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[DM/CA] Stone Ocean

Hello everybody. This map is the result of me playing around with vertical warpzones and finally finding their implementation that works well in my opinion.

Let me start with the trickiest part of the map: The Layout.
[Image: pxw91GC.png]
As can be seen from the image above, the map has 4 rooms. The tricky part is that those rooms are paired and stacked vertically on top of each other. As a result, map feels like it has 2 tall rooms and mind-warping geometry.
This map has already been played on Eris server so let me list the features of what to expect in this map:
  • Firing from higher room to lower room through warpzone is possible, but difficult, because huge colored pillars obscure a lot of view.
  • Most of the fighting happens separately within *4* rooms. Warpzones mostly serve for movement.
  • Mega armour can only be reached using blaster. Because I wanted it to be like this.
  • Map contains 1 pair of portals.
  • Contains 3 jumppads.
  • Map contains a hidden Tuba. Try finding it without opening .map file.
More screenshots:
[Image: PXkPjLw.jpg] [Image: Hw6UbWc.jpg]
[Image: UK1H9ru.jpg] [Image: PeftiIg.jpg]
[Image: 419rPPZ.jpg] [Image: vb3kHNA.jpg]
[Image: 5RIpKze.jpg] [Image: zzBJ0Y5.jpg]
[Image: b4ICvux.jpg] [Image: rbAHhSz.jpg]

Dropbox link:

Attached Files
.pk3   stone_ocean.pk3 (Size: 1.46 MB / Downloads: 8)

We have played this map on CA and I have to say it is now one of my favorites!!
Thank you a lot for your contribution!
[Image: 177071.jpg]
Twitch | Peertube
Too stupid and emotional to win any duels :/

The one ramp which looks like a jumppad is annoying. Imho it should also be a jumppad (which also does not make you land on the lower one) (2nd screnshot. top one).

This is a solid map for TDM and alike. Great job!

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