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Hey I had some time to interview our 2 winner bracket finalists about Nexuiz and the tournament.

I hope you enjoy Smile

' Wrote:Agama: Hello Scorpion, How's it going today?
Scorpion: I'm doing well, how about yourself?
<agamalama> I am doing quite well, thank you.

<agamalama> Okay lets begin with some information about yourself.
<agamalama> tell us about yourself.
<Scorpion> Well, I guess first off i'm 18 and I just graduated from high school a few months ago and I'm looking forward to going to college in august. I'm a funny guy, I like to laugh a lot and just have fun all the time.
<agamalama> Well that is good to hear, good luck in college.

<agamalama> are there any fps games you played before nexuiz and how did you get into nexuiz?
<Scorpion> Well, a long long time ago I would go with my two best friends who were brothers to a computer cafe place where we would play Counter Strike a bit, but this was at least 10 years ago, maybe more. But besides that I started playing FPS more seriously first with nexuiz, i would say about two and a half years ago. I got into nexuiz, well maybe luckily or unfortunately because I was actually looking to play Counter Strike again but I just got a Mac and CS didn't play on Macs so i searched for another FPS that would work for macs and Nexuiz is what i found.

<agamalama> How did you progress through nexuiz to where you are now? For example what clans or people helped you get better.
<agamalama> What did you do when you first started playing also?
<Scorpion> Well, i remember when i first started playing around two and half years ago, i would play under the nick Alpha and play in CTF hook servers, i think it was owned by nexuiz ninjaz, but i played there for a long while. Since then i finally progressed into a non-hook ctf server since more people would be playing there and that's when i first started noticing good players and clans. From there i kept changing my nickname to various things
<Scorpion> guess because i got bored, but i finally settled on Scorpion when Inficio told me i had to choose a nick and stick with it in order to join my first clan V (Vortex).

<agamalama> Vortex was a very good clan a couple years ago how did you like being with them?
<Scorpion> I played a long time with V, with Inficio and Etoile and Diabolik. V was back then, imo, the best clan out there and finally Inficio and Diabolik decided that in order to promote more clan activity that one superior clan would need to split and that's what happened. Diabolik started a clan called Inferno who asked me to join and i did. Inficio and Etoile stilled played but not as much and soon disappeared.
<Scorpion> From then i played with inferno, and Diabolik was by far the best player with Usil at the time, and that was when Dib taught me about Duel, since i stilled basically only played CTF. He taught me a lot but i still lost every match i would play against him. After probably 8 months i was finally able to beat Dib and that's when i started to play duel a lot lot more. Then dib got caught up in college and inferno sort of died, so we mer
<Scorpion> with Revolution, another good clan, and formed Talionis the clan i am in now.

<agamalama> I know you've been doing really good in the tournament so far, how do you think you have been playing from your point of view?
<Scorpion> I've been playing better than i've ever have been, and the great thing is i still see improvements i can make to my game which i've been working on lately.

<agamalama> What do you think about the tourney so far?
<Scorpion> This North american 1v1 tourney has been great so far, there have been a few forfeits which nobody likes to see, but besides that it has been running smoothly and it should be great.

<agamalama> You have the winner bracket's finals against pclizard, a very strong player, do you think you have what it takes to beat him?
<Scorpion> He has been one of the tops duelers in nexuiz since the age of diabolik and usil passed, he is a great player and it will always be a difficult match, it can either way i see it, but in order to win a game you have to be positive and with that i do think i can beat him.

<agamalama> What will you do to prepare for this match?
<Scorpion> I will practice and then rest, i've noticed i play my best after just relaxing for ten minutes or so.
<agamalama> Any last words?
<Scorpion> Agama is the man.
<agamalama> Thank you, good luck in the tourney!

' Wrote:<agamalama> Hello Pclizard, How's it going today?
<PCLizard> Hey, I'm doing pretty good.
<PCLizard> And you?
<agamalama> I'm doing quite well, thank you.

<agamalama> Okay lets begin with some information about yourself.
<agamalama> tell us about yourself.
<PCLizard> Well, let's see...I'm a guy who really likes video games, that's a good start. I've played nexuiz for over two years now, and have enjoyed every little bit of it, for the most part. Luckily, I was able to join a clan, MiT, that would last from April of 2008 to this very day.

<agamalama> are there any fps games you played before nexuiz and how did you get into nexuiz?
<PCLizard> Well, I played FPS off and on before nexuiz, but I really didn't get "into" a game until I downloaded nexuiz. I came across nexuiz while looking for FPS for linux one day back in late 2007-early 2008. Keep in mind I had tried other games as well, and out of all of them, I found nexuiz to be the most enjoyable.

<agamalama> How did you progress through nexuiz to where you are now? For example what clans or people helped you get better.
agamalama> What did you do when you first started playing also?
<PCLizard> Back when I started playing nexuiz, I did what pretty much anyone else would do, which would be to play in the popular servers.

<agamalama> What type of servers did you play on, hook? no hook?
<PCLizard> I played primarily on Galts Gulch, which was a no hook ctf server.
<PCLizard> Once in a while I would play on a DM server.
<PCLizard> Of course, because I was new, I wasn't particularly very good. However, this didn't mean there were other players that were good. This is where I start to become interested in nexuiz
<PCLizard> After a little while of playing, I had been invited by two people named BattleBabe and Dokujisan into the private servers known as the Bat Caves.
<PCLizard> At the time, these servers were popular amongst the competitive community in nexuiz.
<PCLizard> I had started to play with people who were a lot, and I mean a lot better than me. I started to pick up on things they did often, such as bunnyhopping.
<PCLizard> I never really had a teacher, but I can recall having someone teach me a few things. This player's name was Turner.

<agamalama> Who were a few of these really good players?
<PCLizard> At the time, players like Pavlvs, nifrek, and your own brother, Vbraun, were all really good players.

<agamalama> What clans were you in and how did it help you get to where you are today?
<PCLizard> I have been in MiT for almost the entire time I've been playing. At one point in time, I was in the clan GT, but that was really short lived.

<agamalama> I know you've been doing really good in the tournament so far, how do you think you have been playing from your point of view?
<PCLizard> From my point of view, I think I've been doing fairly well. There are some mistakes I've made in a few of my matches that could have been avoided easily, and at times I was playing too aggressive or too defensive that punished me instead of helped me. Overall, I think I've done well in the tourney.

<agamalama> What do you think about the tourney so far?
<PCLizard> I think that it's been more successful than some of the tournaments that have happened in the past. There have been some issues with people not playing on time, but thankfully this hasn't really held the tournament back. I would have liked to of seen more players in this tournament, but I believe the current amount of players is pretty good.

<agamalama> You have the winner bracket's finals against Scorpion, a very strong player, do you think you have what it takes to beat him?
<PCLizard> Scorpion and I are very similar in skill level. Sometimes he beats me, and sometimes I beat him. All considered, I think I have a good chance of winning, but likewise, I think he also has a good chance of winning. It all depends on several factors, such as who has the better timing, who has the better strategies, who has the better aim, and overall who has the better map control.

<agamalama> What will you do to prepare for this match?
<PCLizard> Well, the best thing to do, is to get practice in, but not to overdo it. Too much of anything is a bad thing, and this applies to practice. Getting a few duels in prior to the tourney would help, but I would avoid consistently playing duels.

<agamalama> Thank you for your time, Any last words?
<PCLizard> To all of the new players in nexuiz who are trying to learn how to duel, there are a few things to remember. Practice is, of course, a necessity in order to get better. This means it will take time, effort, and will power to get to where you want to go. Although at times, dueling may not seem to pleasant, it's important to understand that you should never give up. However, it's also...
<PCLizard> ...important to know that everyone has their limitations, and that you should be smart about it. As I said before, too much of something is a bad thing, so you want to avoid overdoing something that may comeback too be something rather unpleasant.
<agamalama> Thanks, good luck in the tourney!

I'll see you in the winners bracket next tourney PCL Smile

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