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[SUGGESTION] Re-weight actions for Freeze Tag

The bots in Freeze Tag cling to their team mates and it's retarded.

They act exactly like this:
If you enable bots_nofire (or whatever its actually called) on the server and pick up a flag in CTF. The bots on the enemy team will stick to you to the extent there might be that weird jitter with moving forward and colliding.

Picture 1, a bot bugging someone.

Picture 2, what bots end up doing if no one gets fragged.

Attached Files Thumbnail(s)

With bot_nofire enabled, they're unable to attack, so the best they can do is get in the way.
[Image: 230.jpg]

(07-20-2017, 12:41 PM)Mario Wrote: With bot_nofire enabled, they're unable to attack, so the best they can do is get in the way.

The bots act like that in Freeze Tag. If it wasn't clear, they behave as if a team mate is an enemy flag carrier they can't shoot, while being able to shoot.

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