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Can Xonotic be made portable?

Me and a group of friends often like to play Xonotic matches during lessons in College. We all have it runnin from our USB sticks no problem, however...

Any changes we make to settings are only saved to that machine, that account. Is there a way to get Xonotic to save settings (Player info, effects, keyboard layout) directly to the USB stick, and load from there as well?
Post received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation Fault

Sure! You simply need to start the executable with the -nohome flag. I'm not sure if this specific method can be done portably, but you can use shortcuts to pass arguments. A better way follows, with a batch file calling the .exe from the .exe's original directory, with an added -nohome.

You can use the server's server_windows.bat file as a base for this. Replace "set executable=xonotic.exe" by "set executable=bin\xonotic.exe", create a "bin" directory, put the .exe in there, and remove the server.cfg file. You can also remove the "if ... goto bad" and "if ... goto halfgood" lines as well as the ":halfgood" line an the "cd" line that follows. And customize the warning message too, in case it can't find the .exe. Then, customize the last line to call xonotic.exe with -nohome.


@echo off

set executable=bin\xonotic.exe

cd "%~p0"

if exist %executable% goto good
goto bad

echo xonotic.exe could not be found

.\%executable% -nohome

Okay, so remove server.cfg from the server folder itself?

I have the batch file working and running Xonotic now. Thanks.
Post received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation Fault

No no, don't touch server.cfg, it has nothing to do with this script above. I just based my batch script off server_windows.bat, that is all.

Okay. Thanks for the help!
Post received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation Fault

Please help. Now where i need to put the bin folder?

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