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Theoretical map

Just a quick question Tongue

Is it possible to have a sort of "planetoid" map? There's been a cube map, so instead of having 6 square faces, could this be extended to 20 hexagons and 12 pentagons? The result should be one of these.
[Image: 370.png] AKA [~] John Smith on Nexuiz

On a similar note, is it possible to have a spherical map, where there is a single hemisphere surrounded by a warpzone? Probably not much use unless the sphere was given cover and obstacles, but cool nevertheless Big Grin
[Image: vN3NkMA]
(Idea stolen from Mr. Bougo. Hehehehe)


like my cube map but more faces this wouldn't be impossible but maaybe impossible to play lagless when u have 180 warpzones
[Image: Truncatedicosahedron.gif]
and 180 warpzones are the truth for this truncatedicosahedron (90 edges*2)

I'm working on a icosahedron (20 triangles), where the effect is fairly balanced with the amount of work.

Though you can't really "play" on it because as far as I know, you can't see the reflection of a warpzone in the reflection of another warpzone, i.e. you can only see other players when they are on the same, or an adjacent face. Without reflections (better performance), you only see them if they are on the same face.

Also, the skybox doesn't rotate along with the sphere.

I'll be looking forward to your map sev!

Maybe a dodecahedral map would be more playable, because you'll hardly be able to see two faces in any direction. So the double reflection problem (is there a proper name for it?) wont matter Smile

[Image: Dodecahedron.gif]
[Image: 370.png] AKA [~] John Smith on Nexuiz

I have uploaded a short video of a warpshpere:

The setup is based on a Rhombicuboctahedron (what a name Big Grin), though it has more faces than any Platonic solid (with identical faces), it is a lot easier to work with. Placed on top of that is a sphere model.
Only problem is the skybox. There would be a way to make it rotate, but I get a memory overflow while compiling (4GB) after adding it to only 8 faces, so it's way too demanding.

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