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Comic !

sounds painfull

There were a lot of commands ... so I kinda did the ones that made sense.

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The fog is getting thicker.

Shanon didn't have any grenades ... so she went out to find some. Gakly got down to look over the edge. She sees clouds. Gakly also threw the fans down there to see what would happen... and (surprise! ) the vanished into the fog... although Xillion could swear that he heard the faint sound of glass breaking when the fans landed.

Xillion took out all the crylink tubing and sees something in the bottom. Its strange ... as if the boxes bottom has a second opening.

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Meanwhile, Herb went to find some healths for Gakly. He found a platform that most certainly had healths on it... but they're gone. Herb keeps on searching ... thank full that the see-through for visor program is absolutely stable and could never ever cra---

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Herb's computer :: segmentation fault
Herb :: f&@#


You are now control Herb

Herb :: try to reboot the computer

No need to reboot, it's probably just the fog see-through process that segfaulted. Given the techy look of Herb it could be rather risky to reboot him. Who knows what other functions he depends on get shut down temporarily by a reboot? I'd say he should log in on another console (or via ssh from the mobile device on his arm wrist) and try to restart the process, perhaps in safe mode (heck who cares if it's 256 colors for the time being?).

Someone has taken the small healths and the MG that used to be there. Darn, it seems other people are around - creepy. Better not shout out for help, let's get that fool-proof crashed process up and running again and get back to our mates that have some weapons at least. Which reminds me of...

Herb :: try to restart the crashed process via another console or remotely via ssh from your mobile device. If everything fails, open a support ticket at the manufacturer's/maintenace service provider's support site (priority: critical).

Herb :: take a look into your pockets or wherever those characters miraculously store them friggin big weapons and see if you can find a laser and a shotgun there.
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Herb::If restarting the process fails, ask those up there to throw you a fan, then try to spin it as fast as you can to repel the fog.
(08-10-2012, 02:37 AM)Mr. Bougo Wrote: Cloud is the new Web 2.0. It makes no damn sense to me.

Minkovsky: they are not up there, are they? They are standing beside the flag and Herb is at MG/little armors room?
My Xonstats Profile
Latest track on soundcloud: Farewell - to a better Place (piano improvisation)
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Big Grin

Gakly should regenerate health soon, she might have forgotten this ability 'cause of the trauma. Low health problem solved!
Also, it seems they are the BLUE team, so Shanon should have a blue colored HLAC.

I've seen enough gamer comics to see where this is going, actually they'll all gonna get killed and loose the match. BLUE ALWAYS LOOSE
[Image: 561.png]
"One should strive to achieve; not sit in bitter regret."

(02-09-2012, 08:55 AM)C.Brutail Wrote: BLUE ALWAYS LOOSE

haha, I heard that BLUE team is default for some BOTs...
My Xonstats Profile
Latest track on soundcloud: Farewell - to a better Place (piano improvisation)
New to Xonotic? Check out the Newbie Corner!


since when did I say they were on blue team? They just arrived as team-less fugitives. I was actually hinting towards red team because of the color of their guns. Herbs uniform color is just like that because I traced him strait off the xonotic wiki ... where his player model is displayed as blue.

Quote:I've seen enough gamer comics to see where this is going, actually they'll all gonna get killed and loose the match. BLUE ALWAYS LOOSE

I have not read enough game comics to know where this is going myself... I just have a rough outline of the next few episodes ... if ... the commands end up going that way.


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This is what you beautiful gnome2 powered desktop looked like before it when it crashed. Yeah... visor95 was originally made for windows 95... but it works just fine under wine. You ponder about who the unidentified life forms are... you didn't see them yourself. So you do the natural thing and attempt to run it again.

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... umm ... ... ok? ... Looks like a config file got mixed up ... or it was tampered with by someone else on this insecure network. You have a urge to delve into the file with a text editor and patch it up ... but then you realize that you have no idea where a wine based application would store its config file. You are also getting worried about gakly. She (and everyone else but you) had to leave their battle suit behind to fit in the crate. So everyone is without their suit assisted auto heal. On a final note. You are fully aware that you are not actually on the ceiling.. the visor just flipped everything upside down.

I thought for a moment that Gakly's head had been cut off.


Is it foresight linux? if so can I rollback his visor package to the last version, and replace config files? gotta love foresight's package management

if not run winecfg

Now if Herb isn't on the blue team I don't know what team he is on. I mean, look at that gnome desktop.

Why didn't he start the process in safe mode? And did he check for the laser and shotgun? Those come in handy anytime you find yourself on a map without a clue what's going on.

Herb :: carefully try to find your way back to Shannon and Xillion who at least have some weapon in their hands. Be sure to check that you're not on the ceiling after all when approaching the flag platform. Also look around while doing so to see if you can spot any other life form on the way. Turn slowly though so your head doesn't go all woozy from the distorted perspective.

Why does it read "say hi" there? Has Herb accidentally hit shift esc and there's the last issued command shown on console? Maybe Herb should exit the console? I dunno what to do with that info...

Herb : shut down the minecraft process. There's no time to have fun now and you won't find trees to make a pickaxe on dance anyway. Your visor algorithm might need all available memory and cpu ressources, given the fog was so dense.
My Xonstats Profile
Latest track on soundcloud: Farewell - to a better Place (piano improvisation)
New to Xonotic? Check out the Newbie Corner!


Herb:: If what Halogene said fails, try using a sonar (unless you're on PulseAudio, in that case you're screwed).
(08-10-2012, 02:37 AM)Mr. Bougo Wrote: Cloud is the new Web 2.0. It makes no damn sense to me.

Haha, so bitter.

(02-10-2012, 02:11 PM)Mr. Bougo Wrote: Haha, so bitter.

But for a reason. I searched for two months before finding that fix, no kidding.
(08-10-2012, 02:37 AM)Mr. Bougo Wrote: Cloud is the new Web 2.0. It makes no damn sense to me.

(02-10-2012, 01:40 PM)Minkovsky Wrote: (unless you're on PulseAudio, in that case you're screwed).

I like PulseAudio, even if it's terrible.

Also, setting a picture of your own face for a start button is Narcissism Level: Bryan Lunduke.

I must remember to do that.

my fix for a sound issue similar to that was use alsa's "micboost" option so the mic also comes out the speakers ... then feed that out of the headphone jack to a second computer recording with audacity.... for some reason I think your fix is better


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You had planned to have a full stock of deadly weapons at your disposal ... unfortunately the portal in your pocket cannot connect to its sister portal in an off site storage facility. You are starting to question the integrity of the LAN you connected to when you got here.

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You consider closing the minecraft server you had running (to keep yourself entertained in the crate ... when you weren't hibernating) but then it occurs to you that it may be useful for communication. Xillion has his eye piece, Shanon was actually playing with the 3 digit amo display on her HLAC... you don't know how ... but she did. And Gakly can usually connect to it naturally ... your not white sure which of her internal organs lets her do that though. Only Xillion is connected at the moment.

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Ah you remembered ... you do have a sonar app on your system. a little outdated (well it is made for a 128 bit system. Your processor is a 256 bit ppc)

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Now you can kinda see ... it doesn't look like what you would expect sonar to look like... maybe there is alot of extensive post processing. It is difficult to tell the difference between floors and voids... Also anything that makes a significant amount of noise is post processed as pure white ...

This is an awesome sonar!
(08-10-2012, 02:37 AM)Mr. Bougo Wrote: Cloud is the new Web 2.0. It makes no damn sense to me.

... Do to general lack of posts you plaers are either A-- stuck B-- bored C-- don't care or D-- actually find me to be a anoying troll E-- think this is an extensive save the HLAC campain (which its not)

I'll be optimistic and assume that you were all stuck, I will advance the comic a few frames.

To prevent this happening in hte future here are some new commands.

If you have no input and want me to go to next frame simply type ">>"
If you want to switch control to a diffrent character thats not on the frame type "be Shanon" (just an example)

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The small healths and armors appereifieated through their standard teleportation distribution system.
Herb gathered them into a small pile ready to take them back to Gakly.

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Herb:: !! What now >Sad

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Herb:: ...

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Meanwhile Gakly is using some of her "special powers" to cut out the fog be 3 feet (aprox 1 meter for all those metric system people around here). Herb sent out a communication message through the minecraft server that he found some healths and armors. A lot of light and noise is comming for the direction Shanon went ... shes probably just making smiley faces out of scorch marks again. Xillion is getting more and more curious about the bottom of the crate... it seems that there is lite coming through the bottom edges.

---------------- current score ------------------
1 -- frostwyrm333 (for answering the what map is this question correctly)

herb :: sue xonar
Master of mysterious geometries

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... he doesn't have internet .. just local lan ...


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Somewhere on the other side of the forth wall hutty sits on his couch with his system 76 kubuntu kde 4 powered laptop wondering why his comic project died.

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He thinks ... I could be pushing the whole HLAc thing too far .... I could have gotten everyone stuck ... maybe everyone was tired of giving commands and having them rejected for no foreseeable reason.

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Then Hutty gets the idea to pull back the wallpaper of time space to reveal the spinny dial of everything.

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Hutty gives it a twirl offsetting it from free command mode to 3 choice mode from now you may pick from 3 command choices all have workable outcome ... back to the other side of the fourth wall

Xillion tinkered a little with the crate and was surprised to see that with a little effort the bottom of the crate pushed downward and out... not it appears that there is a hole in the bottom of the box ... in the hole xillion does not see the fog of the void around him ... he sees innocent blue sky ... even a small cloud...

you have 3 command options

1 ... Go In!

2 ... Drop a (mortar based) Grenade in first

3... Push Gakly in and see what happens

push gackly in!
Master of mysterious geometries

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