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simple Xonotic starter app

Hi everyone,

I made a simple Starter app for Xonotic using python, kivy and twisted:

It runs under Windows, Linux and OS X (and you can actually even build packages for Android and iOS). For Windows, it could also be packaged to a single .exe so it will be easier to distribute.

I've also seen this thread:
I can't find any screenshots about this Launcher. Maybe those who used it can tell me about its features and which of those they would like to see here.

As always, any help is appreciated Big Grin

Cool! Thank you, Freddy! I'll have a look.
asyyy^ | are you releated to chuck norris?

I have now implemented basic IRC communication so that younger users are not intimidated by this "mysterious IRC" when they are looking for support or pickup games Big Grin
At the moment, it's not really usable for IRC, but that will change.

I was also thinking of integrating news or cup announcements/the #xonotic.cup channel into this launcher, but I guess that would require activity and changes for the website/internet presentation.
For example: a simple way to get the last blog post, tournament lists etc. I don't think that integrating a simple webbrowser to view the forums and the website is the right way to go

You can integrate an rss feed of the tournamebt forums thread. Only tournament info is posted there so you should only get useful info.
erebus minstanex erebus Angel

I made a few improvements and thought about how to make this app look more like a part of xonotic. I could use xonotic's menu textures for buttons, textinputs etc.
I will try that out soon and post a screenshot here.

Since I also use GPL, there shouldn't be legal problems with this. (Of course I will mention Xonotic as source.) Can someone, who knows for sure, please confirm that?

Here is an early themed version of my starter:
[Image: ?raw=1]

Also made a few other improvements to the serverlist - it has categories now Big Grin

Very nice work. May I also suggest you add categories to the server browser? So that everything can be aligned neatly. :d

(04-14-2016, 02:34 PM)Freddy Wrote: Here is an early themed version of my starter:
[Image: ?raw=1]

Also made a few other improvements to the serverlist - it has categories now Big Grin

Use xolonium font and it will look like a real xonotic launcher. Smile
erebus minstanex erebus Angel

Good Idea with the xolonium font, Pendulla. Too bad it does not have Italic or BoldItalic options Sad
But I guess I could live without these options

One note on the buttons:
In the game, the button images are divided into three parts,
and only the middle part is stretched. This way, a button can
be of arbitrary size, without the image getting distorted.

.png   button.png (Size: 4.38 KB / Downloads: 141)

(04-16-2016, 09:27 AM)sev Wrote: One note on the buttons:
In the game, the button images are divided into three parts,
and only the middle part is stretched. This way, a button can
be of arbitrary size, without the image getting distorted.

Kivy uses a similar system, but actually devides the image into 9 parts. I improved the streching by making the top and bottom borders 0 pixels high and the side borders a quarter of the image width (according to your image). However it is still not perfect. I need to investigate that a bit more.

I've finished creating the "luma" theme for this app, but before I release that I want to be sure about licensing issues.

For the images I combined the jpeg files from the xonotic-data.pk3 with their alpha jpg into a png. Is this statement in the Readme enough to keep me out of legal trouble:
The supplied themes including the used images are based on Xonotic ( which is licensed under GPL license

Can I include the .otf files into my repository if I add
The Xolonium Font by Severin Meyer is licensed under OFL and can be found at
to the Readme and include the OFL? Or is it better to include the font's sources with a git submodule?

I recommend the use of the uncompressed graphics from the git repository.
If you don't have a local clone, you can get them from the HTTP version:

As long as your application is licensed under the GPL, a credit in
the README is sufficient. Though you may add a mention of the
Luma theme name, so that others can find it more easily, i.e.

The supplied themes including the used images are based on the
Luma theme of Xonotic ( which is licensed under the GPL.

You can include the Xolonium otf files in your repository.
You don't need to include the sourcefiles of the fonts, but
you should include the LICENSE.txt file along with the otf files.
You can get all official font files from the public release here:

(04-16-2016, 09:04 AM)Freddy Wrote: Good Idea with the xolonium font, Pendulla. Too bad it does not have Italic or BoldItalic options Sad
But I guess I could live without these options
Italics are overrated and ugly anyway. You can use color to differentiate text.
erebus minstanex erebus Angel

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