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Samiam - Netbook user

Samiam here. I am a netbook user and have been playing Nexuiz since 2006. I have tried out Xonotic a couple of times and it so far hasn't worked out for me—I just have to give up too much to get the game to run at a decent framerate on a Intel N455/GMA 3150 netbook.

I understand a lot of people were upset because they feel the original Nexuiz developers stole some of the goodwill of the Nexuiz community when they commercialized Nexuiz. I do not feel that was their intention; it seems to me that the original Nexuiz developers just wanted to find a way to get paid for their hard work.

Just read the FAQ on this site.
chooksta Wrote:640t ought to be enuf for antibody
- microsoft windows

(03-09-2011, 03:29 PM)samiam Wrote: Nexuiz developers

You mean, all one of them? The rest left... Smile

Anyway this is the future of Nexuiz, whether someone likes it or not. The Nexuiz developers are almost all (95%?) working on this project, and as such this project goes forward while Nexuiz does not. Sure someone can pick up GPL Nexuiz from where we left, but with all different developers it definitely won't be the same.

With that said, welcome aboard! Smile
Links to my: SoundCloud and bandcamp accounts

Welcome! Yes, Xonotic is a very demanding game at the moment. Hopefully when it gets closer to beta/final releases that will improve Smile

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