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Remove/Change playermodel and model name

Hello there! I've goofed around with this game and I'd like to see if i can config/mod some stuff. To start out with, I'd like to remove all player models and have only the default, and switch his name to "default." Then maybe I will add custom playermodels later. Is this at all possible?

Also slightly related, but how do you prevent custom sounds/graphics from downloading aside from maps?

(12-20-2022, 08:27 PM)ArenaVet2008 Wrote: Hello there! I've goofed around with this game and I'd like to see if i can config/mod some stuff. To start out with, I'd like to remove all player models and have only the default, and switch his name to "default." Then maybe I will add custom playermodels later. Is this at all possible?

Also slightly related, but how do you prevent custom sounds/graphics from downloading aside from maps?

You cannot prevent anything from downloading in a way that would make sense, however you can prefix all the xonotic pk3s from the install directory with zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz- and it should give them higher priority than the pk3s from the server (unless the server pk3s use even more "Z"s, which I have never seen). I wouldn't do that if I were you though, it will probably break things sometimes, especially since you would also be overriding the csprogs.dat which contains the game logic and it differs quite often since servers often use the Git version of Xonotic or are modded servers. If it is only your player model or your player sounds you don't want to be overwritten, then extract those from the xonotic-... pk3s that came with the game and put them into a zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz-mycustom.pk3 in the same directory. Instead of creating a zip file and renaming it to pk3 to do this, you could also create a plain folder called zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz-mycustom.pk3dir/ in the same directory and put the files in there. In any case the directory structure must be preserved for this to work, so you can not create e.g. a folder for textures named zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz-mycustom.pk3dir/MikeIsCool/textures/ , it always has to remain just "textures" in the root folder of the pk3(dir), i.e. zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz-mycustom.pk3dir/textures/ and the same is true for all the other files and folders from inside the pk3 files.

There is an option in Settings->Game->Models to force your player model to the others. However this does not affect the sounds that the models make. In order to change those, you have to override all the sound files from the other models with the ones that you want. In order to create a new playermodel, I think all you have to do is to copy an existing one then rename and mod it and it should show up in the menu, or try to set it with _cl_playermodel directly. Beware though that the tools for the IQM format are old and might not work properly. Try your luck with Blender version 2.80.

Also I am not sure if it would really work on other servers to create a new player model rather than customizing/overriding an existing one. It could be true that if the server is not aware of your "default" model, that it then switches you back to the default Erebus. In any case, since nothing is uploaded from your Xonotic client to the server, other players would not see your custom model, it is only for yourself. Also if you mod a server and put a seperate new model named "models/player/default.iqm" on it, then others would not see the new model until they connected and no one ever wants to switch their model anyway. If you really wanted to force your model on other players, you should override all the other models that people use, like "models/player/ignis.iqm" and such, just like you can with the sound files. For just your own client, override Erebus and use that. By "override" btw. I mean that you put them into a pk3 or pk3dir that starts with a lot of zzzzzz and thus gets loaded last.
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