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XQC #89 (4v4 TDM/Draft)

Inspired by Finkos thread I would like to take the opportunity and hold a 4v4 TDM Draft Cup.

It will be a draft cup, which means there gonna be a captain for each team and they pick players one by one (similar to #xonotic.pickup). This way balanced teams should be created and bring some fun for any skilled player.

Anyone across all skill levels is obviously allowed to take part in this!
I would recommend to at least install TeamSpeak for this event, even if you don't have a microphone.

Quick facts:
- 4v4 TDM (XPM)
- Servers: WTWRP, pacman
- Timelimit: 20
- Fraglimit: 0
- Modus: Round Robin or Double Elimination (depends on amount of teams we can get)
- Mappool: Atelier, Bromine, Deep Inside, Dreadful Place, Grudge, Monstrosity, Rush
- Date/time: Friday, 1st February 2019 19:00 CET [UTC+1] (9:00 PM MSK; 1:00 PM EST; 5:00 AM AEDT) //
- VoIP: (TeamSpeak) [each team will get a protected channel]
- Admins: Mirio, packer
- Skill level: any

Just join #xonotic.cup (IRC, QuakeNet) at the given date if you want to participate. No registration somewhere needed! //

If you wonder where to practise 4v4 TDM, just come to #xonotic.pickup (IRC, QuakeNet - ) and play with us. Everyone is welcomed. Smile

gl hf

[Image: tdm.png]

Oh damn, 1PM is exactly when I should be working. I might not be able to play in this one Sad
May the best team win, though! I'd love to see some demos / highlights afterwards!
[Image: 69799.png]
Linux / New England

Can't believe how you managed to ruin something which should've been a fun coming together with this cup, with horribly trash team balance... There was LITERALLY no need for this cup.

At least put some effort into making sure the teams make sense, that's what any decent competitive community tries to do for a draft cup, only discovered how bad the balance was half-way...

Big apologies to Gatts/Seeky/Justin (it's really not on you), but I couldn't continue, it's just not worth it, especially not when I'm playing on a craptop with wifi and shitty peripherals and am expected to carry the load/perform in something that should've been a fun/relaxed CA event or whatever, NOT what I signed up for, and nothing triggers me as badly as this does.
[Image: 4766.png]
[My personal website: AquaNova ] - <> - [Ingame: <PsyX> :::: <-Archer-< :::: ]

Don't know why you rage at all, I feel sorry for your shitty laptop and wifi though.
Try to make a better fun cup next time with balanced teams mb - it's bloody impossible, especially with people who don't play often.
I'm not even saying quitting mid-game isn't something to apologize after, it's the thing to never to do, and you were not the person I expected to Sad
<XSAX> in the world there are many more important things than talking about gays

[Image: dd7pGMB.png]

(02-01-2019, 05:55 PM)hotdog Wrote: Don't know why you rage at all, I feel sorry for your shitty laptop and wifi though.
Try to make a better fun cup next time with balanced teams mb - it's bloody impossible, especially with people who don't play often.
I'm not even saying quitting mid-game isn't something to apologize after, it's the thing to never to do, and you were not the person I expected to Sad

It just tilted me really hard.. I was having a terrible time during the second game, I don't think I've ever been this tilted before... I guess the laptop situation exagerated my rage because it felt like I was chained, which really annoying when you have to play a match where you need to perform optimally before you can even walk 2 feet from spawn.

But really, the team balancing.. It can be done, and it's definitely not near-impossible, it just requires slightly more effort, but it's worth it. We had a no-mic, someone who didn't know the maps, and me being crippled, all in one team, and all kinda rusty. Then we put three active players (dodger, champ, pio) and diomedes who is a strong player in one team. Not hard to see that's an issue...
[Image: 4766.png]
[My personal website: AquaNova ] - <> - [Ingame: <PsyX> :::: <-Archer-< :::: ]

1. Dodger, Pio, Diomedes, Ch4mp
2. Mossepo, malice, Morosophos, Tommy
3. Mirio, Slava, Hotdog, sinety
4. GATTS, Seek-y, Justin(/MUSCIGOAT), Archer(/RAINBOW SHADOW)
5. SpiKe, proraide, SilenceKiller, Ramses
6. packer, ccCam, Finko, FOXYjouk



ggs, was fun )
Sorry that you were disappointed, Archer. The draft cup system is supposed to provide somewhat balanced teams, but balance is never perfect and your team at least qualified to playoffs, unlike packer's team and mine :D

(02-02-2019, 11:16 AM)SpiKe Wrote: ggs, was fun )
Sorry that you were disappointed, Archer. The draft cup system is supposed to provide somewhat balanced teams, but balance is never perfect and your team at least qualified to playoffs, unlike packer's team and mine Big Grin

Shit bucket finals was fun and very close games Big Grin
<machine> dude, i know i suck Smile
<OHSNAP! Mossepo> but you dont like finko-suck, u have potential to be good
Diomedes: Finko: You are the most intelligent guy in this community.

Oh, even a little of 2013 drama was revoked in this cup Big Grin Team balance, rage quitting,... Everything a Xonotic player is expecting. Only one thing missing though, Samual to join in and talk about physics and weapon balance.
erebus minstanex erebus Angel

Archer, welcome to the laptop for gaming with shitty peripherals club. I no longer am the only member! Big Grin
[Image: 542.png]

#deathmatchers @


Wait, I forgot
Lets do it again

I uploaded 2 games from the cup from my POV. Nothing special, just for archiving purposes Big Grin

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