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Xonotic Singleplayer - Level 1 beaten in 0:35

So I decided to grind level 1 of singleplayer and try to beat it as fast as possible.

After grinding for a few minutes, I ended up with a time of 35 seconds, and haven't really been able to get any lower. Of course, this has a lot of room for improvement, but if you would try it yourself, you will realize that it's not as easy as it sounds.

Randomness plays a huge role in this. I realized that the best spawn point is at the mortar, as the mortar has splash damage and the bots love to walk straight up to each other, but also because it's very close to the center, which is useful. The problem is that spawn points are random, and you need to be lucky enough to actually spawn where you want to spawn. Another random element is the quad. You want it to be enabled as fast as possible, and the time it takes to enable seems to be random (which is weird, since this only seems to apply to the first time).

I also found out that playing aggressively gives you faster times. After all, the more frags you can rack up as fast as possible, the better.
If you want to see the run, I've uploaded the demo file here. I used in-game time as a measure, so you can see the time at the top of the screen.
[Image: 115462.png]

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