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Some non-pro gameplay video

I've recently built a new PC with Ryzen 7 1700 and GTX 1060 in it, and I got back to playing Xonotic a bit.

Because making music production tutorials is hard, I'm recently making some more casual, relaxed videos.

Maybe you'll enjoy this Smile
I'm making Liblast - a FOSS online FPS game made with Godot 4 and a 100% open-source toolchain

Nice video, man!  Good to not only hear you talk about it, but see your reactions to the game.

Nice vid, interesting to hear someone who's not new to Xonotic say that he doesn't use mortar/vortex combos. If you haven't made a bind for each weapon, have you at least tried reordering them so you can combo with next/prev? Duel players kept telling me that it's a bad idea but i found it works quite nicely when playing casually.
[Image: 30381.jpg]

<packer> when i see martin-t's name my blood pressure increases

<[BOT]Hоtdоg> anyone here lives near martin?
<[BOT]Hоtdоg> will pay monies for shooting him

(06-18-2017, 06:39 PM)martin-t Wrote: have you at least tried reordering them so you can combo with next/prev? Duel players kept telling me that it's a bad idea but i found it works quite nicely when playing casually.
It's not really a bad idea, but having binds for every weapon is so much more better. Getting used to those binds gives you precision in picking the right weapon in a right situation. "Spam comboing whatever you happen to have" is also probably not the best way to learn to use weapons in appropriate situations. I say this, because I've seen people comboing shotgun+electro on an opponent far away, moments after picking Vortex also.

Thanks for your feedback!

I don't have binds for all weapons, I mostly play with "vanilla" configuration and I guess the majority of new (and relatively new) players will play this way also.

I've reported some issues that puzzled me in the dev tracker - thinking about the (ever)upcoming 1.0 release.

I really want this game to get a wide attention and a lot of players having fun with it.

On a technical side: for some reason OBS captured only 30 FPS of Xonotic gameplay, while my desktop was captured with real  60 FPS rate.

I wonder what is happening, becasue Xonotic report 60 FPS rendering (as you can see in the bottom right corner) - but in the editing I checked and only every other frame is updated.

I wonder what is going on.
I'm making Liblast - a FOSS online FPS game made with Godot 4 and a 100% open-source toolchain

If have settled on a middle-ground keybind solution:
  • One bind for the Vortex
  • One bind to toggle between current and previous weapon (weaplast)

At opportune moments, I switch to the appropriate secondary weapon, then use
the Vortex bind. Afterwards, combos with the weaplast bind are very efficient.
Explicit binds might be superior. But as a casual player, I'm happy
with this setup, because it is both simple and reasonably flexible.

And of course, great work with the video Big Grin
Though in my head, I always pronounced your name "oonfa", guess that's the German bias.

lol people leaving the weapon binds as is, i.e the whole number row.
I have binds off the latter portion of the number row for RTS and RPGs. I don't think newer games even keep the default bindings 100% at the number row anymore (and in Xonotic I had to fiddle with which weapons should be accessible, which weapons I'm inclined to use, and which weapons are outright better that I should be using to begin with).

My attempts at a config: (a configuration framework with "sane" defaults and multiple bindsets) (tool for generating a config, incomplete)

Nice to have you back, unfa! I think we had the pleasure of some shooting on Finalrage recently Smile

I think this whole discussion about binds touches the larger problem of default configs. Since Xonotic is quite an amalgamate of mods, modes and player mentalities (namely the old casual/competitive classification), it seems useful to provide an orientation for new players as early as possible. Maybe a good solution could be different config presets that the player could pick at his/her first launch of the game (there is already something similar in the EZQuake client for QuakeWorld, at least for the visuals). There could be an eyecandy preset (effects on ultra, standard enemymodels) and a high visibility config (effects on low, fullbright enemymodels), maybe also something in between. Of course there are loads of variables that are rather a matter of taste (crosshair, binds, picmip, HUD elements etc.), but maybe there could be some community poll to set certain standards for the most important elements in each preset, so new players have something that works right from the start. That's why tools like the one -Z- linked to might prove quite useful in order to make the game more accessible.

Anyway, nice video, it just got me thinking about how much I love Xonotic's configurabitlity, but it can be certainly overwhelming (hence the suggestion of multiple default configs).

There will always be someone who's not happy with the default settings. Instead of presets, I'd focus on making the default as easy to configure as possible, as it already is. For example: assigning the weapon roster into numbers in an orderly fashion. It's easier to draw your mental key map and easier to see which keys are already taken. What can be improved, is providing the necessary information within the client itself. Expecting every new player to register to the forums and depending on Halogene to be always there is not going to work forever.

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