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another cause of black screen

I accidentally hit the keybind to fast-forward a demo file ("seekdemo +10") during an online game, my screen will go black. The only way out is to disconnect and rejoin the game.

It doesn't happen for local games.

I know it's stupid to hit those keys, but I thought we could use some fool-proof for people like me.

Is there any use for "seekdemo" during the game? If not, then I suggest we block that command during the live game.

You should make a separate config with their own binds for demo viewing and stuff that you don't need in game.

Can someone else try to reproduce this issue, please?
asyyy^ | are you releated to chuck norris?

I guess you were playing with demorecording.cfg loaded. Load your regular .cfg and you should be fine.
erebus minstanex erebus Angel

Thanks, all.

(07-10-2015, 08:25 AM)Pendulla Wrote: I guess you were playing with demorecording.cfg loaded. Load your regular .cfg and you should be fine.

I explicitly bound those keys so I can do +/-5 and +/-30, or any amount I want. I don't want to change demorecording.cfg and have them overwritten in the next pull.

I understand I can manually load the configs only when I need them, but the bug really is about those console commands causing black screens while they shouldn't.

As @Antibody said, could somebody try to reproduce this bug?

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