RE: Screenshots of what you're doing. - _para - 05-03-2018
Just got to play with the hud editor and tried making it more useful and cleaner.
Code: //title
seta hud_skin "luma"
seta hud_panel_bg "0"
seta hud_panel_bg_color "0 0.14 0.25"
seta hud_panel_bg_color_team "0"
seta hud_panel_bg_alpha "0.100000"
seta hud_panel_bg_border "0"
seta hud_panel_bg_padding "3"
seta hud_panel_fg_alpha "1"
seta hud_dock "0"
seta hud_dock_color "0 0 0"
seta hud_dock_color_team "1"
seta hud_dock_alpha "1"
seta hud_progressbar_alpha "0.6"
seta hud_progressbar_strength_color "1 0.39 0"
seta hud_progressbar_superweapons_color "0.77 0.67 0"
seta hud_progressbar_shield_color "0.36 1 0.07"
seta hud_progressbar_health_color "0.83 0.12 0"
seta hud_progressbar_armor_color "0.28 0.8 0"
seta hud_progressbar_fuel_color "0.77 0.67 0"
seta hud_progressbar_nexball_color "0.2 0.65 0.93"
seta hud_progressbar_speed_color "0.77 0.67 0"
seta hud_progressbar_acceleration_color "0.2 0.65 0.93"
seta hud_progressbar_acceleration_neg_color "0.86 0.35 0"
seta hud_progressbar_vehicles_ammo1_color "0.77 0.67 0"
seta hud_progressbar_vehicles_ammo2_color "0.86 0.35 0"
seta _hud_panelorder "10 0 1 12 6 4 5 13 7 16 11 15 3 23 9 2 22 8 14 17 18 19 20 21 24 "
seta hud_configure_grid "1"
seta hud_configure_grid_xsize "0.020000"
seta hud_configure_grid_ysize "0.005000"
seta hud_panel_weapons_pos "0 0.870000"
seta hud_panel_weapons_size "1 0.070000"
seta hud_panel_weapons_bg "0"
seta hud_panel_weapons_bg_color ""
seta hud_panel_weapons_bg_color_team "0"
seta hud_panel_weapons_bg_alpha "0.200000"
seta hud_panel_weapons_bg_border "0"
seta hud_panel_weapons_bg_padding "0"
seta hud_panel_weapons_accuracy "1"
seta hud_panel_weapons_label "2"
seta hud_panel_weapons_label_scale "0.25"
seta hud_panel_weapons_complainbubble "1"
seta hud_panel_weapons_complainbubble_padding "0"
seta hud_panel_weapons_complainbubble_time "0"
seta hud_panel_weapons_complainbubble_fadetime "1"
seta hud_panel_weapons_complainbubble_color_outofammo "0.8 0.11 0"
seta hud_panel_weapons_complainbubble_color_donthave "0.88 0.75 0"
seta hud_panel_weapons_complainbubble_color_unavailable "0 0.71 1"
seta hud_panel_weapons_ammo "1"
seta hud_panel_weapons_ammo_color "0.939296 0.90139 0"
seta hud_panel_weapons_ammo_alpha "0.4"
seta hud_panel_weapons_aspect "1"
seta hud_panel_weapons_timeout "0"
seta hud_panel_weapons_timeout_effect "0"
seta hud_panel_weapons_timeout_fadebgmin "0.4"
seta hud_panel_weapons_timeout_fadefgmin "0.4"
seta hud_panel_weapons_timeout_speed_in "0.25"
seta hud_panel_weapons_timeout_speed_out "0.75"
seta hud_panel_weapons_onlyowned "1"
seta hud_panel_weapons_noncurrent_alpha "0.3"
seta hud_panel_weapons_noncurrent_scale "0.8"
seta hud_panel_ammo_pos "0.090000 0.880000"
seta hud_panel_ammo_size "0.190000 0.040000"
seta hud_panel_ammo_bg "border_ammo"
seta hud_panel_ammo_bg_color ""
seta hud_panel_ammo_bg_color_team "0"
seta hud_panel_ammo_bg_alpha "0.200000"
seta hud_panel_ammo_bg_border ""
seta hud_panel_ammo_bg_padding "-2"
seta hud_panel_ammo_onlycurrent "0"
seta hud_panel_ammo_noncurrent_alpha "0.4"
seta hud_panel_ammo_noncurrent_scale "0.8"
seta hud_panel_ammo_iconalign "0"
seta hud_panel_ammo_progressbar "0"
seta hud_panel_ammo_progressbar_name "progressbar"
seta hud_panel_ammo_progressbar_xoffset "0"
seta hud_panel_ammo_text "1"
seta hud_panel_powerups_pos "0.005000 0.675000"
seta hud_panel_powerups_size "0.030000 0.205000"
seta hud_panel_powerups_bg "border_shadow_south"
seta hud_panel_powerups_bg_color ""
seta hud_panel_powerups_bg_color_team "0"
seta hud_panel_powerups_bg_alpha ""
seta hud_panel_powerups_bg_border ""
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seta hud_panel_powerups_baralign "1"
seta hud_panel_powerups_progressbar "0"
seta hud_panel_powerups_text "1"
seta hud_panel_healtharmor_pos "0.090000 0.635000"
seta hud_panel_healtharmor_size "0.190000 0.040000"
seta hud_panel_healtharmor_bg "border_healtharmor"
seta hud_panel_healtharmor_bg_color ""
seta hud_panel_healtharmor_bg_color_team "0"
seta hud_panel_healtharmor_bg_alpha "0.200000"
seta hud_panel_healtharmor_bg_border "0"
seta hud_panel_healtharmor_bg_padding "1"
seta hud_panel_healtharmor_flip "1"
seta hud_panel_healtharmor_iconalign "0"
seta hud_panel_healtharmor_baralign "1"
seta hud_panel_healtharmor_progressbar "1"
seta hud_panel_healtharmor_progressbar_health "progressbar"
seta hud_panel_healtharmor_progressbar_armor "progressbar"
seta hud_panel_healtharmor_progressbar_gfx "1"
seta hud_panel_healtharmor_progressbar_gfx_smooth "2"
seta hud_panel_healtharmor_combined "0"
seta hud_panel_healtharmor_text "1"
seta hud_panel_notify_pos "0.755000 0.115000"
seta hud_panel_notify_size "0.245000 0.225000"
seta hud_panel_notify_bg "0"
seta hud_panel_notify_bg_color ""
seta hud_panel_notify_bg_color_team ""
seta hud_panel_notify_bg_alpha ""
seta hud_panel_notify_bg_border ""
seta hud_panel_notify_bg_padding "-2"
seta hud_panel_notify_flip "0"
seta hud_panel_notify_fontsize "0.8"
seta hud_panel_notify_time "6"
seta hud_panel_notify_fadetime "4"
seta hud_panel_notify_icon_aspect "1"
seta hud_panel_timer_pos "0.920000 0.035000"
seta hud_panel_timer_size "0.080000 0.070000"
seta hud_panel_timer_bg "border_timer"
seta hud_panel_timer_bg_color ""
seta hud_panel_timer_bg_color_team "0"
seta hud_panel_timer_bg_alpha "0.300000"
seta hud_panel_timer_bg_border "0"
seta hud_panel_timer_bg_padding "5"
seta hud_panel_radar_pos "0.090000 0.675000"
seta hud_panel_radar_size "0.190000 0.205000"
seta hud_panel_radar_bg "border_corner_northwest"
seta hud_panel_radar_bg_color ""
seta hud_panel_radar_bg_color_team "0"
seta hud_panel_radar_bg_alpha "0.600000"
seta hud_panel_radar_bg_border "0"
seta hud_panel_radar_bg_padding "1"
seta hud_panel_radar_foreground_alpha "1"
seta hud_panel_radar_rotation "0"
seta hud_panel_radar_zoommode "0"
seta hud_panel_radar_scale "6144"
seta hud_panel_radar_maximized_scale "5120"
seta hud_panel_radar_maximized_size "0.5 0.5"
seta hud_panel_radar_maximized_rotation "1"
seta hud_panel_radar_maximized_zoommode "3"
seta hud_panel_score_pos "0.790000 0"
seta hud_panel_score_size "0.130000 0.105000"
seta hud_panel_score_bg "border_score"
seta hud_panel_score_bg_color ""
seta hud_panel_score_bg_color_team "0"
seta hud_panel_score_bg_alpha "0.300000"
seta hud_panel_score_bg_border "0"
seta hud_panel_score_bg_padding "0"
seta hud_panel_score_rankings "1"
seta hud_panel_racetimer_pos "0.390000 0.790000"
seta hud_panel_racetimer_size "0.220000 0.085000"
seta hud_panel_racetimer_bg "0"
seta hud_panel_racetimer_bg_color ""
seta hud_panel_racetimer_bg_color_team ""
seta hud_panel_racetimer_bg_alpha ""
seta hud_panel_racetimer_bg_border ""
seta hud_panel_racetimer_bg_padding ""
seta hud_panel_vote_pos "0.005000 0.100000"
seta hud_panel_vote_size "0.185000 0.120000"
seta hud_panel_vote_bg "border_vote"
seta hud_panel_vote_bg_color ""
seta hud_panel_vote_bg_color_team "0"
seta hud_panel_vote_bg_alpha "0.400000"
seta hud_panel_vote_bg_border "0"
seta hud_panel_vote_bg_padding ""
seta hud_panel_vote_alreadyvoted_alpha "0.7"
seta hud_panel_modicons_pos "0.440000 0.955000"
seta hud_panel_modicons_size "0.120000 0.030000"
seta hud_panel_modicons_bg "border_modicons"
seta hud_panel_modicons_bg_color ""
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seta hud_panel_modicons_freezetag_layout "1"
seta hud_panel_pressedkeys_pos "0.890000 0.890000"
seta hud_panel_pressedkeys_size "0.110000 0.110000"
seta hud_panel_pressedkeys_bg "border_pressedkeys"
seta hud_panel_pressedkeys_bg_color ""
seta hud_panel_pressedkeys_bg_color_team "0"
seta hud_panel_pressedkeys_bg_alpha "0.100000"
seta hud_panel_pressedkeys_bg_border "0"
seta hud_panel_pressedkeys_bg_padding "5"
seta hud_panel_pressedkeys_aspect "1.5"
seta hud_panel_pressedkeys_attack "1"
seta hud_panel_chat_pos "0.005000 0.290000"
seta hud_panel_chat_size "0.280000 0.195000"
seta hud_panel_chat_bg "0"
seta hud_panel_chat_bg_color ""
seta hud_panel_chat_bg_color_team ""
seta hud_panel_chat_bg_alpha ""
seta hud_panel_chat_bg_border ""
seta hud_panel_chat_bg_padding ""
seta hud_panel_engineinfo_pos "0.920000 0"
seta hud_panel_engineinfo_size "0.080000 0.035000"
seta hud_panel_engineinfo_bg "border_engineinfo"
seta hud_panel_engineinfo_bg_color ""
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seta hud_panel_engineinfo_bg_alpha "0.300000"
seta hud_panel_engineinfo_bg_border "0"
seta hud_panel_engineinfo_bg_padding "5"
seta hud_panel_engineinfo_framecounter_time "0.1"
seta hud_panel_engineinfo_framecounter_decimals "0"
seta hud_panel_infomessages_pos "0.005000 0.010000"
seta hud_panel_infomessages_size "0.280000 0.080000"
seta hud_panel_infomessages_bg "0"
seta hud_panel_infomessages_bg_color ""
seta hud_panel_infomessages_bg_color_team ""
seta hud_panel_infomessages_bg_alpha ""
seta hud_panel_infomessages_bg_border ""
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seta hud_panel_infomessages_flip "0"
seta hud_panel_physics_pos "0.890000 0.800000"
seta hud_panel_physics_size "0.110000 0.090000"
seta hud_panel_physics_bg "border_physics"
seta hud_panel_physics_bg_color ""
seta hud_panel_physics_bg_color_team "0"
seta hud_panel_physics_bg_alpha "0.100000"
seta hud_panel_physics_bg_border "0"
seta hud_panel_physics_bg_padding "3"
seta hud_panel_physics_speed_unit_show "1"
seta hud_panel_physics_speed_max "1800"
seta hud_panel_physics_speed_vertical "1"
seta hud_panel_physics_topspeed "1"
seta hud_panel_physics_topspeed_time "10"
seta hud_panel_physics_acceleration_max "1.5"
seta hud_panel_physics_acceleration_vertical "1"
seta hud_panel_physics_flip "1"
seta hud_panel_physics_baralign "1"
seta hud_panel_physics_progressbar "1"
seta hud_panel_physics_acceleration_progressbar_mode "0"
seta hud_panel_physics_acceleration_progressbar_scale "1"
seta hud_panel_physics_acceleration_progressbar_nonlinear "0"
seta hud_panel_physics_text "1"
seta hud_panel_physics_text_scale "0.7"
seta hud_panel_centerprint_pos "0.705000 0.585000"
seta hud_panel_centerprint_size "0.295000 0.210000"
seta hud_panel_centerprint_bg "0"
seta hud_panel_centerprint_bg_color ""
seta hud_panel_centerprint_bg_color_team ""
seta hud_panel_centerprint_bg_alpha ""
seta hud_panel_centerprint_bg_border ""
seta hud_panel_centerprint_bg_padding ""
seta hud_panel_centerprint_align "0"
seta hud_panel_centerprint_flip "0"
seta hud_panel_centerprint_fontscale "0.8"
seta hud_panel_centerprint_time "3"
seta hud_panel_centerprint_fade_in "0.2"
seta hud_panel_centerprint_fade_out "0.25"
seta hud_panel_centerprint_fade_subsequent "1"
seta hud_panel_centerprint_fade_subsequent_passone "3"
seta hud_panel_centerprint_fade_subsequent_passone_minalpha "0.5"
seta hud_panel_centerprint_fade_subsequent_passtwo "10"
seta hud_panel_centerprint_fade_subsequent_passtwo_minalpha "0.5"
seta hud_panel_centerprint_fade_subsequent_minfontsize "0.75"
seta hud_panel_centerprint_fade_minfontsize "0"
seta hud_panel_minigameboard_pos "0.22 0.15"
seta hud_panel_minigameboard_size "0.50 0.60"
seta hud_panel_minigameboard_bg "border_small"
seta hud_panel_minigameboard_bg_color ""
seta hud_panel_minigameboard_bg_color_team ""
seta hud_panel_minigameboard_bg_alpha ""
seta hud_panel_minigameboard_bg_border ""
seta hud_panel_minigameboard_bg_padding ""
seta hud_panel_minigamestatus_pos "0.74 0.15"
seta hud_panel_minigamestatus_size "0.2 0.60"
seta hud_panel_minigamestatus_bg "border_small"
seta hud_panel_minigamestatus_bg_color ""
seta hud_panel_minigamestatus_bg_color_team ""
seta hud_panel_minigamestatus_bg_alpha ""
seta hud_panel_minigamestatus_bg_border ""
seta hud_panel_minigamestatus_bg_padding ""
seta hud_panel_minigamehelp_pos "0.22 0.78"
seta hud_panel_minigamehelp_size "0.50 0.20"
seta hud_panel_minigamehelp_bg ""
seta hud_panel_minigamehelp_bg_color ""
seta hud_panel_minigamehelp_bg_color_team ""
seta hud_panel_minigamehelp_bg_alpha ""
seta hud_panel_minigamehelp_bg_border ""
seta hud_panel_minigamehelp_bg_padding ""
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seta hud_panel_minigamemenu_size "0.2 0.49"
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seta hud_panel_minigamemenu_bg_color ""
seta hud_panel_minigamemenu_bg_color_team ""
seta hud_panel_minigamemenu_bg_alpha ""
seta hud_panel_minigamemenu_bg_border ""
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seta hud_panel_mapvote_bg_alpha ""
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seta hud_panel_itemstime_pos "0.040000 0.675000"
seta hud_panel_itemstime_size "0.045000 0.205000"
seta hud_panel_itemstime_bg "0"
seta hud_panel_itemstime_bg_color ""
seta hud_panel_itemstime_bg_color_team ""
seta hud_panel_itemstime_bg_alpha ""
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seta hud_panel_itemstime_text "1"
seta hud_panel_itemstime_ratio "2"
seta hud_panel_itemstime_dynamicsize "1"
seta hud_panel_quickmenu_pos "0.285000 0.675000"
seta hud_panel_quickmenu_size "0.215000 0.205000"
seta hud_panel_quickmenu_bg "border_quickmenu"
seta hud_panel_quickmenu_bg_color ""
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seta hud_panel_quickmenu_bg_alpha "0.100000"
seta hud_panel_quickmenu_bg_border "0"
seta hud_panel_quickmenu_bg_padding "2"
seta hud_panel_quickmenu_align "0"
seta hud_panel_scoreboard_pos "0.150000 0.150000"
seta hud_panel_scoreboard_size "0.700000 0.700000"
seta hud_panel_scoreboard_bg "border_default"
seta hud_panel_scoreboard_bg_color "0 0.3 0.5"
seta hud_panel_scoreboard_bg_color_team ""
seta hud_panel_scoreboard_bg_alpha "0.7"
seta hud_panel_scoreboard_bg_border ""
seta hud_panel_scoreboard_bg_padding ""
seta hud_panel_scoreboard_fadeinspeed "10"
seta hud_panel_scoreboard_fadeoutspeed "5"
seta hud_panel_scoreboard_respawntime_decimals "1"
seta hud_panel_scoreboard_table_bg_alpha "0"
seta hud_panel_scoreboard_table_bg_scale "0.25"
seta hud_panel_scoreboard_table_fg_alpha "0.9"
seta hud_panel_scoreboard_table_fg_alpha_self "1"
seta hud_panel_scoreboard_table_highlight "1"
seta hud_panel_scoreboard_table_highlight_alpha "0.2"
seta hud_panel_scoreboard_table_highlight_alpha_self "0.4"
seta hud_panel_scoreboard_bg_teams_color_team "0"
seta hud_panel_scoreboard_accuracy_doublerows "0"
seta hud_panel_scoreboard_accuracy_nocolors "0"
RE: Screenshots of what you're doing. - _para - 05-12-2018
Wow is that a legitimate triple post of mine? D:
Anyways got myself some substance designer and yeah its awesome and expect some cool textures for Xonotic as I learn how to use it and make better textures. I would also take requests to make a few textures if you need something. (free ofc but no liability)
As of now I got some fairly good sandstone textures. And the resolution of them is changed in any direction lossless.
RE: Screenshots of what you're doing. - Mario - 05-12-2018
That windowed wall to the right is the most fitting I've ever seen bricks line up with the geometry, really nice work!
One small suggestion (one that may apply to all your works): Include a license file in the pk3, so people know for sure that it's safe to reuse. It's a real shame when maps and assets become lost due to unreachable artists and lack of licenses...
RE: Screenshots of what you're doing. - Julius - 05-12-2018
_para, can I ask you what Radiant are you using?
I have seen it here: antares-dm1_b1
RE: Screenshots of what you're doing. - Antibody - 05-12-2018
_para, awesome stuff! I will do video walkthroughs as soon as I get my computer built! Keep up the good work.
RE: Screenshots of what you're doing. - _para - 05-12-2018
(05-12-2018, 08:08 AM)Mario Wrote: That windowed wall to the right is the most fitting I've ever seen bricks line up with the geometry, really nice work!
One small suggestion (one that may apply to all your works): Include a license file in the pk3, so people know for sure that it's safe to reuse. It's a real shame when maps and assets become lost due to unreachable artists and lack of licenses... Thanks! Hmm til now I just assumed stuff posted here is also gpl copyleft if not specified. At least what I post here. But I will include licenses in the future.
(05-12-2018, 10:19 AM)Julius Wrote: _para, can I ask you what Radiant are you using? Yeah its Garux custom netradiant. It's really worth getting it over the default.
I think I initially got it because it fixed the q3map3 running out of memory so easily but it also makes stuff much easier.
RE: Screenshots of what you're doing. - Julius - 05-13-2018
Thanks, _para
I have compiled and tried it but I do not have time for an in-depth test now.
What I dont like about this fork is the lack of documentation ;(
RE: Screenshots of what you're doing. - Garux - 05-15-2018
@Julius true, docs are only included in releases; may copy
to get them in Help menu
Main point of interest would be `mouse shortcuts` and probably changelog
My screenshot of doing:
Clipper tool, working in 3d camera with points, snapping to brush planes, vertices and edges.
RE: Screenshots of what you're doing. - Julius - 05-18-2018
(05-15-2018, 08:40 AM)Garux Wrote: @Julius true, docs are only included in releases; may copy
to get them in Help menu
Hi Garux.
I do not understand what you stated there ^
There are no docs here:
Neither in the released tarball:
RE: Screenshots of what you're doing. - Julius - 05-18-2018
Ah, ok, I see.
Docs are included within Windows's 7zip release files.
RE: Screenshots of what you're doing. - _para - 06-15-2018
Started a new map where you surf in through warpzones.
RE: Screenshots of what you're doing. - Garux - 06-17-2018
charming! this is efficiently breaking 'build axially or buttsex' rule
RE: Screenshots of what you're doing. - Notavi - 08-05-2018
Giving Epsilon a bit of a visual uplift before I release beta 4, there's a few little details added here and there around the level but it's the hexagonal alcove at the top of the stairs that has gotten the biggest visual uplift.
RE: Screenshots of what you're doing. - Smilecythe - 08-07-2018
Looking good mate!
RE: Screenshots of what you're doing. - Cortez666 - 08-11-2018
Some Progress
RE: Screenshots of what you're doing. - Justin - 05-07-2019
Not exactly for Xonotic but I just wanted to share my recent project with you guys:
Made in Blender.
Thanks for the support!
RE: Screenshots of what you're doing. - Halogene - 05-07-2019
That's really very beautiful, Justin. That must have been a LOT of work.
RE: Screenshots of what you're doing. - FinBiteLeaf - 05-10-2019
(05-07-2019, 01:59 PM)Justin Wrote: Not exactly for Xonotic but I just wanted to share my recent project with you guys:
RE: Screenshots of what you're doing. - _para - 05-11-2019
(05-07-2019, 01:59 PM)Justin Wrote: Not exactly for Xonotic but I just wanted to share my recent project with you guys:
Made in Blender.
Thanks for the support!
It's really nice! The rocks and the cathedral complemets each other in the overall forgotten and ruined theme.
But I see some room for improvement that I'd like to share (not that I could do any better).
Anyhow (like what I'd expect if it aims for AAA, for which it -imo- has the potential to):
-generally the scene could use more contrast. Maybe make the boulders dark grey and/or the cathedral darker. Maybe move away from sandstone-like stuff to something more solid-looking.
-with the elements you use you could tell a story of how things fell apart. like what rock teared down which wall etc. It also shows you where to put more detail and why and thus makes it sematically coherent.
-the arcs of gothic stuff has a specific arc-layout of the stones.
-the rocks look too heavy for being supported by that roof-thingy on the right
-who lights the candles in a ruin? maybe its artistically ok but I'd suggest you to adjust the outer lighting.
(maybe bright day, in sandstone cathedral with dark grey rocks)
-the left side is beautiful. just want to point this out
-the other blue lines should indicate to make this a solid boulder rather than a chunk of individual rocks
-the plants should look more alive in semantic contrast to the dead ruins
-maybe some more support arcs sticking out of the wall. they could align with the railing and maybe also root into the abyss. should look nice when walking trough
-actually the stone-arc here is quite complete only the top middle missing. (they were mandatory for structural reasons)
EDIT: ok correcting some stuff:
-the arcs are actually built correctly if i look at this:
RE: Screenshots of what you're doing. - Justin - 05-23-2019
Thanks, man! Good feedback! (feels just like old times). I have been working on stained glass. Do you think it added contrast?
The problem might be that I am overusing the fog... It was supposed to be a night scene but with crazy auto exposure settings Unreal made it a bit... washed out.
I actually considered making it more... realistic and believable but I had to take care of other parts of map... Its huge! For example I wanted adding the flying buttresses (like you have drawn) outside the cathedral.... There was very little room for them, since they covered the view around the bridge. I had to resign from many options. After all I am a level designer and the biggest priority is always the movement and clarity. I had to make the whole map consistent and good looking, even if it meant that it won't look as good as one would like.
I completely agree with the continuity issues with rocks. There are small individual pieces that are put together to form larger ones... That's the price I had to pay for modularity. When it is better to make individual, unique rock pieces it's often worse for buyers, who can't use them in their own way.
Once again, thank you!
And thanks to everyone else who liked it! Your words mean a lot!
RE: Screenshots of what you're doing. - _para - 05-23-2019
With the new settings it looks better.
The stained glass is actually something i wanted to suggest to you but they don't seem to cast colored shadows :c (have to wait till rtx gets mainstream)
The windows look a bit too colorful imo. They should have an overall theme. I'd consider them as colorful detail but not adding to the contrast in general.
My naive advise:
Maybe take a step back and look at the whole picture. Be more daring with colors. And if you want realism, take materials that contrast and complement each other.
With contrast particular I meant the whole image (or any arbitrary taken from any angle and position in your map but as whole picture itself)
To me the rocks and the cathedral stone look to similar, not differentiable enough.
Maybe try making the rocks somewhat darker.
The roofs I'd make dark like from that old (before getting rid of the roof) photo of notre dome.
Also the random pattern of the cathedral bricks look odd. (and there im just niggling again ;P)
Nah srsly the guys who built cathedrals had a kinda perfectionistic mindset i'd say as they were building it for their greatest belief.
So it must look perfect in layout and placement. The rotten looks you can generate by foliage growing in between, cracks, notches, erosion, holes etc. Basaically look at how those stones erode over time.
Then the question is if someone maintains the buildings? Yes: candles lit; No: broken rocks inside etc.
Some ideas:
Don't know how much you want to go into detail but imagine the guys building your cathedral. You could tell little stories of how they built it and what they did there. Where they repaired stuff. Maybe a worker fell off the cliff and got his name engraved at the place. Some markings. Something that makes it seem like they were people involved.
RE: Screenshots of what you're doing. - Justin - 07-02-2019
My recent works, published on sketchfab with music I composed. Hopefully you will like it! Once the model is loaded: Left mouse click and drag to orbit, right click and drag to pan, scroll to zoom in and out. They are animated! All made in Blender 2.8 beta (Blender FTW)
RE: Screenshots of what you're doing. - tZork - 07-03-2019
Nice composition! the texture scale is a little on the large side on some pieces, but if i needed someit like those for a funded project it would be damn worth it imo.
RE: Screenshots of what you're doing. - Antares* - 08-23-2019
I can't make textures so when I actually finish this map I'm going to leave it as grey concrete.
RE: Screenshots of what you're doing. - Winsalot - 04-27-2020
(08-23-2019, 04:33 AM)Antares* Wrote: I can't make textures so when I actually finish this map I'm going to leave it as grey concrete.
These shapes strongly remind me of map called frosthalo