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[SUGGESTION] Cross-hair changes over a friendly

It would nice if the cross-hair would change color or pattern over a team member and/or it could change when it's over an enemy.
Not sure how hard this would be to implement.

Ideas or Thoughts please

This is already done with TrueAim or whatever. The crosshair gets blurry when you point at a friend, and gets bigger when you point at an enemy.

Thank YOU!
How does one enable this feature? Information seems a bit sparse on this feature.

Multiplayer>Player Setup>Hit Test>Enemies
Great feature.

I voted "I'm an idiot" because I never knew about this feature. You learn something new every day.
Latest obsession.

Damn , I feel Stupid Blush
It was right there a didn't see it.

I voted Idiot too!

deleted poll.

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