I have this in my autoexec.cfg configuration file, in case it would help someone:
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Screenshots Format:
"scr_screenshot_jpeg" "0" // [1] Use JPG instead of TGA
"scr_screenshot_jpeg_quality" "0.98" // [0.9] Compression level
"scr_screenshot_png" "1" // [0] Use PNG instead of TGA
// Clean HUD for screenshots (F12):
alias nohud_1 "viewsize 120; r_drawviewmodel 0; crosshair 0; cl_hidewaypoints 1; shownetgraph 0; showfps 1; showtime 0; showdate 1"
alias nohud_0 "viewsize 100; r_drawviewmodel 1; crosshair 16; cl_hidewaypoints 0; shownetgraph 1; showfps 1; showtime 1; showdate 1"
alias nohud "nohud_${r_drawviewmodel}"
bind z "nohud"
// Spectator's cam speed (mousewheel resets to default 1.5):
bind x "toggle sv_spectator_speed_multiplier 0.50 0.25; impulse 11"
// Draw everything | lightmaps only | lightmaps + normalmaps shading:
bind c "toggle gl_lightmaps 0 1 2"
// Show statistics & tris:
"r_speeds_graph" "0" // [0] Do not show it by default
"r_speeds_graph_x" "8"
"r_speeds_graph_y" "8"
bind v "toggle r_speeds_graph 0 1; toggle r_showtris 0 1"
That is:
set PNG format for screenshots.
z key: enable/disable some hud elements prior to taking map screenshots.
x key: slow spectator's cam speed. Good to fly around geometry to observe details.
c key: a toggler to show everything, lightmaps only or lightmaps + normalmaps applied.
v key: draw map statistics.