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Full Version: Will Xonotic be the one ?
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Hello world !

After some time trying various free fps, unable to find THE one. (I mean, Nexuiz was really cool). I have tried the game in solo mode with de preview release, and so far, I really like the differences between Xonotic and Nexuiz. However, I still have one major concern : Where is everybody ? Servers are totaly empty ! I wasn't expecting to see 300 people connected, of course, but still...

See you soon, I hope, On some server !
Welcome! And take a look at this thread: http://forums.xonotic.org/showthread.php?tid=1877
Most people still play Nexuiz, they will switch to Xonotic after the 1.0 version has been released. For that reason there are just a very few people really playing on public servers. And new people don't play because the servers are empty. Only a very few people from this forum here are really playing on public server, I do, Justin, The player with the unnecessarily long name, Mario. And a few others, but the most are hiding in private servers, and do strange things like waiting over one hour for the last 2 players to come, and they sit there with 8 and don't think: "Hey, we might just play with 8 people on a public server." They just won't come.

So you can just join a public server, and a few more will come if you wait there, I think, or you go to irc and play pickup games, or you play Nexuiz. That 3 choices you have.
So far I have played Nexuiz (MinstaHook CTF, OMG was that cool !!!!), I'll give the pickup system a try today.
Well, I saw you indeed on irc, and you were gone after two minutes, not what I call "giving a try". You didn't play a game or something, you just looked around, and left. I think you should give it a second try Tongue
Really ? I have been connected for like three hours now ! Cool And I am connected right now...
I am trying to solve another issue concerning data download...
sooo... we had some nice games today (although those performance issues were a bit annoying i guess).
So, maybe a bit late but

Welcome Simboubou and enjoy your stay with us Wink