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How many points will you score for 1 death?

rules Angry
  1. Any level of AI difficulty. Heart
  2. other players may participate. Big Grin
  3. Minimum players --- 1<. Exclamation
  4. Any server erebus . Desirable hightime vanilla.
  5. Any gametype(no nexball, race and cts) monkey
  6. If you get killed - the game is completed. Sad
  7. Any mode minstanex (no Xonotic DeFrag and time limit must be unlimited)
  8. The server can be offline or online. Sleepy
  9. You can send a response at any time. Angel
  10. the date is required - without it, I will not accept the answer Huh
how to answer?
  1. Screenshot
  2. data
  3. number of frags
  4. There should be ONLY ONE death in the screenshot
  5. The screenshot should show ONLY WHEN you were destroyed (considered true)
_The competition is that the more points you score for one death, the better. it will be good if the number of points is at least 30_
¯Be fun and kind to make the contest enjoyable for others.                                                                                         Good luck to you!¯
it is always updated
  1. nobody Angry
My main maps: Trident_ctf, lastmanstanding remixKota-dooM4-2landinghedgemidairemlavaarena.
You can check out my other maps here.

Had limited time. Got 5 kills, then destroyed. Took screenshot upon destruction.

Will try again later. Good contest =)

[Image: Ur5jVpu.jpg]
Days of Dour {DoD} is a NEW clan recruiting NEW players. Founded in 2020: Game like its 1999

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[Image: 170114.jpg]

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