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Those fancy look'n portal thingies.

My new girl friend jo-beth-sue-rae-scarlett just got out of the hospital from the back surgeries. She fell down 3 flights of stairs after drinking too much box wine. Well she stopped playing nexuiz the other day for 5 minutes so she could throw a barrage of verbal abuse at me about how i need to get a job so she can buy pretty things. She also mentioned (before she passed out) that she liked those purdy portal thingies that she saw on the xonotics page. Well I said I would try to make one for her but I cant find any edumication tutorials on the internets and i was wondering if anybody could point me in the right direction or perhaps post something in here explaining what I need to do exactly?

Do it for jo-beth-sue-rae-scarlett. She yells at me most times and sometimes hits me but she is a nice girl deep down.

[Image: di-712770583645.png]

Haha Big Grin
Making warpzones is easy, if you have git. First, check out FruitieX's "warpzone" branch. You'll need the warpzone shader from there.
Next step is to create a brush. You'll have to texture all sides of it with common/trigger, but one: yes, you'll have to use the warpzone shader there. This face will be the plane to render the warpzone on. Now, select the brush, and make a trigger_wrapone from it.
Place your other warpzone somewhere else on the map.There's one important thing thoughTongueortals CAN'T BE VISIBLE FOR EACHOTHER(for obvious performace issues).
When you're happy with your warpzones, simply select both, and ctrl+k to connect them.
[Image: 561.png]
"One should strive to achieve; not sit in bitter regret."

Thanks a lot C.Brutali Smile
My girlfriend jo-beth-sue-rae-scarlett says thankyou too. Well it was more like thaaaanhghfvbhhhyuooohjjggybb [burp] but I could understand what she was trying to say.

[Image: di-712770583645.png]

haha, well, glad you figured it out, weird about your girlfriend and fyi, you don't need to sign your posts, we know you're posting by your username :-P

Ahhhmmm, does it make sense that they should be the same size, what happens if they are not?
"the best trolls are indistinguishable from idiots"

You will end up in a wall, or something.
(07-18-2010, 10:59 AM)Flying Steel Wrote: How could anyone with ADHD tell its a high damage weapon if it wasn't a gigantic metal cock fucking the map whenever a player gets within 3 meters of a wall?

[Image: di-712770583645.png]

mintox used to hit me , when we were little bros.....


now go warp ya ass , and make us all a new map


(07-09-2010, 08:19 PM)-z- Wrote: haha, well, glad you figured it out, weird about your girlfriend and fyi, you don't need to sign your posts, we know you're posting by your username :-P

Well i'll be hornswoggeled! There's my name right up there. That's some kind of voodoo magics cause i didn't type it?!?

Whats that jo-beth-sue-rae-scarlett? No i'm not looking at the maxim online again. No you are much prettier than those girls and a whole lot sweeter! You want me to what? Well you know i love that baby but you haven't washed down there for 3 weeks.

ok ok ok, put the chair down! I'll do it.

Got to go fellas Sad

[Image: di-712770583645.png]

i have my doubts about that name.... It looks a lot like You made that up.

i'm watching You, mister! = ____ =
4m038105 - Be the change.

(07-11-2010, 06:09 AM)The mysterious Mr. 4m Wrote: i have my doubts about that name.... It looks a lot like You made that up.

i'm watching You, mister! = ____ =

I have doubts about the whole story.

Three options:

1. move this thread to WW (bad idea because it contains info)
2. close this thread (and don't let other people ask their questions on warpzones here)
3. stop being offtopic and leave it open


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