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Well, I'm Cemer. A 14 year old Canadian with a love of computer games.

I hail from the Cube Engine family. I played AssaultCube, and a bit of Sauerbraten. Although I love both games, I was looking for something to pique my interest again in "fast paced FPSes". I tried Warsow, but that was too fast for me, and I didn't like the browser part of Quake Live. I was highly intrigued by Nexuiz, but after I heard about the selling of their code, it brought me here.

Me and my friends downloaded this game, and fell in love with it. I have never had more fun (or any fun) sniping with a Nex, or spamming Hagar rockets (whatever those are). It provides a great amount of speed, with combat that feels great. Fragging and getting fragged are awesome.

Although I am a noob, I hope to play more and understand this game. Especially how to pronounce Xonotic (I say Zonotic).

Frags to all!

Howdy and Welcome to Xonotic Big Grin

Welcome to Xonotic! I also enjoy Cube games - Sauerbraten and Red Eclipse are awesome. By the way, I pronounce Xonotic that way too.

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