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What's your Hotkey/HUD Configuration - Printable Version

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RE: What's your Hotkey/HUD Configuration - dingus - 07-28-2016

wsad = movement
shift = toggle weapon
ctrl = blaster
space = jump
mouse1 = fire
mouse2 = altfire
mouse3 = hook
mouse4 = zoom
q = vortex
e = devastator
f = mortar
r = hagar
mousewheelup = machine gun
mousewheeldown = crylink
c = shotgun
v = electro
x = reload
fov = 120

I want to switch CAPS to shotgun and TAB to electro though.

RE: What's your Hotkey/HUD Configuration - Jar-El - 07-28-2016

Arrow up: forward
Arrow left: step left
Arrow right: step right
Arrow down: backward
Right Ctrl: jump
End: crouch
(mouse on the left side)
mouse1: fire
mouse2: altfire
mouse3: zoom
mouse4: hook
mousewheel: switch weapon

RE: What's your Hotkey/HUD Configuration - Beagle - 07-28-2016

(01-06-2016, 06:21 AM)PinkRobot Wrote: Do you keep ragequit on F10?
Nah, I keep my Ragequit on WASD.

RE: What's your Hotkey/HUD Configuration - Jar-El - 07-28-2016

Yeah, ragequit on F10!
Kill on F9.

RE: What's your Hotkey/HUD Configuration - dingus - 07-30-2016

Jar-El Wrote:Yeah, ragequit on F10!
Kill on F9.

look left = mousewheelup
look right = mousewheeldown
forward = mouse3
fire = lmb/rmb
prev weapon = left windows button
next weapon = right windows button
sticky keys on.

everything else unbound. glhf.

RE: What's your Hotkey/HUD Configuration - Beemann - 08-01-2016

WASD movement
LMB fire
RMB jump
Space crouch
Q Devastator
E MG/Arc
R Vortex
2 Electro
Shift Crylink
Mwheel+ Mortar
Mouse4 Laser
Mouse5 Altfire
C Shotgun
K Kill

RE: What's your Hotkey/HUD Configuration - Zilor - 09-10-2016

This is my HUD:
[Image: jFizeGC.jpg]

[Image: SYVaU0Z.jpg]
(Has anybody an idea how I get rid of the shadow, which is beneath the power up timer?

RE: What's your Hotkey/HUD Configuration - Mario - 09-10-2016

hud_panel_itemstime_bg ""

[split] XCE - Competitive Player Config - N1mbus - 08-19-2018

Guys, we can turn this into something semi-useful.

Let's each post one picture of our config with the 4-5 most important cvars to achieve the visuals so new players get some alternative ideas of what you can mess with.

Here's mine:

[Image: xonotic20180819112558-00.jpg]

resolution 1680x1050
r_fullbright 1
gl_picmip 4
gl_picmip_world 2 (sometimes mixing it up with r_fullbright 0 and picmip_world 10)
fov 125

ultimate visual diarrhea achieved Cool

RE: XCE - Competitive Player Config - BuddyFriendGuy - 08-19-2018

(08-19-2018, 05:15 AM)N1mbus Wrote: Guys, we can turn this into something semi-useful.

Let's each post one picture of our config with the 4-5 most important cvars to achieve the visuals so new players get some alternative ideas what you can mess with.

Here's mine:

[Image: xonotic20180819112558-00.jpg]

resolution 1680x1050
r_fullbright 1
gl_picmip 4
gl_picmip_world 2 (sometimes mixing it up with r_fullbright 0 and picmip_world 10)
fov 125

ultimate visual diarrhea achieved Cool

Wow! What's the physical size of your screen?

RE: XCE - Competitive Player Config - N1mbus - 08-19-2018

(08-19-2018, 02:44 PM)BuddyFriendGuy Wrote:
(08-19-2018, 05:15 AM)N1mbus Wrote: Guys, we can turn this into something semi-useful.

Let's each post one picture of our config with the 4-5 most important cvars to achieve the visuals so new players get some alternative ideas what you can mess with.

Here's mine:

[Image: xonotic20180819112558-00.jpg]

resolution 1680x1050
r_fullbright 1
gl_picmip 4
gl_picmip_world 2 (sometimes mixing it up with r_fullbright 0 and picmip_world 10)
fov 125

ultimate visual diarrhea achieved Cool

Wow! What's the physical size of your screen?
It's a 22 inch diagonal (Samsung SyncMaster 2233rz if I am not mistaken).

RE: XCE - Competitive Player Config - Solid - 08-20-2018

(08-19-2018, 05:15 AM)N1mbus Wrote: Let's each post one picture of our config with the 4-5 most important cvars to achieve the visuals so new players get some alternative ideas of what you can mess with.

Sounds more like a "post a picture of your config here so I can find even more things to tweak in mine"  Tongue

I would suspect that most screenshots will look very similar but here we go anyways:

[Image: vv1OGge.jpg]

103 fov (don't ask)
gl_picmip 5
r_ambient 0
r_glsl_saturation 1.5
v_contrast 1.1
v_contrast_boost 1.5
And a shitton of other lighting related stuff

Alternative for when I'm bored (and because it looks so tits on finalrage):
[Image: Iv74Vc9.jpg]
gl_picmip 0
r_fullbright 1
v_brightness 0.04
v_gamma 1.2

RE: XCE - Competitive Player Config - N1mbus - 08-20-2018

(08-20-2018, 04:31 AM)Solid Wrote:
(08-19-2018, 05:15 AM)N1mbus Wrote: Let's each post one picture of our config with the 4-5 most important cvars to achieve the visuals so new players get some alternative ideas of what you can mess with.

Sounds more like a "post a picture of your config here so I can find even more things to tweak in mine"  Tongue
You got me. Your screenshots look both amazing Smile

...why 103 tho

RE: What's your Hotkey/HUD Configuration - Wolf-Snipe - 12-25-2018

pov 110
resolution 640x480
gl_picmip 2
particles set to 0.50
particles range to 500
dynamic lights on

what's your interface/HUD in xonotic? - Kotangens - 06-12-2020

The answer is: take a screenshot and send your hud_<HUD>_myconfig.cfg and crosshair, e.g. like me: hud_luma_myconfig.cfg.
seta hud_skin "luma"
seta hud_panel_bg "0"
seta hud_panel_bg_color "0 0 0"
seta hud_panel_bg_color_team "0"
seta hud_panel_bg_alpha "1"
seta hud_panel_bg_border "0"
seta hud_panel_bg_padding "5"
seta hud_panel_fg_alpha "1"

seta hud_dock "0"
seta hud_dock_color "0.0261829 0.000679513 0"
seta hud_dock_color_team "1"
seta hud_dock_alpha "1"

seta hud_progressbar_alpha "0.6"
seta hud_progressbar_strength_color "1 0.39 0"
seta hud_progressbar_superweapons_color "0.77 0.67 0"
seta hud_progressbar_shield_color "0.36 1 0.07"
seta hud_progressbar_health_color "0.83 0.12 0"
seta hud_progressbar_armor_color "0.28 0.8 0"
seta hud_progressbar_fuel_color "0.77 0.67 0"
seta hud_progressbar_oxygen_color "0.100000001 1 1"
seta hud_progressbar_nexball_color "0.2 0.65 0.93"
seta hud_progressbar_speed_color "0.77 0.67 0"
seta hud_progressbar_acceleration_color "0.2 0.65 0.93"
seta hud_progressbar_acceleration_neg_color "0.86 0.35 0"
seta hud_progressbar_vehicles_ammo1_color "0.77 0.67 0"
seta hud_progressbar_vehicles_ammo2_color "0.86 0.35 0"

seta _hud_panelorder "15 1 4 2 11 16 8 3 14 0 9 10 5 7 13 6 12 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 "

seta hud_configure_grid "1"
seta hud_configure_grid_xsize "0.010000"
seta hud_configure_grid_ysize "0.010000"

seta hud_panel_weapons_pos "0.970000 0"
seta hud_panel_weapons_size "0.030000 0.860000"
seta hud_panel_weapons_bg "0"
seta hud_panel_weapons_bg_color "0 0.00628882 0.76387"
seta hud_panel_weapons_bg_color_team ""
seta hud_panel_weapons_bg_alpha ""
seta hud_panel_weapons_bg_border ""
seta hud_panel_weapons_bg_padding "-5"
seta hud_panel_weapons_accuracy "1"
seta hud_panel_weapons_label "2"
seta hud_panel_weapons_label_scale "0.4"
seta hud_panel_weapons_complainbubble "1"
seta hud_panel_weapons_complainbubble_padding "0"
seta hud_panel_weapons_complainbubble_time "0"
seta hud_panel_weapons_complainbubble_fadetime "0"
seta hud_panel_weapons_complainbubble_color_outofammo "0.8 0.11 0"
seta hud_panel_weapons_complainbubble_color_donthave "0.88 0.75 0"
seta hud_panel_weapons_complainbubble_color_unavailable "0 0.71 1"
seta hud_panel_weapons_ammo "0"
seta hud_panel_weapons_ammo_color "0 1 0"
seta hud_panel_weapons_ammo_alpha "1"
seta hud_panel_weapons_aspect "1"
seta hud_panel_weapons_timeout "2.5"
seta hud_panel_weapons_timeout_effect "1"
seta hud_panel_weapons_timeout_fadebgmin "0.1"
seta hud_panel_weapons_timeout_fadefgmin "0.06"
seta hud_panel_weapons_timeout_speed_in "0"
seta hud_panel_weapons_timeout_speed_out "0.01"
seta hud_panel_weapons_onlyowned "1"
seta hud_panel_weapons_noncurrent_alpha "0.4"
seta hud_panel_weapons_noncurrent_scale "0.4"
seta hud_panel_weapons_selection_radius "0"
seta hud_panel_weapons_selection_speed "10"

seta hud_panel_ammo_pos "0.920000 0"
seta hud_panel_ammo_size "0.050000 0.120000"
seta hud_panel_ammo_bg "0"
seta hud_panel_ammo_bg_color "0.116111 0.647357 0"
seta hud_panel_ammo_bg_color_team ""
seta hud_panel_ammo_bg_alpha "1"
seta hud_panel_ammo_bg_border "0"
seta hud_panel_ammo_bg_padding "-5"
seta hud_panel_ammo_onlycurrent "0"
seta hud_panel_ammo_noncurrent_alpha "0.4"
seta hud_panel_ammo_noncurrent_scale "0.6"
seta hud_panel_ammo_iconalign "0"
seta hud_panel_ammo_progressbar "0"
seta hud_panel_ammo_progressbar_name "progressbar"
seta hud_panel_ammo_progressbar_xoffset "0"
seta hud_panel_ammo_text "1"

seta hud_panel_powerups_pos "0.920000 0.120000"
seta hud_panel_powerups_size "0.050000 0.070000"
seta hud_panel_powerups_bg "0"
seta hud_panel_powerups_bg_color ""
seta hud_panel_powerups_bg_color_team ""
seta hud_panel_powerups_bg_alpha "0.400000"
seta hud_panel_powerups_bg_border "0"
seta hud_panel_powerups_bg_padding "5"
seta hud_panel_powerups_iconalign "0"
seta hud_panel_powerups_baralign "2"
seta hud_panel_powerups_progressbar "0"
seta hud_panel_powerups_text "1"

seta hud_panel_healtharmor_pos "0 0.060000"
seta hud_panel_healtharmor_size "0.040000 0.060000"
seta hud_panel_healtharmor_bg "0"
seta hud_panel_healtharmor_bg_color "0.0682385 1 0.243993"
seta hud_panel_healtharmor_bg_color_team ""
seta hud_panel_healtharmor_bg_alpha ""
seta hud_panel_healtharmor_bg_border "0"
seta hud_panel_healtharmor_bg_padding "-5"
seta hud_panel_healtharmor_combined "0"
seta hud_panel_healtharmor_flip "0"
seta hud_panel_healtharmor_iconalign "1"
seta hud_panel_healtharmor_baralign "1"
seta hud_panel_healtharmor_progressbar "0"
seta hud_panel_healtharmor_progressbar_health "progressbar"
seta hud_panel_healtharmor_progressbar_armor "progressbar"
seta hud_panel_healtharmor_progressbar_gfx "1"
seta hud_panel_healtharmor_progressbar_gfx_smooth "2"
seta hud_panel_healtharmor_text "1"

seta hud_panel_notify_pos "0.840000 0"
seta hud_panel_notify_size "0.080000 0.120000"
seta hud_panel_notify_bg "0"
seta hud_panel_notify_bg_color ""
seta hud_panel_notify_bg_color_team ""
seta hud_panel_notify_bg_alpha ""
seta hud_panel_notify_bg_border ""
seta hud_panel_notify_bg_padding "5"
seta hud_panel_notify_flip "1"
seta hud_panel_notify_fontsize "1.5"
seta hud_panel_notify_time "0"
seta hud_panel_notify_fadetime "10"
seta hud_panel_notify_icon_aspect "1"

seta hud_panel_timer_pos "0 0.120000"
seta hud_panel_timer_size "0.040000 0.040000"
seta hud_panel_timer_bg "0"
seta hud_panel_timer_bg_color ""
seta hud_panel_timer_bg_color_team "0"
seta hud_panel_timer_bg_alpha ""
seta hud_panel_timer_bg_border "0"
seta hud_panel_timer_bg_padding "-5"

seta hud_panel_radar_pos "0.920000 0.860000"
seta hud_panel_radar_size "0.080000 0.140000"
seta hud_panel_radar_bg "0"
seta hud_panel_radar_bg_color "0.90918 0.383933 0"
seta hud_panel_radar_bg_color_team ""
seta hud_panel_radar_bg_alpha ""
seta hud_panel_radar_bg_border "0"
seta hud_panel_radar_bg_padding "0"
seta hud_panel_radar_foreground_alpha "0.6"
seta hud_panel_radar_rotation "1"
seta hud_panel_radar_zoommode "2"
seta hud_panel_radar_scale "4096"
seta hud_panel_radar_maximized_scale "5120"
seta hud_panel_radar_maximized_size "0.5 0.5"
seta hud_panel_radar_maximized_rotation "1"
seta hud_panel_radar_maximized_zoommode "3"

seta hud_panel_score_pos "0 0"
seta hud_panel_score_size "0.080000 0.060000"
seta hud_panel_score_bg "0"
seta hud_panel_score_bg_color "0.0662749 1 0.27676"
seta hud_panel_score_bg_color_team ""
seta hud_panel_score_bg_alpha ""
seta hud_panel_score_bg_border "0"
seta hud_panel_score_bg_padding "0"
seta hud_panel_score_rankings "1"

seta hud_panel_racetimer_pos "0.140000 0.060000"
seta hud_panel_racetimer_size "0.090000 0.060000"
seta hud_panel_racetimer_bg "0"
seta hud_panel_racetimer_bg_color "0 0.712815 0.119669"
seta hud_panel_racetimer_bg_color_team ""
seta hud_panel_racetimer_bg_alpha ""
seta hud_panel_racetimer_bg_border ""
seta hud_panel_racetimer_bg_padding "0"

seta hud_panel_vote_pos "0 0.860000"
seta hud_panel_vote_size "0.100000 0.070000"
seta hud_panel_vote_bg "0"
seta hud_panel_vote_bg_color "0.0768365 0 0.752088"
seta hud_panel_vote_bg_color_team "0.300000"
seta hud_panel_vote_bg_alpha "0.500000"
seta hud_panel_vote_bg_border "0"
seta hud_panel_vote_bg_padding "5"
seta hud_panel_vote_alreadyvoted_alpha "0.5"

seta hud_panel_modicons_pos "0 0.160000"
seta hud_panel_modicons_size "0.040000 0.040000"
seta hud_panel_modicons_bg "0"
seta hud_panel_modicons_bg_color "1 1 1"
seta hud_panel_modicons_bg_color_team ""
seta hud_panel_modicons_bg_alpha "1"
seta hud_panel_modicons_bg_border "0"
seta hud_panel_modicons_bg_padding "-5"
seta hud_panel_modicons_ca_layout "1"
seta hud_panel_modicons_dom_layout "2"
seta hud_panel_modicons_freezetag_layout "1"

seta hud_panel_pressedkeys_pos "0.460000 0.590000"
seta hud_panel_pressedkeys_size "0.080000 0.070000"
seta hud_panel_pressedkeys_bg "border_pressedkeys"
seta hud_panel_pressedkeys_bg_color "0 1 0"
seta hud_panel_pressedkeys_bg_color_team "0"
seta hud_panel_pressedkeys_bg_alpha "1"
seta hud_panel_pressedkeys_bg_border "1"
seta hud_panel_pressedkeys_bg_padding "-3"
seta hud_panel_pressedkeys_aspect "1"
seta hud_panel_pressedkeys_attack "1"

seta hud_panel_chat_pos "0.000000 0.930000"
seta hud_panel_chat_size "0.440000 0.070000"
seta hud_panel_chat_bg "0"
seta hud_panel_chat_bg_color ""
seta hud_panel_chat_bg_color_team ""
seta hud_panel_chat_bg_alpha ""
seta hud_panel_chat_bg_border ""
seta hud_panel_chat_bg_padding "5"

seta hud_panel_engineinfo_pos "0.970000 0.970000"
seta hud_panel_engineinfo_size "0.030000 0.030000"
seta hud_panel_engineinfo_bg ""
seta hud_panel_engineinfo_bg_color ""
seta hud_panel_engineinfo_bg_color_team ""
seta hud_panel_engineinfo_bg_alpha ""
seta hud_panel_engineinfo_bg_border ""
seta hud_panel_engineinfo_bg_padding "5"
seta hud_panel_engineinfo_framecounter_time "1"
seta hud_panel_engineinfo_framecounter_decimals "1"

seta hud_panel_infomessages_pos "0.080000 0"
seta hud_panel_infomessages_size "0.150000 0.060000"
seta hud_panel_infomessages_bg "0"
seta hud_panel_infomessages_bg_color "0.0139101 1 0.254343"
seta hud_panel_infomessages_bg_color_team ""
seta hud_panel_infomessages_bg_alpha ""
seta hud_panel_infomessages_bg_border "0"
seta hud_panel_infomessages_bg_padding "3"
seta hud_panel_infomessages_flip "0"

seta hud_panel_physics_pos "0.460000 0.560000"
seta hud_panel_physics_size "0.080000 0.030000"
seta hud_panel_physics_bg "0"
seta hud_panel_physics_bg_color "0.741226 0.432828 1"
seta hud_panel_physics_bg_color_team "0"
seta hud_panel_physics_bg_alpha "1"
seta hud_panel_physics_bg_border "0"
seta hud_panel_physics_bg_padding "-2"
seta hud_panel_physics_speed_unit_show "1"
seta hud_panel_physics_speed_max "1800"
seta hud_panel_physics_speed_vertical "0"
seta hud_panel_physics_topspeed "1"
seta hud_panel_physics_topspeed_time "10"
seta hud_panel_physics_acceleration_max "1.5"
seta hud_panel_physics_acceleration_vertical "0"
seta hud_panel_physics_flip "1"
seta hud_panel_physics_baralign "3"
seta hud_panel_physics_progressbar "0"
seta hud_panel_physics_acceleration_progressbar_mode "0"
seta hud_panel_physics_acceleration_progressbar_scale "1"
seta hud_panel_physics_acceleration_progressbar_nonlinear "0"
seta hud_panel_physics_text "1"
seta hud_panel_physics_text_scale "1"

seta hud_panel_centerprint_pos "0.040000 0.060000"
seta hud_panel_centerprint_size "0.190000 0.060000"
seta hud_panel_centerprint_bg "0"
seta hud_panel_centerprint_bg_color ""
seta hud_panel_centerprint_bg_color_team ""
seta hud_panel_centerprint_bg_alpha ""
seta hud_panel_centerprint_bg_border ""
seta hud_panel_centerprint_bg_padding ""
seta hud_panel_centerprint_align "0"
seta hud_panel_centerprint_flip "0"
seta hud_panel_centerprint_fontscale "0.6"
seta hud_panel_centerprint_fontscale_bold "0.6"
seta hud_panel_centerprint_time "4"
seta hud_panel_centerprint_fade_in "0"
seta hud_panel_centerprint_fade_out "0"
seta hud_panel_centerprint_fade_subsequent "1"
seta hud_panel_centerprint_fade_subsequent_passone "3"
seta hud_panel_centerprint_fade_subsequent_passone_minalpha "0.3"
seta hud_panel_centerprint_fade_subsequent_passtwo "5"
seta hud_panel_centerprint_fade_subsequent_passtwo_minalpha "0.15"
seta hud_panel_centerprint_fade_subsequent_minfontsize "0.7"
seta hud_panel_centerprint_fade_minfontsize "0"

seta hud_panel_minigameboard_pos "0.2 0.1"
seta hud_panel_minigameboard_size "0.7 0.7"
seta hud_panel_minigameboard_bg "border_small"
seta hud_panel_minigameboard_bg_color ""
seta hud_panel_minigameboard_bg_color_team ""
seta hud_panel_minigameboard_bg_alpha ""
seta hud_panel_minigameboard_bg_border ""
seta hud_panel_minigameboard_bg_padding ""

seta hud_panel_minigamestatus_pos "0.75 0.2"
seta hud_panel_minigamestatus_size "0.2 0.65"
seta hud_panel_minigamestatus_bg "0"
seta hud_panel_minigamestatus_bg_color ""
seta hud_panel_minigamestatus_bg_color_team ""
seta hud_panel_minigamestatus_bg_alpha ""
seta hud_panel_minigamestatus_bg_border ""
seta hud_panel_minigamestatus_bg_padding ""

seta hud_panel_minigamehelp_pos "0.25 0.8"
seta hud_panel_minigamehelp_size "0.55 0.25"
seta hud_panel_minigamehelp_bg "0"
seta hud_panel_minigamehelp_bg_color ""
seta hud_panel_minigamehelp_bg_color_team ""
seta hud_panel_minigamehelp_bg_alpha ""
seta hud_panel_minigamehelp_bg_border ""
seta hud_panel_minigamehelp_bg_padding ""

seta hud_panel_minigamemenu_pos "0 0.3"
seta hud_panel_minigamemenu_size "0.3 0.5"
seta hud_panel_minigamemenu_bg "0"
seta hud_panel_minigamemenu_bg_color ""
seta hud_panel_minigamemenu_bg_color_team ""
seta hud_panel_minigamemenu_bg_alpha ""
seta hud_panel_minigamemenu_bg_border ""
seta hud_panel_minigamemenu_bg_padding ""

seta hud_panel_mapvote_pos "0 0"
seta hud_panel_mapvote_size "1 1"
seta hud_panel_mapvote_bg "0"
seta hud_panel_mapvote_bg_color ""
seta hud_panel_mapvote_bg_color_team ""
seta hud_panel_mapvote_bg_alpha ""
seta hud_panel_mapvote_bg_border ""
seta hud_panel_mapvote_bg_padding ""
seta hud_panel_mapvote_highlight_border "1"

seta hud_panel_itemstime_pos "0.920000 0.740000"
seta hud_panel_itemstime_size "0.050000 0.120000"
seta hud_panel_itemstime_bg ""
seta hud_panel_itemstime_bg_color ""
seta hud_panel_itemstime_bg_color_team ""
seta hud_panel_itemstime_bg_alpha ""
seta hud_panel_itemstime_bg_border ""
seta hud_panel_itemstime_bg_padding "0"
seta hud_panel_itemstime_iconalign "0"
seta hud_panel_itemstime_progressbar "0"
seta hud_panel_itemstime_progressbar_name "progressbar"
seta hud_panel_itemstime_progressbar_reduced "1"
seta hud_panel_itemstime_text "1"
seta hud_panel_itemstime_ratio "2.5"
seta hud_panel_itemstime_dynamicsize "1"

seta hud_panel_quickmenu_pos "0.320000 0.430000"
seta hud_panel_quickmenu_size "0.140000 0.160000"
seta hud_panel_quickmenu_bg "border_quickmenu"
seta hud_panel_quickmenu_bg_color "0 1 0"
seta hud_panel_quickmenu_bg_color_team ""
seta hud_panel_quickmenu_bg_alpha "1"
seta hud_panel_quickmenu_bg_border "1"
seta hud_panel_quickmenu_bg_padding "0"
seta hud_panel_quickmenu_align "1"

seta hud_panel_scoreboard_pos "0.150000 0.150000"
seta hud_panel_scoreboard_size "0.700000 0.700000"
seta hud_panel_scoreboard_bg "0"
seta hud_panel_scoreboard_bg_color "0 0.3 0.5"
seta hud_panel_scoreboard_bg_color_team ""
seta hud_panel_scoreboard_bg_alpha "0"
seta hud_panel_scoreboard_bg_border ""
seta hud_panel_scoreboard_bg_padding ""
seta hud_panel_scoreboard_fadeinspeed "0"
seta hud_panel_scoreboard_fadeoutspeed "0"
seta hud_panel_scoreboard_respawntime_decimals "1"
seta hud_panel_scoreboard_table_bg_alpha "0"
seta hud_panel_scoreboard_table_bg_scale "0"
seta hud_panel_scoreboard_table_fg_alpha "0.4"
seta hud_panel_scoreboard_table_fg_alpha_self "1"
seta hud_panel_scoreboard_table_highlight "0"
seta hud_panel_scoreboard_table_highlight_alpha "0.2"
seta hud_panel_scoreboard_table_highlight_alpha_self "0.4"
seta hud_panel_scoreboard_bg_teams_color_team "0"
seta hud_panel_scoreboard_accuracy_doublerows "0"
seta hud_panel_scoreboard_accuracy_nocolors "0"

crosshair 57
crosshair_alpha 0.75
crosshair_color 1 0.174013 0.160354
crosshair_color_special" "2
crosshair_dot" "1
crosshair_dot_alpha 1.5
crosshair_dot_color 0.25 1 1
crosshair_dot_size  1.5
crosshair_effect_time 0
crosshair_enabled 2
crosshair_hitindication 0.75
crosshair_hitindication_color 10 -10 10
crosshair_hitindication_per_weapon_color -10 -10 -10
crosshair_hitindication_speed 15
crosshair_hittest 1.25
crosshair_hittest_showimpact 1
crosshair_per_weapon 0
crosshair_pickup 0.15
crosshair_pickup_speed 10
crosshair_ring_alpha 0.5
crosshair_ring_inner 1
crosshair_ring_minelayer_alpha 0.5
crosshair_ring_reload_alpha 0.5
crosshair_ring_reload_size 1.5
crosshair_ring_size 1
crosshair_ring_vortex_alpha 0.4
crosshair_size 0.5

RE: what's your interface/HUD in xonotic? - Draena - 06-13-2020


seta hud_skin "luma"
seta hud_panel_bg "0"
seta hud_panel_bg_color "0.660331 0 0.810342"
seta hud_panel_bg_color_team "1"
seta hud_panel_bg_alpha "1"
seta hud_panel_bg_border "2"
seta hud_panel_bg_padding "3"
seta hud_panel_fg_alpha "1"

seta hud_dock "0"
seta hud_dock_color "0 0 0"
seta hud_dock_color_team "1"
seta hud_dock_alpha "1"

seta hud_progressbar_alpha "0.6"
seta hud_progressbar_strength_color "1 0.39 0"
seta hud_progressbar_superweapons_color "0.77 0.67 0"
seta hud_progressbar_shield_color "0.36 1 0.07"
seta hud_progressbar_health_color "0.83 0.12 0"
seta hud_progressbar_armor_color "0.28 0.8 0"
seta hud_progressbar_fuel_color "0.77 0.67 0"
seta hud_progressbar_oxygen_color "0.1 1 1"
seta hud_progressbar_nexball_color "0.2 0.65 0.93"
seta hud_progressbar_speed_color "0.77 0.67 0"
seta hud_progressbar_acceleration_color "0.2 0.65 0.93"
seta hud_progressbar_acceleration_neg_color "0.86 0.35 0"
seta hud_progressbar_vehicles_ammo1_color "0.77 0.67 0"
seta hud_progressbar_vehicles_ammo2_color "0.86 0.35 0"

seta _hud_panelorder "16 3 5 10 12 6 7 8 2 15 9 0 11 4 14 1 17 13 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 "

seta hud_configure_grid "1"
seta hud_configure_grid_xsize "0.020000"
seta hud_configure_grid_ysize "0.010000"

seta hud_panel_weapons_pos "0.340000 0.840000"
seta hud_panel_weapons_size "0.340000 0.160000"
seta hud_panel_weapons_bg "0"
seta hud_panel_weapons_bg_color ""
seta hud_panel_weapons_bg_color_team ""
seta hud_panel_weapons_bg_alpha ""
seta hud_panel_weapons_bg_border ""
seta hud_panel_weapons_bg_padding "0"
seta hud_panel_weapons_accuracy "0"
seta hud_panel_weapons_label "2"
seta hud_panel_weapons_label_scale "0.15"
seta hud_panel_weapons_complainbubble "1"
seta hud_panel_weapons_complainbubble_padding "0"
seta hud_panel_weapons_complainbubble_time "0"
seta hud_panel_weapons_complainbubble_fadetime "1"
seta hud_panel_weapons_complainbubble_color_outofammo "0.8 0.11 0"
seta hud_panel_weapons_complainbubble_color_donthave "0.88 0.75 0"
seta hud_panel_weapons_complainbubble_color_unavailable "0 0.71 1"
seta hud_panel_weapons_ammo "1"
seta hud_panel_weapons_ammo_color "0.775649 0 0.00854335"
seta hud_panel_weapons_ammo_alpha "1"
seta hud_panel_weapons_aspect "1"
seta hud_panel_weapons_timeout "1"
seta hud_panel_weapons_timeout_effect "1"
seta hud_panel_weapons_timeout_fadebgmin "0.4"
seta hud_panel_weapons_timeout_fadefgmin "0.4"
seta hud_panel_weapons_timeout_speed_in "0.25"
seta hud_panel_weapons_timeout_speed_out "0.75"
seta hud_panel_weapons_onlyowned "0"
seta hud_panel_weapons_orderbyimpulse "1"
seta hud_panel_weapons_noncurrent_alpha "0.8"
seta hud_panel_weapons_noncurrent_scale "0.9"
seta hud_panel_weapons_selection_radius "0"
seta hud_panel_weapons_selection_speed "10"

seta hud_panel_ammo_pos "0.420000 0.520000"
seta hud_panel_ammo_size "0.060000 0.130000"
seta hud_panel_ammo_bg "0"
seta hud_panel_ammo_bg_color ""
seta hud_panel_ammo_bg_color_team ""
seta hud_panel_ammo_bg_alpha ""
seta hud_panel_ammo_bg_border ""
seta hud_panel_ammo_bg_padding "-5"
seta hud_panel_ammo_onlycurrent "0"
seta hud_panel_ammo_noncurrent_alpha "0.7"
seta hud_panel_ammo_noncurrent_scale "0.5"
seta hud_panel_ammo_iconalign "0"
seta hud_panel_ammo_progressbar "0"
seta hud_panel_ammo_progressbar_name "progressbar"
seta hud_panel_ammo_progressbar_xoffset "0"
seta hud_panel_ammo_text "1"

seta hud_panel_powerups_pos "0.640000 0"
seta hud_panel_powerups_size "0.100000 0.150000"
seta hud_panel_powerups_bg "border_shadow_south"
seta hud_panel_powerups_bg_color ""
seta hud_panel_powerups_bg_color_team ""
seta hud_panel_powerups_bg_alpha ""
seta hud_panel_powerups_bg_border ""
seta hud_panel_powerups_bg_padding ""
seta hud_panel_powerups_iconalign "3"
seta hud_panel_powerups_baralign "3"
seta hud_panel_powerups_progressbar "1"
seta hud_panel_powerups_text "1"

seta hud_panel_healtharmor_pos "0.520000 0.520000"
seta hud_panel_healtharmor_size "0.060000 0.100000"
seta hud_panel_healtharmor_bg "0"
seta hud_panel_healtharmor_bg_color ""
seta hud_panel_healtharmor_bg_color_team ""
seta hud_panel_healtharmor_bg_alpha ""
seta hud_panel_healtharmor_bg_border "4"
seta hud_panel_healtharmor_bg_padding "5"
seta hud_panel_healtharmor_combined "0"
seta hud_panel_healtharmor_flip "0"
seta hud_panel_healtharmor_iconalign "1"
seta hud_panel_healtharmor_baralign "0"
seta hud_panel_healtharmor_progressbar "0"
seta hud_panel_healtharmor_progressbar_health "progressbar"
seta hud_panel_healtharmor_progressbar_armor "progressbar"
seta hud_panel_healtharmor_progressbar_gfx "1"
seta hud_panel_healtharmor_progressbar_gfx_smooth "2"
seta hud_panel_healtharmor_text "1"

seta hud_panel_notify_pos "0.840000 0.800000"
seta hud_panel_notify_size "0.160000 0.200000"
seta hud_panel_notify_bg "0"
seta hud_panel_notify_bg_color ""
seta hud_panel_notify_bg_color_team ""
seta hud_panel_notify_bg_alpha ""
seta hud_panel_notify_bg_border ""
seta hud_panel_notify_bg_padding ""
seta hud_panel_notify_flip "0"
seta hud_panel_notify_fontsize "0.8"
seta hud_panel_notify_time "10"
seta hud_panel_notify_fadetime "3"
seta hud_panel_notify_icon_aspect "1"

seta hud_panel_timer_pos "0 0"
seta hud_panel_timer_size "0.220000 0.120000"
seta hud_panel_timer_bg "0"
seta hud_panel_timer_bg_color "1 1 1"
seta hud_panel_timer_bg_color_team ""
seta hud_panel_timer_bg_alpha ""
seta hud_panel_timer_bg_border ""
seta hud_panel_timer_bg_padding "-5"

seta hud_panel_radar_pos "0 0.750000"
seta hud_panel_radar_size "0.160000 0.250000"
seta hud_panel_radar_bg "0"
seta hud_panel_radar_bg_color ""
seta hud_panel_radar_bg_color_team ""
seta hud_panel_radar_bg_alpha ""
seta hud_panel_radar_bg_border ""
seta hud_panel_radar_bg_padding "1"
seta hud_panel_radar_foreground_alpha "1"
seta hud_panel_radar_rotation "0"
seta hud_panel_radar_zoommode "0"
seta hud_panel_radar_scale "8192"
seta hud_panel_radar_maximized_scale "5120"
seta hud_panel_radar_maximized_size "0.5 0.5"
seta hud_panel_radar_maximized_rotation "1"
seta hud_panel_radar_maximized_zoommode "3"

seta hud_panel_score_pos "0.920000 0.570000"
seta hud_panel_score_size "0.080000 0.140000"
seta hud_panel_score_bg "0"
seta hud_panel_score_bg_color ""
seta hud_panel_score_bg_color_team ""
seta hud_panel_score_bg_alpha ""
seta hud_panel_score_bg_border ""
seta hud_panel_score_bg_padding "1"
seta hud_panel_score_rankings "1"

seta hud_panel_racetimer_pos "0.240000 0"
seta hud_panel_racetimer_size "0.100000 0.100000"
seta hud_panel_racetimer_bg "0"
seta hud_panel_racetimer_bg_color ""
seta hud_panel_racetimer_bg_color_team ""
seta hud_panel_racetimer_bg_alpha ""
seta hud_panel_racetimer_bg_border ""
seta hud_panel_racetimer_bg_padding ""

seta hud_panel_vote_pos "0.800000 0.120000"
seta hud_panel_vote_size "0.200000 0.110000"
seta hud_panel_vote_bg "border_default"
seta hud_panel_vote_bg_color ""
seta hud_panel_vote_bg_color_team ""
seta hud_panel_vote_bg_alpha ""
seta hud_panel_vote_bg_border ""
seta hud_panel_vote_bg_padding ""
seta hud_panel_vote_alreadyvoted_alpha "0.7"

seta hud_panel_modicons_pos "0.360000 0"
seta hud_panel_modicons_size "0.260000 0.07000"
seta hud_panel_modicons_bg "0"
seta hud_panel_modicons_bg_color ""
seta hud_panel_modicons_bg_color_team ""
seta hud_panel_modicons_bg_alpha ""
seta hud_panel_modicons_bg_border "4"
seta hud_panel_modicons_bg_padding "0"
seta hud_panel_modicons_ca_layout "1"
seta hud_panel_modicons_dom_layout "1"
seta hud_panel_modicons_freezetag_layout "1"

seta hud_panel_pressedkeys_pos "0.720000 0.910000"
seta hud_panel_pressedkeys_size "0.110000 0.090000"
seta hud_panel_pressedkeys_bg "border_default"
seta hud_panel_pressedkeys_bg_color ""
seta hud_panel_pressedkeys_bg_color_team ""
seta hud_panel_pressedkeys_bg_alpha ""
seta hud_panel_pressedkeys_bg_border ""
seta hud_panel_pressedkeys_bg_padding "1"
seta hud_panel_pressedkeys_aspect "1.8"
seta hud_panel_pressedkeys_attack "0"

seta hud_panel_chat_pos "0 0.130000"
seta hud_panel_chat_size "0.360000 0.640000"
seta hud_panel_chat_bg "0"
seta hud_panel_chat_bg_color ""
seta hud_panel_chat_bg_color_team ""
seta hud_panel_chat_bg_alpha ""
seta hud_panel_chat_bg_border ""
seta hud_panel_chat_bg_padding ""

seta hud_panel_engineinfo_pos "0.930000 0.970000"
seta hud_panel_engineinfo_size "0.070000 0.030000"
seta hud_panel_engineinfo_bg "0"
seta hud_panel_engineinfo_bg_color ""
seta hud_panel_engineinfo_bg_color_team ""
seta hud_panel_engineinfo_bg_alpha ""
seta hud_panel_engineinfo_bg_border ""
seta hud_panel_engineinfo_bg_padding ""
seta hud_panel_engineinfo_framecounter_time "0.1"
seta hud_panel_engineinfo_framecounter_decimals "0"

seta hud_panel_infomessages_pos "0.760000 0"
seta hud_panel_infomessages_size "0.240000 0.100000"
seta hud_panel_infomessages_bg "0"
seta hud_panel_infomessages_bg_color ""
seta hud_panel_infomessages_bg_color_team ""
seta hud_panel_infomessages_bg_alpha ""
seta hud_panel_infomessages_bg_border ""
seta hud_panel_infomessages_bg_padding "0"
seta hud_panel_infomessages_flip "1"

seta hud_panel_physics_pos "0.380000 0.670000"
seta hud_panel_physics_size "0.240000 0.070000"
seta hud_panel_physics_bg ""
seta hud_panel_physics_bg_color ""
seta hud_panel_physics_bg_color_team ""
seta hud_panel_physics_bg_alpha "0.7"
seta hud_panel_physics_bg_border ""
seta hud_panel_physics_bg_padding ""
seta hud_panel_physics_speed_unit_show "1"
seta hud_panel_physics_speed_max "1800"
seta hud_panel_physics_speed_vertical "0"
seta hud_panel_physics_topspeed "1"
seta hud_panel_physics_topspeed_time "4"
seta hud_panel_physics_acceleration_max "1.5"
seta hud_panel_physics_acceleration_vertical "0"
seta hud_panel_physics_flip "0"
seta hud_panel_physics_baralign "0"
seta hud_panel_physics_progressbar "1"
seta hud_panel_physics_acceleration_progressbar_mode "0"
seta hud_panel_physics_acceleration_progressbar_scale "1"
seta hud_panel_physics_acceleration_progressbar_nonlinear "0"
seta hud_panel_physics_text "1"
seta hud_panel_physics_text_scale "0.7"

seta hud_panel_centerprint_pos "0.180000 0.280000"
seta hud_panel_centerprint_size "0.650000 0.220000"
seta hud_panel_centerprint_bg "0"
seta hud_panel_centerprint_bg_color ""
seta hud_panel_centerprint_bg_color_team ""
seta hud_panel_centerprint_bg_alpha ""
seta hud_panel_centerprint_bg_border ""
seta hud_panel_centerprint_bg_padding ""
seta hud_panel_centerprint_align "0.5"
seta hud_panel_centerprint_flip "0"
seta hud_panel_centerprint_fontscale "1"
seta hud_panel_centerprint_fontscale_bold "1.8"
seta hud_panel_centerprint_time "3"
seta hud_panel_centerprint_fade_in "0.2"
seta hud_panel_centerprint_fade_out "0.5"
seta hud_panel_centerprint_fade_subsequent "1"
seta hud_panel_centerprint_fade_subsequent_passone "3"
seta hud_panel_centerprint_fade_subsequent_passone_minalpha "0.5"
seta hud_panel_centerprint_fade_subsequent_passtwo "10"
seta hud_panel_centerprint_fade_subsequent_passtwo_minalpha "0.5"
seta hud_panel_centerprint_fade_subsequent_minfontsize "0.75"
seta hud_panel_centerprint_fade_minfontsize "0"

seta hud_panel_minigameboard_pos "0.22 0.15"
seta hud_panel_minigameboard_size "0.50 0.60"
seta hud_panel_minigameboard_bg "border_small"
seta hud_panel_minigameboard_bg_color ""
seta hud_panel_minigameboard_bg_color_team ""
seta hud_panel_minigameboard_bg_alpha ""
seta hud_panel_minigameboard_bg_border ""
seta hud_panel_minigameboard_bg_padding ""

seta hud_panel_minigamestatus_pos "0.74 0.15"
seta hud_panel_minigamestatus_size "0.2 0.60"
seta hud_panel_minigamestatus_bg "border_small"
seta hud_panel_minigamestatus_bg_color ""
seta hud_panel_minigamestatus_bg_color_team ""
seta hud_panel_minigamestatus_bg_alpha ""
seta hud_panel_minigamestatus_bg_border ""
seta hud_panel_minigamestatus_bg_padding ""

seta hud_panel_minigamehelp_pos "0.22 0.78"
seta hud_panel_minigamehelp_size "0.50 0.20"
seta hud_panel_minigamehelp_bg ""
seta hud_panel_minigamehelp_bg_color ""
seta hud_panel_minigamehelp_bg_color_team ""
seta hud_panel_minigamehelp_bg_alpha ""
seta hud_panel_minigamehelp_bg_border ""
seta hud_panel_minigamehelp_bg_padding ""

seta hud_panel_minigamemenu_pos "0 0.26"
seta hud_panel_minigamemenu_size "0.2 0.49"
seta hud_panel_minigamemenu_bg "border_small"
seta hud_panel_minigamemenu_bg_color ""
seta hud_panel_minigamemenu_bg_color_team ""
seta hud_panel_minigamemenu_bg_alpha ""
seta hud_panel_minigamemenu_bg_border ""
seta hud_panel_minigamemenu_bg_padding ""

seta hud_panel_mapvote_pos "0 0"
seta hud_panel_mapvote_size "1 1"
seta hud_panel_mapvote_bg "border_default"
seta hud_panel_mapvote_bg_color ""
seta hud_panel_mapvote_bg_color_team ""
seta hud_panel_mapvote_bg_alpha ""
seta hud_panel_mapvote_bg_border ""
seta hud_panel_mapvote_bg_padding ""
seta hud_panel_mapvote_highlight_border "1"

seta hud_panel_itemstime_pos "0.280000 0.840000"
seta hud_panel_itemstime_size "0.040000 0.150000"
seta hud_panel_itemstime_bg "border_default"
seta hud_panel_itemstime_bg_color ""
seta hud_panel_itemstime_bg_color_team ""
seta hud_panel_itemstime_bg_alpha ""
seta hud_panel_itemstime_bg_border ""
seta hud_panel_itemstime_bg_padding ""
seta hud_panel_itemstime_iconalign "0"
seta hud_panel_itemstime_progressbar "0"
seta hud_panel_itemstime_progressbar_name "progressbar"
seta hud_panel_itemstime_progressbar_reduced "0"
seta hud_panel_itemstime_text "1"
seta hud_panel_itemstime_ratio "2"
seta hud_panel_itemstime_dynamicsize "1"

seta hud_panel_quickmenu_pos "0.840000 0.250000"
seta hud_panel_quickmenu_size "0.160000 0.310000"
seta hud_panel_quickmenu_bg ""
seta hud_panel_quickmenu_bg_color ""
seta hud_panel_quickmenu_bg_color_team ""
seta hud_panel_quickmenu_bg_alpha ""
seta hud_panel_quickmenu_bg_border ""
seta hud_panel_quickmenu_bg_padding ""
seta hud_panel_quickmenu_align "0"

seta hud_panel_scoreboard_pos "0.150000 0.150000"
seta hud_panel_scoreboard_size "0.700000 0.700000"
seta hud_panel_scoreboard_bg "border_default"
seta hud_panel_scoreboard_bg_color "0 0.3 0.5"
seta hud_panel_scoreboard_bg_color_team ""
seta hud_panel_scoreboard_bg_alpha "0.7"
seta hud_panel_scoreboard_bg_border ""
seta hud_panel_scoreboard_bg_padding ""
seta hud_panel_scoreboard_fadeinspeed "10"
seta hud_panel_scoreboard_fadeoutspeed "5"
seta hud_panel_scoreboard_respawntime_decimals "1"
seta hud_panel_scoreboard_table_bg_alpha "0"
seta hud_panel_scoreboard_table_bg_scale "0.25"
seta hud_panel_scoreboard_table_fg_alpha "0.9"
seta hud_panel_scoreboard_table_fg_alpha_self "1"
seta hud_panel_scoreboard_table_highlight "1"
seta hud_panel_scoreboard_table_highlight_alpha "0.2"
seta hud_panel_scoreboard_table_highlight_alpha_self "0.4"
seta hud_panel_scoreboard_bg_teams_color_team "0"
seta hud_panel_scoreboard_accuracy_doublerows "0"
seta hud_panel_scoreboard_accuracy_nocolors "0"

Regarding the crosshair
"crosshair" "dra12"
seta "crosshair_alpha" "1"
seta "crosshair_color" "0.780885 0.725754 0"
seta "crosshair_dot_alpha" "0.8"
seta "crosshair_dot_color" "1 0.180994 0.0937643"
seta "crosshair_effect_scalefade" "0"
seta "crosshair_enabled" "2"
seta "crosshair_hitindication" "0"
seta "crosshair_hittest" "0"
seta "crosshair_hittest_blur" "0"
seta "crosshair_hittest_scale" "0"
seta "crosshair_per_weapon" "0"
seta "crosshair_pickup" "0"
seta "crosshair_ring_alpha" "0.4"
seta "crosshair_ring_size" "0.6"
"crosshair_size" "0.15"
"fov" "115"
GUI clearly inspired by Dodger's who took inspiration from Unreal Tournament Blush
And here some screenshots:

RE: what's your interface/HUD in xonotic? - Kotangens - 05-24-2022

(06-12-2020, 04:08 AM)Kotangens Wrote: The answer is: take a screenshot and send your hud_<HUD>_myconfig.cfg and crosshair, e.g. like me: hud_luma_myconfig.cfg.
seta hud_skin "luma"
seta hud_panel_bg "0"
seta hud_panel_bg_color "0 0 0"
seta hud_panel_bg_color_team "0"
seta hud_panel_bg_alpha "1"
seta hud_panel_bg_border "0"
seta hud_panel_bg_padding "5"
seta hud_panel_fg_alpha "1"

seta hud_dock "0"
seta hud_dock_color "0.0261829 0.000679513 0"
seta hud_dock_color_team "1"
seta hud_dock_alpha "1"

seta hud_progressbar_alpha "0.6"
seta hud_progressbar_strength_color "1 0.39 0"
seta hud_progressbar_superweapons_color "0.77 0.67 0"
seta hud_progressbar_shield_color "0.36 1 0.07"
seta hud_progressbar_health_color "0.83 0.12 0"
seta hud_progressbar_armor_color "0.28 0.8 0"
seta hud_progressbar_fuel_color "0.77 0.67 0"
seta hud_progressbar_oxygen_color "0.100000001 1 1"
seta hud_progressbar_nexball_color "0.2 0.65 0.93"
seta hud_progressbar_speed_color "0.77 0.67 0"
seta hud_progressbar_acceleration_color "0.2 0.65 0.93"
seta hud_progressbar_acceleration_neg_color "0.86 0.35 0"
seta hud_progressbar_vehicles_ammo1_color "0.77 0.67 0"
seta hud_progressbar_vehicles_ammo2_color "0.86 0.35 0"

seta _hud_panelorder "15 1 4 2 11 16 8 3 14 0 9 10 5 7 13 6 12 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 "

seta hud_configure_grid "1"
seta hud_configure_grid_xsize "0.010000"
seta hud_configure_grid_ysize "0.010000"

seta hud_panel_weapons_pos "0.970000 0"
seta hud_panel_weapons_size "0.030000 0.860000"
seta hud_panel_weapons_bg "0"
seta hud_panel_weapons_bg_color "0 0.00628882 0.76387"
seta hud_panel_weapons_bg_color_team ""
seta hud_panel_weapons_bg_alpha ""
seta hud_panel_weapons_bg_border ""
seta hud_panel_weapons_bg_padding "-5"
seta hud_panel_weapons_accuracy "1"
seta hud_panel_weapons_label "2"
seta hud_panel_weapons_label_scale "0.4"
seta hud_panel_weapons_complainbubble "1"
seta hud_panel_weapons_complainbubble_padding "0"
seta hud_panel_weapons_complainbubble_time "0"
seta hud_panel_weapons_complainbubble_fadetime "0"
seta hud_panel_weapons_complainbubble_color_outofammo "0.8 0.11 0"
seta hud_panel_weapons_complainbubble_color_donthave "0.88 0.75 0"
seta hud_panel_weapons_complainbubble_color_unavailable "0 0.71 1"
seta hud_panel_weapons_ammo "0"
seta hud_panel_weapons_ammo_color "0 1 0"
seta hud_panel_weapons_ammo_alpha "1"
seta hud_panel_weapons_aspect "1"
seta hud_panel_weapons_timeout "2.5"
seta hud_panel_weapons_timeout_effect "1"
seta hud_panel_weapons_timeout_fadebgmin "0.1"
seta hud_panel_weapons_timeout_fadefgmin "0.06"
seta hud_panel_weapons_timeout_speed_in "0"
seta hud_panel_weapons_timeout_speed_out "0.01"
seta hud_panel_weapons_onlyowned "1"
seta hud_panel_weapons_noncurrent_alpha "0.4"
seta hud_panel_weapons_noncurrent_scale "0.4"
seta hud_panel_weapons_selection_radius "0"
seta hud_panel_weapons_selection_speed "10"

seta hud_panel_ammo_pos "0.920000 0"
seta hud_panel_ammo_size "0.050000 0.120000"
seta hud_panel_ammo_bg "0"
seta hud_panel_ammo_bg_color "0.116111 0.647357 0"
seta hud_panel_ammo_bg_color_team ""
seta hud_panel_ammo_bg_alpha "1"
seta hud_panel_ammo_bg_border "0"
seta hud_panel_ammo_bg_padding "-5"
seta hud_panel_ammo_onlycurrent "0"
seta hud_panel_ammo_noncurrent_alpha "0.4"
seta hud_panel_ammo_noncurrent_scale "0.6"
seta hud_panel_ammo_iconalign "0"
seta hud_panel_ammo_progressbar "0"
seta hud_panel_ammo_progressbar_name "progressbar"
seta hud_panel_ammo_progressbar_xoffset "0"
seta hud_panel_ammo_text "1"

seta hud_panel_powerups_pos "0.920000 0.120000"
seta hud_panel_powerups_size "0.050000 0.070000"
seta hud_panel_powerups_bg "0"
seta hud_panel_powerups_bg_color ""
seta hud_panel_powerups_bg_color_team ""
seta hud_panel_powerups_bg_alpha "0.400000"
seta hud_panel_powerups_bg_border "0"
seta hud_panel_powerups_bg_padding "5"
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seta hud_panel_powerups_baralign "2"
seta hud_panel_powerups_progressbar "0"
seta hud_panel_powerups_text "1"

seta hud_panel_healtharmor_pos "0 0.060000"
seta hud_panel_healtharmor_size "0.040000 0.060000"
seta hud_panel_healtharmor_bg "0"
seta hud_panel_healtharmor_bg_color "0.0682385 1 0.243993"
seta hud_panel_healtharmor_bg_color_team ""
seta hud_panel_healtharmor_bg_alpha ""
seta hud_panel_healtharmor_bg_border "0"
seta hud_panel_healtharmor_bg_padding "-5"
seta hud_panel_healtharmor_combined "0"
seta hud_panel_healtharmor_flip "0"
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seta hud_panel_healtharmor_baralign "1"
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seta hud_panel_healtharmor_progressbar_gfx "1"
seta hud_panel_healtharmor_progressbar_gfx_smooth "2"
seta hud_panel_healtharmor_text "1"

seta hud_panel_notify_pos "0.840000 0"
seta hud_panel_notify_size "0.080000 0.120000"
seta hud_panel_notify_bg "0"
seta hud_panel_notify_bg_color ""
seta hud_panel_notify_bg_color_team ""
seta hud_panel_notify_bg_alpha ""
seta hud_panel_notify_bg_border ""
seta hud_panel_notify_bg_padding "5"
seta hud_panel_notify_flip "1"
seta hud_panel_notify_fontsize "1.5"
seta hud_panel_notify_time "0"
seta hud_panel_notify_fadetime "10"
seta hud_panel_notify_icon_aspect "1"

seta hud_panel_timer_pos "0 0.120000"
seta hud_panel_timer_size "0.040000 0.040000"
seta hud_panel_timer_bg "0"
seta hud_panel_timer_bg_color ""
seta hud_panel_timer_bg_color_team "0"
seta hud_panel_timer_bg_alpha ""
seta hud_panel_timer_bg_border "0"
seta hud_panel_timer_bg_padding "-5"

seta hud_panel_radar_pos "0.920000 0.860000"
seta hud_panel_radar_size "0.080000 0.140000"
seta hud_panel_radar_bg "0"
seta hud_panel_radar_bg_color "0.90918 0.383933 0"
seta hud_panel_radar_bg_color_team ""
seta hud_panel_radar_bg_alpha ""
seta hud_panel_radar_bg_border "0"
seta hud_panel_radar_bg_padding "0"
seta hud_panel_radar_foreground_alpha "0.6"
seta hud_panel_radar_rotation "1"
seta hud_panel_radar_zoommode "2"
seta hud_panel_radar_scale "4096"
seta hud_panel_radar_maximized_scale "5120"
seta hud_panel_radar_maximized_size "0.5 0.5"
seta hud_panel_radar_maximized_rotation "1"
seta hud_panel_radar_maximized_zoommode "3"

seta hud_panel_score_pos "0 0"
seta hud_panel_score_size "0.080000 0.060000"
seta hud_panel_score_bg "0"
seta hud_panel_score_bg_color "0.0662749 1 0.27676"
seta hud_panel_score_bg_color_team ""
seta hud_panel_score_bg_alpha ""
seta hud_panel_score_bg_border "0"
seta hud_panel_score_bg_padding "0"
seta hud_panel_score_rankings "1"

seta hud_panel_racetimer_pos "0.140000 0.060000"
seta hud_panel_racetimer_size "0.090000 0.060000"
seta hud_panel_racetimer_bg "0"
seta hud_panel_racetimer_bg_color "0 0.712815 0.119669"
seta hud_panel_racetimer_bg_color_team ""
seta hud_panel_racetimer_bg_alpha ""
seta hud_panel_racetimer_bg_border ""
seta hud_panel_racetimer_bg_padding "0"

seta hud_panel_vote_pos "0 0.860000"
seta hud_panel_vote_size "0.100000 0.070000"
seta hud_panel_vote_bg "0"
seta hud_panel_vote_bg_color "0.0768365 0 0.752088"
seta hud_panel_vote_bg_color_team "0.300000"
seta hud_panel_vote_bg_alpha "0.500000"
seta hud_panel_vote_bg_border "0"
seta hud_panel_vote_bg_padding "5"
seta hud_panel_vote_alreadyvoted_alpha "0.5"

seta hud_panel_modicons_pos "0 0.160000"
seta hud_panel_modicons_size "0.040000 0.040000"
seta hud_panel_modicons_bg "0"
seta hud_panel_modicons_bg_color "1 1 1"
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seta hud_panel_modicons_dom_layout "2"
seta hud_panel_modicons_freezetag_layout "1"

seta hud_panel_pressedkeys_pos "0.460000 0.590000"
seta hud_panel_pressedkeys_size "0.080000 0.070000"
seta hud_panel_pressedkeys_bg "border_pressedkeys"
seta hud_panel_pressedkeys_bg_color "0 1 0"
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seta hud_panel_pressedkeys_bg_alpha "1"
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seta hud_panel_pressedkeys_bg_padding "-3"
seta hud_panel_pressedkeys_aspect "1"
seta hud_panel_pressedkeys_attack "1"

seta hud_panel_chat_pos "0.000000 0.930000"
seta hud_panel_chat_size "0.440000 0.070000"
seta hud_panel_chat_bg "0"
seta hud_panel_chat_bg_color ""
seta hud_panel_chat_bg_color_team ""
seta hud_panel_chat_bg_alpha ""
seta hud_panel_chat_bg_border ""
seta hud_panel_chat_bg_padding "5"

seta hud_panel_engineinfo_pos "0.970000 0.970000"
seta hud_panel_engineinfo_size "0.030000 0.030000"
seta hud_panel_engineinfo_bg ""
seta hud_panel_engineinfo_bg_color ""
seta hud_panel_engineinfo_bg_color_team ""
seta hud_panel_engineinfo_bg_alpha ""
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seta hud_panel_engineinfo_bg_padding "5"
seta hud_panel_engineinfo_framecounter_time "1"
seta hud_panel_engineinfo_framecounter_decimals "1"

seta hud_panel_infomessages_pos "0.080000 0"
seta hud_panel_infomessages_size "0.150000 0.060000"
seta hud_panel_infomessages_bg "0"
seta hud_panel_infomessages_bg_color "0.0139101 1 0.254343"
seta hud_panel_infomessages_bg_color_team ""
seta hud_panel_infomessages_bg_alpha ""
seta hud_panel_infomessages_bg_border "0"
seta hud_panel_infomessages_bg_padding "3"
seta hud_panel_infomessages_flip "0"

seta hud_panel_physics_pos "0.460000 0.560000"
seta hud_panel_physics_size "0.080000 0.030000"
seta hud_panel_physics_bg "0"
seta hud_panel_physics_bg_color "0.741226 0.432828 1"
seta hud_panel_physics_bg_color_team "0"
seta hud_panel_physics_bg_alpha "1"
seta hud_panel_physics_bg_border "0"
seta hud_panel_physics_bg_padding "-2"
seta hud_panel_physics_speed_unit_show "1"
seta hud_panel_physics_speed_max "1800"
seta hud_panel_physics_speed_vertical "0"
seta hud_panel_physics_topspeed "1"
seta hud_panel_physics_topspeed_time "10"
seta hud_panel_physics_acceleration_max "1.5"
seta hud_panel_physics_acceleration_vertical "0"
seta hud_panel_physics_flip "1"
seta hud_panel_physics_baralign "3"
seta hud_panel_physics_progressbar "0"
seta hud_panel_physics_acceleration_progressbar_mode "0"
seta hud_panel_physics_acceleration_progressbar_scale "1"
seta hud_panel_physics_acceleration_progressbar_nonlinear "0"
seta hud_panel_physics_text "1"
seta hud_panel_physics_text_scale "1"

seta hud_panel_centerprint_pos "0.040000 0.060000"
seta hud_panel_centerprint_size "0.190000 0.060000"
seta hud_panel_centerprint_bg "0"
seta hud_panel_centerprint_bg_color ""
seta hud_panel_centerprint_bg_color_team ""
seta hud_panel_centerprint_bg_alpha ""
seta hud_panel_centerprint_bg_border ""
seta hud_panel_centerprint_bg_padding ""
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seta hud_panel_centerprint_flip "0"
seta hud_panel_centerprint_fontscale "0.6"
seta hud_panel_centerprint_fontscale_bold "0.6"
seta hud_panel_centerprint_time "4"
seta hud_panel_centerprint_fade_in "0"
seta hud_panel_centerprint_fade_out "0"
seta hud_panel_centerprint_fade_subsequent "1"
seta hud_panel_centerprint_fade_subsequent_passone "3"
seta hud_panel_centerprint_fade_subsequent_passone_minalpha "0.3"
seta hud_panel_centerprint_fade_subsequent_passtwo "5"
seta hud_panel_centerprint_fade_subsequent_passtwo_minalpha "0.15"
seta hud_panel_centerprint_fade_subsequent_minfontsize "0.7"
seta hud_panel_centerprint_fade_minfontsize "0"

seta hud_panel_minigameboard_pos "0.2 0.1"
seta hud_panel_minigameboard_size "0.7 0.7"
seta hud_panel_minigameboard_bg "border_small"
seta hud_panel_minigameboard_bg_color ""
seta hud_panel_minigameboard_bg_color_team ""
seta hud_panel_minigameboard_bg_alpha ""
seta hud_panel_minigameboard_bg_border ""
seta hud_panel_minigameboard_bg_padding ""

seta hud_panel_minigamestatus_pos "0.75 0.2"
seta hud_panel_minigamestatus_size "0.2 0.65"
seta hud_panel_minigamestatus_bg "0"
seta hud_panel_minigamestatus_bg_color ""
seta hud_panel_minigamestatus_bg_color_team ""
seta hud_panel_minigamestatus_bg_alpha ""
seta hud_panel_minigamestatus_bg_border ""
seta hud_panel_minigamestatus_bg_padding ""

seta hud_panel_minigamehelp_pos "0.25 0.8"
seta hud_panel_minigamehelp_size "0.55 0.25"
seta hud_panel_minigamehelp_bg "0"
seta hud_panel_minigamehelp_bg_color ""
seta hud_panel_minigamehelp_bg_color_team ""
seta hud_panel_minigamehelp_bg_alpha ""
seta hud_panel_minigamehelp_bg_border ""
seta hud_panel_minigamehelp_bg_padding ""

seta hud_panel_minigamemenu_pos "0 0.3"
seta hud_panel_minigamemenu_size "0.3 0.5"
seta hud_panel_minigamemenu_bg "0"
seta hud_panel_minigamemenu_bg_color ""
seta hud_panel_minigamemenu_bg_color_team ""
seta hud_panel_minigamemenu_bg_alpha ""
seta hud_panel_minigamemenu_bg_border ""
seta hud_panel_minigamemenu_bg_padding ""

seta hud_panel_mapvote_pos "0 0"
seta hud_panel_mapvote_size "1 1"
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seta hud_panel_mapvote_bg_color ""
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seta hud_panel_itemstime_pos "0.920000 0.740000"
seta hud_panel_itemstime_size "0.050000 0.120000"
seta hud_panel_itemstime_bg ""
seta hud_panel_itemstime_bg_color ""
seta hud_panel_itemstime_bg_color_team ""
seta hud_panel_itemstime_bg_alpha ""
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seta hud_panel_itemstime_dynamicsize "1"

seta hud_panel_quickmenu_pos "0.320000 0.430000"
seta hud_panel_quickmenu_size "0.140000 0.160000"
seta hud_panel_quickmenu_bg "border_quickmenu"
seta hud_panel_quickmenu_bg_color "0 1 0"
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seta hud_panel_quickmenu_bg_padding "0"
seta hud_panel_quickmenu_align "1"

seta hud_panel_scoreboard_pos "0.150000 0.150000"
seta hud_panel_scoreboard_size "0.700000 0.700000"
seta hud_panel_scoreboard_bg "0"
seta hud_panel_scoreboard_bg_color "0 0.3 0.5"
seta hud_panel_scoreboard_bg_color_team ""
seta hud_panel_scoreboard_bg_alpha "0"
seta hud_panel_scoreboard_bg_border ""
seta hud_panel_scoreboard_bg_padding ""
seta hud_panel_scoreboard_fadeinspeed "0"
seta hud_panel_scoreboard_fadeoutspeed "0"
seta hud_panel_scoreboard_respawntime_decimals "1"
seta hud_panel_scoreboard_table_bg_alpha "0"
seta hud_panel_scoreboard_table_bg_scale "0"
seta hud_panel_scoreboard_table_fg_alpha "0.4"
seta hud_panel_scoreboard_table_fg_alpha_self "1"
seta hud_panel_scoreboard_table_highlight "0"
seta hud_panel_scoreboard_table_highlight_alpha "0.2"
seta hud_panel_scoreboard_table_highlight_alpha_self "0.4"
seta hud_panel_scoreboard_bg_teams_color_team "0"
seta hud_panel_scoreboard_accuracy_doublerows "0"
seta hud_panel_scoreboard_accuracy_nocolors "0"

crosshair 57
crosshair_alpha 0.75
crosshair_color 1 0.174013 0.160354
crosshair_color_special" "2
crosshair_dot" "1
crosshair_dot_alpha 1.5
crosshair_dot_color 0.25 1 1
crosshair_dot_size  1.5
crosshair_effect_time 0
crosshair_enabled 2
crosshair_hitindication 0.75
crosshair_hitindication_color 10 -10 10
crosshair_hitindication_per_weapon_color -10 -10 -10
crosshair_hitindication_speed 15
crosshair_hittest 1.25
crosshair_hittest_showimpact 1
crosshair_per_weapon 0
crosshair_pickup 0.15
crosshair_pickup_speed 10
crosshair_ring_alpha 0.5
crosshair_ring_inner 1
crosshair_ring_minelayer_alpha 0.5
crosshair_ring_reload_alpha 0.5
crosshair_ring_reload_size 1.5
crosshair_ring_size 1
crosshair_ring_vortex_alpha 0.4
crosshair_size 0.5
This is old now. Well I want to show my modern(I still use it) HUD:
HUD Config:
[Image: 3dacca8c90d0390854619cc0ff7a2150.png]
You can see, that chat and last kills are combined in one, but one of them are shown (if I want chat or last kills --> I press "U")
You also see how weapons and ammo are shown, that idea was taken from Alien Shooter 2 (such a game).
Look at the radar. It can be changed by "M" (it changes its position and size; you will see that)
Crosshair: you will see; its color depends on health
[Image: 01ee88c67a7ed40220827dd183e67ec1.jpg]
Now, you see how the radar is. (Bigger that the previous screenshot)

[Image: dfcf3333081a742ccb8a4c673458e636.jpg]
You see only last kills, not chat.
1 ---> weapons don't use ammo (blaster)
2 ---> weapons use shells (shotgun)
3 ---> weapons use bullets (machinegun)
4 ---> weapons use rockets (mortar, hagar, devastator)
5 ---> weapons use cells (electro, crylink, vortex)
0 ---> weapon Hook
e ---> weapons use fuel (Hook) ---> command +hook (not comfortable on some modified servers, e.g. Jeff's one)
WASD ---> usual movement
Q ---> last weapon
SHIFT ---> +crouch with lower fov (100 --> 80)
U ---> Swap chat and last kills
T ---> chat (Y ---> team chat)
R ---> reload
SPACE ---> jump
F1/F2 ---> vote for yes/no
F3 ---> swap first person to third one
F4 ---> go spec
TAB ---> show the leaderboard
K ---> kill myself
M ---> change radar size
MOUSE1 ---> main fire
MOUSE2 ---> second fire
MOUSE3 ---> +zoom

My colors and zoom depend on a weapon (it supports only official, not ofiicial weapons like Flak from SMB mod, they will use default zoom and colors):

(this video was recorded on my laptop, so you see the default HUD)

Post screenshots of your custom HUD here - Ashurion-Neonix - 07-29-2022

Just curious about what everyone's hud settings are. Especially the more "unique" ones.
This can include non-vanilla huds, or just pre-included huds that you've changed around.
Here's mine, A rearranged luma with some "interesting" taste.
(Link: https://imgur.com/a/Uvtet3e)

RE: Post screenshots of your custom HUD here - Kotangens - 07-29-2022

Look at mine there: https://forums.xonotic.org/showthread.php?tid=2511&pid=88625#pid88625

RE: Post screenshots of your custom HUD here - Ashurion-Neonix - 07-29-2022

(07-29-2022, 11:17 AM)Kotangens Wrote: Look at mine there: https://forums.xonotic.org/showthread.php?tid=2511&pid=88625#pid88625

Oh cool.
Interesting automap placement.