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XonStat 2.0 is now live

XonStat 2.0 is now live!

Keen observers may have noticed that the stats website looks a little different lately. That's because the second iteration of XonStat is now up and running on! This version was written from the ground up to solve many of the pain points of the previous version. There's lot of new stuff happening under the hood, but here are some of the high points compared to what we had previously:

* Code is in Go (statically typed, compiled) instead of Python (duck-typed, interpreted).
* Standard library (net/http) HTTP server instead of WSGI via Gunicorn.
* API documentation instead of...a forum post? Smile
* Redis shared cache instead of per-process, in-memory Beaker cache.
* Foundation 6 instead of Foundation 4 for the CSS framework.
* Chart.js (canvas) instead of NVD3.js (SVG) for charting/visualization.
* Weng-Lin instead of Elo for skill calculations.
* Rate limiting (none previously).
* Tracking of spectators/forfeits (none previously).

You can follow development progress on Gitlab. Feel free to create issues for any bugs you might find (and yes, there *will* be bugs).

Thank you all for supporting me during this transition! Special thanks go to divVerent, Mr. Bougo, bones_was_here, malice, and t0uYK8Ne for their suggestions and encouragement.
asyyy^ | are you releated to chuck norris?

That is just awesome!  Thank you, Antipod, for showing it to us, it has been improved so much!!!
Cat Lover, Italian Language Enthusiast, Gaming Advisor Heart

Nice one Big Grin  - thanks to your effort .... Heart 

Just a question - do you change the recording of data so a single-player-run on xdf-server dosn.t registered since the last 3 days?

Anyway - Thankies

GreetZ Su

Quote:* Weng-Lin instead of Elo for skill calculations.
Is the new skill stat going to be displayed? And any chance it's going to work with elorebalance or equivalent?

@Su - no changes were made to the "blank game" criteria since March 5th when there was some additional forfeit handling added.

@gd - Right now it is not shown on HTML pages. It is however available via the API . I don't own the "elorebalance" code, but I have worked to ensure that all attributes are available to use such that the same functionality can be achieved using the new system. I know that the xanmel codebase is already updated to respond back with this information.
asyyy^ | are you releated to chuck norris?

u ya - forfeit handling was the magical word - I see I see Tongue
Thanks 4 all

GreetZ Su

(04-29-2021, 07:02 AM)XiaoAnna Wrote: That is just awesome!  Thank you, Antipod, for showing it to us, it has been improved so much!!!

You mean that ironically, don't you? The new stats are total crap. Why is less information shown than before? Unbelievably bad!

Sad Sad Sad

@TheGoodGamer - I'm glad you like it! The codebase is objectively better, performs better than the past version, and is much more sustainable as a result. I don't regret any of the design decisions I made.
asyyy^ | are you releated to chuck norris?

So can you tell me why is no IP-Port shown in the Server Info anymore? Some servr are named "Xonotic 0.8.2 Server" and you cann't distinush them. If you then continue on the Server Info page there is no counter anymore to jump to recent pages, there is only a "next" button. The same behavior is on the Player Information page. These are only a few exaples why i think that the new stats are crap. I have no idea about the database, maybe it is better organised behind the scenes, but the information i can see on the stats page is much worse then befor the change.

(06-02-2021, 02:12 AM)TheGoodGamer Wrote: These are only a few exaples why i think that the new stats are crap.
I would like to point out that work on the stats system is done in spare time on a voluntary basis and, if I am not mistaken, (almost) completely by one person. Constructive criticism is welcome, but nobody owes anyone any specific features, designs or functionalities. I approve that you ask for the reasons the change was made in order to challenge them. But always remember that you get the stats system (as well as the game itself) including the required infrastructure for free. :o)
My Xonstats Profile
Latest track on soundcloud: Farewell - to a better Place (piano improvisation)
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@TheGoodGamer - Pagination is the way it is because it is faster and more reliable that way. I couldn't do it uniformly throughout the application yet, but it is on my wish list. Plainly put: it is not scalable to show the total number of pages for entities in a database that now houses over a million matches and over 40 million weapon records. It was fine when the database was small, but guess what - things tend to grow around here! You're going to have to get used to it.

I can add back the display of the server IP address and port information to the server pages. That's likely just an oversight on my part when I was porting the templates over. I'll check and confirm.

I appreciate my users and fellow developers, and think I've been pretty responsive to their concerns in the decade that this app has been up and running. I don't provide the same affordances to those who don't approach me in a constructive way because I simply don't have the time or patience for it. In other words, if you want to see some features added or bugs fixed, calling the application that I've chosen to spend my precious free time on "crap" is not the way to go about it Smile

Let me finish by saying this: as the *sole* developer of this application, I reserve the right to make design decisions that impact its long term sustainability. If something is consuming undue resources on the server, takes too much manual effort, or is an endless source of bugs it is more than likely going to get left on the cutting room floor (so to speak). Full stop.
asyyy^ | are you releated to chuck norris?

(06-02-2021, 03:11 AM)Halogene Wrote: I would like to point out that work on the stats system is done in spare time on a voluntary basis and, if I am not mistaken, (almost) completely by one person.

Just because the stats are programmed on a voluntary basis doesn't mean that I have to think it's good. Nobody forces the programmer to do the work for free. The decision to do a job without pay in its free time is up to each individual.

You are always welcome to do a pull request.

In my time exploring other projects this past month, I've seen this exact topic come up very frequently...
As a user you are of course welcome to provide feedback. However, here more so than most, it is important to be courteous and respectful with your responses.

On a lighter note; congratulations Antibody on the release of XonStat 2.0!!
[Image: 230.jpg]

(06-03-2021, 10:11 AM)TheGoodGamer Wrote: Just because the stats are programmed on a voluntary basis doesn't mean that I have to think it's good. Nobody forces the programmer to do the work for free. The decision to do a job without pay in its free time is up to each individual.
No one requests from you to like it. Think of it like a gift someone has made you while having put a lot of effort into it. It is a question of respect and politeness in responding to such a thing. If you find it difficult to show respect in your posts, please show respect by keeping your thoughts to yourself. That is very easy.
My Xonstats Profile
Latest track on soundcloud: Farewell - to a better Place (piano improvisation)
New to Xonotic? Check out the Newbie Corner!


Was it intentional that badges disappeared? Just asking I'm having fun writing my own xonotic badge server (see sig).

Would you accept MR adding badges back? The old ones were pretty but I have the artistic nerve of a potato so I would be somthing very simple like below.
[Image: badge]

No MR is required. It's basically pending the movement of the stats server to different hosting.
asyyy^ | are you releated to chuck norris?

Oops, I forgot to update this post! Better late than never, I guess. Anywho: badges are back up and running for quite some time now. They're now integrated with the main stats codebase. Cheers!
asyyy^ | are you releated to chuck norris?

Amazing! I see there are now intervals in the skill attribute -- is it using the Glicko system now? It would be cool if it also displayed a percentile, maybe even some global table of players ordered by this skill? Climbing ladders is quite a great motivation to many players.

The skill system is Weng-Lin. It's similar to Glicko in that it uses a distribution (mu + sigma) instead of a single value.

I'm not going to add anything that directly compares players using these values. This data is meant for balancing in matches only.
asyyy^ | are you releated to chuck norris?

Thanks for this, now I can worship my achievements and amazing skills 24/7!

Looking great!

What do you think about having tooltips on each performance metric briefly explaining how you calculate them? Especially the Skill metric. It seems the number on the left is higher the more skilled you are, and the one on the right is proportionally smaller. But It's not obvious, and while I could look it up, it would be cool having it as a tooltip on the player stats page!
[Image: yrGDjz8.jpg]

On each performance metric? No, that would unnecessarily clutter the UI. The skill metric in particular is not something that can be explained by a blurb in a tooltip. You can read this post to get a good overview about how skill figures are calculated, generally speaking. We don't use TrueSkill due to legal concerns, but the one we use is similar.
asyyy^ | are you releated to chuck norris?

(06-27-2023, 08:26 AM)Antibody Wrote: On each performance metric? No, that would unnecessarily clutter the UI. The skill metric in particular is not something that can be explained by a blurb in a tooltip. You can read this post to get a good overview about how skill figures are calculated, generally speaking. We don't use TrueSkill due to legal concerns, but the one we use is similar.

Then perhaps a link to that post in the skill metric in specific?

Thanks btw  Big Grin  I'm a stats nerd.
[Image: yrGDjz8.jpg]

This is definitely an awesome feature!!! 

Is there any current plans for a ranking system that shows our rank either career rank or seasonal comp rank?

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