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Precompiled FTEQCC?

I'm working on a mod using the Xonotic modification as base and I need to compile the QC source to make changes. But it won't compile with the version of FTEQCCGUI I have found. And I asked a friend to compile the source of FTEQCC that comes with Xonotic. Though after an attempt he said that he wasn't gonna try and get that to compile because apparently it was a lot of hassle for him to do so. Something about missing dependencies and something about referencing GTK. He just wouldn't bother.

So I was wondering if anyone know where I can get a compiled copy of FTEQCC for Windows that will compile the QC source for Xonotic.

I'm afraid there is no such thing. Xonotic does not use fteqcc's master branch, which isn't stable enough. Instead we use a branch (xonotic-stable) that does not include all commits and may include patches too. If there is a premade build that you can use, it has to be made explicitly for Xonotic and I'm not aware of anyone making any.

We'll have to help you compile FTEQCC instead (I don't have a Windows system at hand). What failed when you tried to compile it? What tools were you using?

EDIT: You should not be using the GUI version, it's more trouble than anything. Having a GUI doesn't really help at all.

Well, I didn't try myself. I don't have any .net compiler. But I asked my friend who do have both 2008 and 2010. And he said it failed because of missing dependencies, apparently something about GTK as well. This being the source that is sent out together with Xonotic mind.

Your friend should have the choice between GUIRelease and Release. He/she should not pick GUI.

Anyway, you can download Visual Studio 2008 or 2010, fteqcc has project files for that. For your information though, the fteqcc that is used to build the releases is compiled using gcc, not Visual Studio.

GTK is free too, so if the project file is bad enough that it requires it while it doesn't need it, you can always get GTK libraries for Windows. I can't help you with that, I've never touched Visual Studio, always worked with mingw/msys.

Well, the reason I asked him was because the source had project/solution files for .NET 2008 and 2010. I only used (and mentioned) FTEGUI because that was the ones I could find that was precompiled and recommended by others, and while they compile the base QC just fine, they as we've already established chokes on Xonotics' source.

Also, the GTK thing led him to refuse to help me anymore. He said seeing references to GTK made him run through walls to get away from the source. Basically, he won't help me again.

Heh, how nice of him.

You have several options now: you can either download Visual Studio (isn't that free?) or msys and mingw (and use the make command in the fteqcc directory), but you'll have to compile it yourself anyway.

Well, it's only free as a 1 month trial. I have VS Express 2010 installed, as I used that when I made a compile of the Sauerbraten code before moving to Xonotic. (I'm no coder and the Sauerbraten code was just impregnable, and the package isn't all that attractive anyway, would have to make some serious changes that I don't know how to do to get it in a state that is proper.)

Anyway, would that version work? I don't know anything about makefiles though. I just want a compiler for Xonotics QC code. (*whine*)

Hm. I guess you could go the mingw/msys route then.

I could do it for you (I have access to a Windows system now) but I don't like doing this at all, because there's no reason you should trust me to give you the program that you expect. I'd much rather guide you through installing and using mingw/msys.

Well. I'm mucking around the website right now. And I gotta say, I am really not feeling the minimalist aspect of this thing. It's pretty overwelming really.

You can follow the mingw steps from my guide on how to compile Xonotic from git:

The rest of the guide won't help much because it makes use of the build scripts we have in the git repositories.

After you get mingw working, it's all a matter of getting into the fteqcc directory in a mingw shell and typing "make".

Ok. Thanks for the help. I'll look into that.

And thanks for your patience Smile

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