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2020-eLix Cups

In this current situation I think most of us could use some distraction and have a lot more free time than usual. So I am accelerating the schedule on something I've been planning to do in April anyways:
2020 eLix (entertainment for locked-in Xonoticians) tournaments

These will be the first four:
Saturday, 28th of March 19:00 CET: 2 vs 2 TDM (20€ Prize Money)
Saturday, 4th of April 19:00 CET: Duel (50€ Prize Money)
Saturday, 11th of April 17:00 UTC (19:00 CEST): Duel (50€ Prize Money)
Sunday, 12h of April 17:00 UTC (19:00 CEST): 3 vs 3 CTF (20€ Prize Money)

The next four:
Friday, May 1st 17:00 UTC (19:00 CEST): Duel (50€ Prize Money)
Saturday, May 9th 17:00 UTC: 2v2 Nexball [CANCELED]
Saturday, May 16th 17:00 UTC (19:00 CEST): Duel (50€ Prize Money)

Update 13th of April

Since we finished the 4 cups that were initially planned now I want to give an update on the future of the eLix Cups.
The number of participants, especially in the duel cups, was above my expectations and I see no reason to stop.

So there will be four more cups starting on the weekend of the 1stof May. The pattern of duel followed by team-mode will continue.

I want to use the one week break to rethink the formats and come up with some more ideas for team-based cups. If you have any suggestions, ideas or criticism please share them here.
So far I'm considering a 2v2 or 3v3 insta ctf cup and (gasp) even a 3v3 nexball cup.

> entertainment for locked-in Xonoticians
am I eligible to participate if I'm not locked at home yet? Big Grin

Ufff I wanna participate so hard!!
I don't care if my ass is kicked hard... like always. IM IN!!!!

Check me in! check me in!
[Image: 177071.jpg]
Twitch | Peertube
Too stupid and emotional to win any duels :/

Would be nice if a large selection of maps would be considered ahead of time for the events, with a definite map pool chosen based on a community poll. In the 3v3ctf cup some of the maps were not really great for a competitive setting (nexdance and crossover), and it was weird to have the maps change so close before the start anyway, I think the map pool should stay fixed at least a couple of days before the cup to give teams the opportunity to practice.
[Image: 4766.png]
[My personal website: AquaNova ] - <> - [Ingame: <PsyX> :::: <-Archer-< :::: ]

I'm down for some 3v3 nexball action. Mode and even the maps for it aren't bad, so why not right?
[Image: 8848.png]

Just keep in mind that Nexball has two "sub modes": Football and Basketball

Not sure what is prefered or whether they should be mixed together.

Since there is already an ictf Cup tomorrow it looks like the next Team Cup will be Nexball (on the weekend of the 8th of May). Still need another one then

What do you think about 2v2 CA?

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