07-31-2015, 03:11 PM
Hypnotic would basically be Xonotic on Nyquil, with the intention of making team play more cooperative
Implementation is foggy at the moment, as it appears to have things accomplished both by mods and by server configs
If I get enough support in this thread I'll give making it a shot; I think it could make for a new and dare I say preferable style of play
Implementation is foggy at the moment, as it appears to have things accomplished both by mods and by server configs
- Longer respawn times in CTF would make it so that a team would give up a point if they got flushed out, which would make both teams more defensive, leading to longer games featuring time to use the team chat meaningfully
- Longer respawn would also punish one-person flag raids, as they'd leave their flag area one person down for a bit, allowing the other team to launch a counterattack. This punishment of uncommunicated raids would encourage teamwork, I believe
- Conservation of weapons would possibly encourage players to distribute them more stragically (ie: there is only one red-team Hagar, and it never despawns or respawns. Spawn weapons wouldn't get dropped, which might make finding shotgun ammo a bit harder, but hopefully it'll use bullets in the next version)
This would also make raiding much riskier, as you might end up leaving your team's nex or something in your opponents' hands.
It would also encourage specialization on maps where guns are scarce, which would lead to neat gameplay imo
- Maybe Hypnotic would feature an altered Buff system too
- Lowered Health is a consideration, as it would make players more careful, but I feel like it would risk debalancing any weapons that trade damage for ease of aim, like the shotgun or the hlac. The Crylink would also become OP, probably
- Lowered movement speed would again discourage less strategic raids (would take longer to redo), and may be a good alternative to long respawn times (or accessory), but may end up drying the game of a lot of fun.
It may also give a defending team more time to strategize in the chat
- Changing weapon composition may also be a good idea, though I'm not sure whether it really would be or how I would do so.
- Slowed vehicle respawn and slightly augmented vehicle health, so that plans for their destruction can be a valuable option for teams, and would give them something else to think about.
- As a combination of all of the above stuff, I think the usual style of play would boil down to a cool period of planning with a player or two fetching resources in neutral zones broken by an attack, followed either by a heated counterattack (if it fails) or a score and return to planning. If one of the gatherers out in the neutral zone got taken out by another one, it would also be a prime opportunity for the winning team to collect stuff and/or launch an attack. I think that this would be a very different style of play that may attract a very different kind of player.
- This mode of play would also encourage clans to come up with common gameplans and jargon, which would be pretty cool imo
- Probably more new-player friendly
- more time to ask questions
- slower targets
- less gun clutter to figure out at any one time
- more time to ask questions
If I get enough support in this thread I'll give making it a shot; I think it could make for a new and dare I say preferable style of play