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^damn nice.

Cityy makes the prettiest maps

Played some MinstaCTF on ESK dallas and decided to grab mic and record because of certain courses of actions that had taken place in the previous games. Featuring a friend from our Lan party.
I want to play with Captain Falcon too!

Nice Big Grin
(05-06-2013, 06:54 AM)Smilecythe Wrote: [ -> ]Played some MinstaCTF on ESK dallas and decided to grab mic and record because of certain courses of actions that had taken place in the previous games. Featuring a friend from our Lan party.

That was gold. Smile
"Is this called quickscoping in Call of Duty?"

"This is actually what they call being an aaaass - hole. Yu know, being too-oo good, mean..."

"I see'

lol that.

Now, how do you put you tube videos? I hope this is the right way:
[yt] mencoder "mf://*.jpg" -mf fps=10 -o test.avi -ovc lavc -lavcopts vcodec=msmpeg4v2:vbitrate=800 [/yt]

This is what i made in blender. A simple gun and some awesome (IMO) animations.
Wonder if anything of this kind possible in Xonotic?

PS at 4.16 awesome "hip" sniper shooting, worth of Arnold Shwartcneger.

You two have awesome voices, where are you from?
The gun animation you mean? totally possible, don't even need any code just the proper animation setup. IIRC the colour changing glow would need some trivial code support, but it there for the nex already so its just a nice plate of copypasta. looking good btw, that anim =)
Nice work!
New grenade launcher with animations.

Morphed! That looks great, I love the nade load animation. Awesome job.
Damn, it looks nice, great job Morphed!
I'm looking forward to try it in the next release Smile
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