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Custom 'player' sprites and 'weapons'

(04-04-2012, 03:33 PM)Mr. Bougo Wrote: Update: zzzoverkill.pk3 has models/ok_player, which needs to be renamed to models/player for models to show up in the menu and be useable.

Just a side note:
Mr Bougo, that is very strange... the overkill PK3 file I have has model/player, not model/ok_player by default. I didn't have to change anything.

And it's also called zzzoverkill.pk3? The person who made these pk3s forgot to version their names then...

Got it... thanks! See you in an online game sometime!! :-)

Is there a cmd to compile the game when you have a .pk3 in the data directory? Just wondering...

Compile the game when you have a .pk3 in the data directory? How is it any different to compiling the game without a pk3 in the data dir? Maybe you can explain what you want to do exactly?

Well I was just wondering if, with the zzzoverkill.pk3 thingy in the data directory, I could just run a command in game like 'run_compile' or something along those lines so that I can play the game with all the overkill models and physics, etc.

No. The pk3 only contains textures, models and sounds. It does not contain any code, be it sources or compiled gamecode. You have to fetch the code from git and compile it.

Okay. Thanks for clearing that up. The only worries I have with git are a) that it will take a massive chunk out of my internet allowance and b) I'm not sure which one to even download (the wiki article is out of date).

It *will* take a massive chunk, I'm afraid. About four gigabytes. There's really not much you can do about that. OK is a feature in development, and making releases that are backward-compatible with 0.6 installs would be a useless waste of time.

EDIT: it is possible to use shallow cloning, but it takes a bit of commandline-fu to do this as the git managing script does not do that on its own. It will still take several gigabytes, but perhaps a bit less than four. Downside to that is that it prevents you from pushing commits if you ever want to give development a try.

Well I suppose I could try and convince my parents to get the 'unlimited' BT package... Tongue

What do you recommend I download - MysysGit or the regular Git?

it's msysgit, not mysysgit. Get one where that you can use in a bash-compatible shell. And you'll need mingw and msys to compile things. It's rather tricky. There is some outdated information on the dev trackers' wiki (do not install "xonpatch", I made that and it's broken). You'll need some other packages and I'm not sure how it all works. Feel free to come and ask on irc, #xonotic on Be patient when you wait for an answer :>

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