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Wow, beginners luck, or am I failing?

So, I go to and sit there and wtf for about five minutes. Then I look in the Ubuntu Software Center for something with the word "Git" in it and download "Gitg", but it gives me an error the first time, so I try again and it magically works.

Now, i figure out i need to get something called a "Git" somehow using the code provided... I hear a lot of talk about the Ubuntu terminal (not I have only been using Linux for a few days) so I decide that the code must go there. Having no clue how to get the Terminal up, I press Alt+CTRL+T (because "Terminal" starts with "T") and some purple and white text box magically appears.

I read something about "the first line", so I assumed that you have to type git clone git:// to download, and, after a few misspellings, I finally got it, and it works! Wow, what shooting in the dark does.

Now, it's at 73% download, and I have to ask, from my description, and I doing this right?

Sigh... I got an error. Any idea what's up?

The attachment has all the terminal code i had been working with. No clue what I'm doing. Tried to run and compile more than once, if you were wondering.

Attached Files
.txt   Xonotic errors.txt (Size: 18.76 KB / Downloads: 8)

As we are quite close to releasing a first non-official beta build, you can also wait one or two weeks.

But as for your error: you need to apt-get install libjpeg8-dev.
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In that case, I'll just wait and work on my ideas for single player. Besides, I have no clue where i would even start looking to obtain the file you mentioned. Thanks for telling me ^-^.

Maners: open the terminal (as you did before), type in

sudo apt-get install libjpeg8-dev

hit return

enter your administrator password and you should be fine to run ./all compile from within the xonotic directory.
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Actually the ubuntu deps are listed... The command you want is:
sudo apt-get install build-essential xserver-xorg-dev x11proto-xf86dri-dev x11proto-xf86dga-dev x11proto-xf86vidmode-dev libxxf86dga-dev libxcb-xf86dri0-dev libxpm-dev libxxf86vm-dev libsdl1.2-dev libsdl-image1.2-dev libclalsadrv-dev libasound2-dev libxext-dev libsdl1.2debian-pulseaudio git-core unzip wget

(and copypaste that, that avoids typos)

But if you are not comfortable with using a terminal, I suggest you don't get started on this and wait for the pre-built beta instead.

I need to get used to using the terminal anyway, and how else do you get used to something other than doing it (or using it in this case)? So, I'll just play around for now. Thanks for the advice everyone! I'll just post again in this thread whether or not I get Xonotic up and running or not.
Well, the game works, but I'm getting a very weird constant flickering of the screen while in games and in menus. I changed my settings between Low and Ultra (I have a very nice system, so it should run it at at least 30 fps) with no difference. Any ideas to help the noob?

Alright, but using git and compiling stuff aren't the easiest things to start with (even though this is facilitated by the "all" helper script in this case, so my post makes no sense)

(09-05-2010, 01:59 AM)Mr. Bougo Wrote: Alright, but using git and compiling stuff aren't the easiest things to start with (even though this is facilitated by the "all" helper script in this case, so my post makes no sense)

Well,I did end up getting the game working, so it's a start. Any idea why I have a constant flickering as long as I am in game (playing and in menu)? I saw the same thing on an Google Adwords/Adsense ad...

I am running:
-64 bit Ubuntu 10.04 (On C: drive inside Windows 7 64 bit)
-ATI Radeon HD 5700 series graphics card with CCC drivers
(If you need more info just ask, that's just the stuff off the top of my head that may affect the game)

(09-05-2010, 11:22 AM)MANERS Wrote: Any idea why I have a constant flickering as long as I am in game (playing and in menu)? I saw the same thing on an Google Adwords/Adsense ad...

I am running:
-64 bit Ubuntu 10.04 (On C: drive inside Windows 7 64 bit)
-ATI Radeon HD 5700 series graphics card with CCC drivers
(If you need more info just ask, that's just the stuff off the top of my head that may affect the game)

Ubuntu=> Using wubi right? Why not. don't think it affects ubuntu graphics though
ATI Radeon HD 5700-> Sorry to tell you this but linux "CCC" driver are not the best thing out there... And we're talking about a really recent card.
Nvidia works generally better under linux (from my experience and what I've read...)

I used an HD 4850 in the past and that card was driving me CRAZY.

For the flickering problem if you could do a basic glxgears and see if it flickers too?

Enter this in a terminal
If it tells you it's not installed/you do not see a window with a few gears spinning in it appearing

Enter this in a terminal
I'm not sure about this command. Altough it should be ok I did not test it before posting it so there may be typo error... Will check tomorrow when I'll boot ubuntu and edit if needed...
sudo apt-get install mesa-utils
then try glxgears again
then enter your password if it asks it (and it will surely will)
Thanks to the devs!
PM me if you need something... I'll be happy to help for any translation work needed...

glxgears was installed and works fine besides the occasional flicker (a different, occasional flicker that I'm guessing comes from running at 38000 fps every 5 seconds, even thought it claims vertical sync is on...). What exactly was I looking for?

Yeah, I know ATI isn't too friendly... I might of built my system, but I didn't pick out the parts; I have a cousin that is big on computers and gaming that did. Going back, I would've asked for an Nvidia card, but now I have the experience to know what to choose next time.

since you were talking of flicker in some things, such as xonotic, I was asking myself if it was coming from the driver or something
glxgears not flickering (at least not the same way...) maybe you should try another game?

Just trying to find were the problem comes from...
Thanks to the devs!
PM me if you need something... I'll be happy to help for any translation work needed...

Nexuiz works fine, even on the same graphics settings (everything as high as possible, then once on medium). It's not a single texture or surface that pulses/flickers on Xonotic, it's everything (even static images like in the loading screen). I tried vertical sync, and it didn't help.

I loaded up a different server and the game acted differently. This time the flicker was to black (not white as it was originally) and only happened every 5-15 seconds. My fps was about 30, even on lowest graphics (not good considering my system) and no matter what graphics settings it was on it changed. Vertical sync seemed to make the fps get much higher, but when the flicker would start it would go back down again. The game was playable, but textures would move and go partially invisible every so often for just a second, then come back as part of the new, less often flicker.

Obviously, this is very weird and not natural for any game.

Okay, I broke the game trying to blindly update it. This is becoming an awful lot of work. I'll just wait until the beta. Hopefully I won't get the errors then.

Thanks for your help anyway, though!

Try running Xonotic with
./all run sdl
./all run glx

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