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[SUGGESTION] Xonotic Friends

First let me say, I love playing the Xonotic 0.1 right now as it is, the only thing is there is no good servers around me and I wish more people were on when I am, but thats why I'm going to try to run my own server =P. But back to the point of this thread, I think it would be awesome If there was some sort of friends list within Xontic, so you could see which of your friends are on and what servers their at, private message I think would be pretty sweet too even if you not play in the same server as one of your friends,

Counting all players online is VERY easy. Mustn't be hard to see if one if your friends is online Tongue
Moved to Mepper

Yea, but it's very early days yet. So this friends feature could be very useful for once 1.0 is out and exposed I think it's being worked on/planned but not too sure.
[Image: 542.png]

#deathmatchers @


I was thinking something like a program that opened up with Xonotic and with accessibility through the console with Friend IDs (Not necessarily your IGN) and you could chat with them if they were on

Of course this could be done with third-party applications, such as Xfire.

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