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Just an idiot who's owning a clan feeling the desire to introduce himself.

I just started playing every day not that long ago. I did try this game out during 2020, but interest died off from there.

In all seriousness, my name is Nëïgsëndöïg Cöcülës (Neeg-sen-doyg Koh-kyu-uhls), and I'm the owner what is to be the Cöcülës Industries Spy Network (CISN), an independent entertainment business, focusing on video games mostly (and yes, Linux will be used by me, since I hate Windows for what it's doing to its "used"). I usually play VSRG's (Vertically Scrolling Rhythm Games) and retro games (such as NES Tetris). I even have been known to play FPS games (much like this, Doom, and Heretic), so I can be a bit of a threat with those of a similar skill level, yet have much to learn.

If you have any questions, or want to talk further,  feel free to contact me using Steam ([CISN] Neigdoig is my username) or through PM on these forms. I'm usually online every day except for Friday night to Saturday night, and some days that may seem to be strange timing (being Jewish holidays).

Edit (8/21/21): I've since stopped playing Doom and Heretic, and I'm restarting with a fresh Garuda Linux install (The same one I used to post this thread originally). I've also stopped playing as much, but will one day get back into the swing of things. If anyone would like to play with me, I'm available on Steam (as [CISN] Neigdoig currently), or you could talk with me through Tox. I will not be using Discord for philosophical reasons. I've also changed my schedule a bit after listening to a few teachings from ministries in which I support on the topic of Friday night to Saturday night.

Welcome to Xonotic! We certainly have quite a few new strong players these days. Have fun!

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