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[SUGGESTION] Great Project :)

Hi, I just tried Xonotic and I really like it Big Grin I guess it's the best OSI compliant FPS out there. A few things I thought about:
* The style is a bit messy, Xonotic looks like a mixture of Tron, Fear and Team Fortress. I really like those three eyed helmets you put on some of the characters, couldn't you make this the main character motif in the game? That might give it a unique stylistic feature, which could be favourable, considering the number of FPS's out there. You wouldn't have to worry about facial animations then either.
* The "host" voice in the game is a bit too close to the one in Quake3/QuakeLive, couldn't you use a woman's voice for that?
* Does the DarkPlaces engine support portal technology? When I saw the glowing stairways in one of the maps I was reminded of "Prey". This could be a great feature, but I guess it's hard to code, unless it's already there.
*Are you considering a single player campaign? I'd imagine that something like this could be really great: Hacked and reprogrammed enemy android wakes up on enemy space ship and has to 1. upload virus to mainframe 2. download enemy intelligence data from mainframe at another terminal 3. sabotage nuclear reactor on board (3a. Save Princess Peach) 4. flee to deliver intelligence data... End of story. Cool

Thanks, great game

Thanks mate, and welcome to Xonotic Big Grin

Unfortunately, we have quite limited resources concerning art and sound... Personally I disagree ANYWAY that the art style is /that/ messy (plus I think the announcers are perfectly fine, though we could use better quality ones...) but even if we wanted to do something about it, we simply do not have anyone capable of doing that within our grasp at the moment.

Yes, we already have warpzones (which are essentially portals, like in UT or such).

Sadly for a campaign, we again don't really have the resources for this right now. In the future when we've gotten over most/all the other hurdles we want to conquer, then we'll have the man power to concentrate on a campaign if we wish.. but for now, there is far more essential and core things to focus on. For now, we have a singleplayer campaign... but it is simply levels where the player is against bots. Oh and yes, we do have many different concepts for the campaign itself available.. we haven't really decided on one yet, but i'm sure it'll have exactly as many cliches' as expected. Big Grin

So yeah, if you know anyone capable/willing to contribute (in many different areas... web development, programming, art, modeling, animations, etc etc etc) we're always looking for the help Big Grin Anyway, hope you enjoy the game more and keep a look out for future updates ^_^

Hmm, I know a bit PERL and I recognized some Perl scripts in the DarkPlaces source. Any use for a PERL noob? I'm trying to improve my PERL skills anyway, since I can use it for my job. I also now a couple of guys who are into Blender and somebody who wants to become a game programmer. I'll tell 'em about your project when I see them the next time.
"If your killer instincts are not clean and strong you will hesitate at the moment of truth. You will not kill. You will become dead marines and then you will be in a world of shit, because marines are not allowed to die without permission. Do you maggots understand?" - Gunnery Sergeant Hartman

Hello and welcome! Yes, I can see the combination between those styles, and I also love the artistic direction Xonotic has Smile I'd like to hear a different announcer voice too, but there are few people who can record good ones, especially females. And as far as I'm concerned, anything single-player is welcome, so sure! There are no plans for a real single player system however, but match lists / campaign ladders are supported.

As for portals, there is already a portal gun, but it doesn't work quite like the portals in the Portal game. They are projectiles that teleport you from one to another when you touch them. Real seamless portals are supported, but only in the compiled map, being unusable for the Portal gun currently. Would rock if that could somehow be changed.

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