible to rename this archive, set pk3 extension and move to game's data folder. In that case, it will be possible to play demo without decompressing archive (it will require less space). But this will require from you to start demo from console and type full path to demo without autocomplete (autocomplete will not work in that case).

(05-29-2016, 05:15 PM)Islinn Wrote: Wait... So what is happening to the tourney now?
Currently I see two options: finalists can play games that left in next Saturday or they can replay all Grand Final. This decision is up to finalists.

Thanks for demos Sl@va, I enjoyed watching them Big Grin

Any word on the finals? Also, thanks for hosting once again Smile

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